The world is usually larger than we think. and encompasses much more than just ourselves. the world may feel our absence, but it will none the less continue to move forward without us... weather we like it or not. There's only one Kaiji, but there's far more thana single spirit hunter in the stre...
Sometimes we get swept in someone and we do things without thinking things through. and when they're gone... all we have left is to go and pick up the pieces of what's left of our lives. Inspired by the Poem "An Invitation from Thanatos" by Mayo Hoshino and "Into the Night" by YOASOBI, this short...
would you risk your life if you had nothing left to lose? In this dystopian future, sports entertainment is king. and the losers are executed. It's the only quick buck to make in this town... In the Neo metropolis of Discadia, the streets run rampant with lawlessness and corruption. The only rea...
a small town with a surprising overabundance of spirits. Some are funny, some are lame, but there are those whom you would never wish to cross paths. Kaiji, whether he knows it or not, is connected to all of it. In a surprising turn of events that involves him jumping off the top of a waterfall a...