

registered at: Aug 04, 2021


Thumbs up Level 3

Hey, my name is Hussain Maknoon I'm a beginner story writer I like to write stories because it's fun and I feel like the more I write the more I get better at writing so be patient with me, please And try to give me advice if possible I hope you enjoy the journey with me.
Live in the present and enjoy reading
An old-school anime fan who enjoys reading light novels and manga.
An otaku who tries really hard to form a coherent sentence.
Good morning! Nice day for fishin' ain't it? Huh hah!
If you like my novel, I'll like yours, If you follow me I'll follow you, I'm nice like that
A good for nothing who found his place which was writing a story
Your average author hoping to get reviews on his work. Please follow back and stay tune for more chapters! Any feedback is great feedback! Underground author just out here creating, and trying to get works out. Instagram: @hellenestorian YouTube: Hellenstorian
Just trying to make stories. Feel free to give them a read and leave a comment, thank you.
Naught more than a humble teller of tales...
A young otaku who started recently getting interested in light novels...