Chapter 12:

Retired or Retarted?

Lyceus Awaits

Alice regained consciousness and saw William taking care of her injuries. Alice asked William where she was at once and William explained everything to her. Alice thanked William a lot for what he had done for her but instead of feeling good William felt guilt that it was because of him those injuries were caused. William told Alice to rest and that she could leave whenever she wanted to. After that William left the room Alice was in and went to the hideout where everyone was waiting for him.

There was still no progress on Martin and William being smart guessed that Max was hiding something but decided to give him a bit more time besides he was more focused on taking care of Alice.

Three days went by and Alice left feeling well but William was a bit sad. Axcel was surprised by William's behaviour and it became clear to him that he loved Alice. He also felt relieved that there was hope for even William to get a happy ending.

After Alice left William was back to his old self and started keeping a close watch on Max. One day to scare Max into revealing the truth he threatened Max that if he wasn't able to find just a normal scientist, he would hand him over to the police as they would have no need for him. Max wasn't scared but he felt guilty and told the others the whole story.

Max told them that Martin was his father's older brother, his uncle and adoptive father. After Max's parents died Martin took him in and raised his younger brother's child like his own but Martin was a neglected and hated scientist. He got bullied all his life and never stood up for himself. He was a coward but it was not really his fault as his whole he was given pain by others. His father was a drunkard that used to his his mother and him. Most of the time he used to save his younger brother and got beaten up instead. Martin's mother or in other words Max's grandma died from the beating one day and Max's grandfather, Martin's father was arrested for it. Martin always cared for his younger brother and kept him safe. The same couldn't be said about him though, as he was bullied in school and many who were jealous of him pulled his leg. His younger brother was annoyed of the fact that Martin never stood up for himself and abandoned him as he was a coward. Later on Max being the son of his father felt the same and left Martin.  Martin might have been a coward and considered insane but he didn't let anyone harm his brother or his brother's son but they did the same thing others did to him in the end. Martin was a nice, humble and gentle person. He was everything his father wasn't, a good man. Both Max and his father did a selfish act and Max just like his father now wasn't ready to face Martin for the rest of his life. This was the reason why he was not telling the others where Martin was but after the story he told them Martin was actaully in Argon as well. He lived his normal, full of science life in jis old house apart from the world.

Max told them the exact whereabouts of Martin so William decided that he and Max will go and convince Martin whereas the others would stay behind. Despite Max being nervous he wasn't able to say no to William so he went along with whatever he said.

It was not a long journey, Max and William were at the doorstep of Martin's house in no time. William asked Max to stay behind for a bit and let William talk first. William knocked the door and Martin opened the door.

William: Martin?

Martin: Yes, it's Martin. Who are you?

William: It's William I would like to talk.

Martin: What could you possibly want to talk about with a coward like me?

William: Well even cowards have their uses don't they?

After that he called Max and there from behind William, Max came in front of Martin. Martin's eyes got all teary and he was filled with joy.

Martin: Max my boy you came back. Where have you been?

Max: Wait, aren't you mad at me?

Martin: Why would I be? I love you.

The regret Max felt at that moment was unreal and he felt really bad. He hugged Martin tightly and cried.

Max(while crying): I am sorry father.

It was the first time Max called Martin his father.

Martin: It's alright son I forgive you just like I forgave your father despite him not coming back. Besides it was my fault for being such a coward.

Max: No! You are not the coward. It was us we never stood up with you.

William: Alright, we can't stand over here forever how about we get inside and talk some business now.

Martin: Sure.

Martin showed them inside his house. Martin's house was unusual it was filled with science and it was more of a science lab than a house. After getting in William told Martin his cause just as he told Anthony and Max before.

Martin: What could I possibly do for the team? All my life I have been told I am just a retarted and a crazy man with no use. I don't think I deserve to save the world. Besides I have retired.

Max: What? Retired?

Martin: Sadly but yes.

William: If those people told you that you are retarted in the end you believed them and retired. A man can come out of retirement but a retarded man can't be fixed easily. It's upto you now to decide wether you are retired or retarted?

Max: William might sound harsh but I believe he is right. It's time to believe in yourself maybe once.

Martin thought about this and he was convinced by the harsh yet wise words of William.

Martin: Alright you have convinced me. I will go with you just tell whatever you need and whnever you need it. Your cause is good and I believe your words as you took in Max. After all he did choose a wrong path but now with you he is on a path to redemption. Maybe this will be my redemption too. But I would need some of my stuff here as well.

William: Excellent! You can take whatever you want or need. Axcel will tell you what exactly you have to do for the team and also get you anything else that you need to work with.

Martin: Who is Axcel?

William: You'll find out soon enough.

The three now went back and Martin was introduced to Axcel and Anthony. After that both introduced themselves to Martin and looked forward to working for him. Axcel adjusted Martin and his things in the hideout making him feel at home. That done now it was time for them to look for their remaining two members.