Chapter 7:

Vol. 1 Ch. 7 Dreams stuck in time


Chapter 7


I woke at at 7:00am because something warm was wrapping around my body.

"Ummm Onee-chan?"

"Did I wake you up? Sorry about that!"

It was Onee-chan, she was hugging me while I was lying down on the bench.

She was wearing her uniform, which is a black blazer over a white polo with a red necktie. The lower part is a red skirt with black stripes.

"Onee-chan, you're gonna fall..."

"Heehee, no I'm not... let's stay like this for 5 more minutes."

"Sensei banned you from doing this, right?"

"She said 'No Sleeping with Center-chan', we aren't asleep now are we?"

"Well, that is true..."

This is dangerous though, the reason is that it's dangerous is that if ever she does this again and I am wounded, I will flinch and she will definitely notice.

"Onee-chan... you'll be late if you do this."

"It doesn't matter, it's only 5 minutes."

"Okay, from now on I ban you from doing this again."

"What?! Why Center-chan?!"

"I'm worried about you Onee-chan... I don't want you to be late because of me..."

Well, the reason is so that you won't find out that I'm wounded.

"Heehee, you're so cute Center-chan, next time I would wake up earlier and do this so I won't be late."

"But if you do that... I would lack sleep and I won't grow up fast."

"If that's the case, then I'll come earlier! I don't want you to grow up!"

"Onee-chan... I want to grow up you know? I don't want to stay a kid for the rest of my life."

"Buu, what's the problem with that? If you grow up, you won't be little anymore."

"No matter what I am Onee-chan... you will always be my Onee-chan."

"Kyaaa! You're too sweet Center-chan! Okay then... as your reward, I will only do this every other day!"


"Buuu, Fine! But I'll hug you every night when you come in the store, okay?"

"Okay then."

Well... at least I won't be caught off-guard and I can prepare myself from flinching when my wounds get squeezed.

Onee-chan let me go after 5 minutes.

"Well, off I go to school!"

"Bye, Onee-chan..."

"Before I go... Good Morning Center-chan! Have a nice day!"

She walked to school happily.

Onee-chan really is a very cheerful person.

Since I am awake, I went to the pharmacy and read the potion books.

During this time, only me, Xeline, and Sensei are present. So it's very peaceful. By the way... when I say peaceful...


"Ahhh! My eyes!!! This will provide as a great escaping tool when facing off enemies! One of my greatest creations!"

Yes, this is peaceful.

Every time I read I hear weird things happen every 20 minutes or so. And the source is that crazy girl. I got so used to it that I already call it peaceful.

Oh, there's one more thing... It's...3...2....1.... now!

*Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud* Open*

Someone came in my room and you probably know who it is.

The crazy girl who just went in is currently getting materials.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

"I'm making a commentary in my mind about how much of a little brat you are."

"Making a commentary alone? I guess you call me crazy but it seem that you only say that to make yourself feel better."

"I guess you just don't have the imagination to do things like this huh? I guess brats that pretend to be smart are always like this."

This happens... We always argue...

....and sometimes this happen.

"—Bring it on!"

"Prepare to lose!"

Our Question and answer duel commences and I don't make progress on reading books and she doesn't make progress in making potions.

When 10:30am comes.

"You two, you come to the library at this time right? you better end it in a draw and save it for next time."

"I guess you escaped this time."

"I purposely said wrong answers to play with a stupid monkey."

"You two better stop it."


Sensei will stop us from fighting then I would go to the library.

Xeline needs to prepare going to school first because she goes straight to school after being in the library.

Of course I don't wait for her so I just go ahead of time.

I went to the Library to read books.

I picked up a book from a shelf.

I went back to the counter and sat beside the Berserker.

The book I got was 'Knights and the benifits of being one.'

The reason I got this is because of what Aura-nee said yesterday, about the 'Golden Knights'.

I opened the book and started to read.

[Knights are people who receive the 'Knight's blessing'. They call it that but it is the same as the adventurer's blessing, only that they are able to become stronger against an adventurer is considered a criminal or traitor. There are three colors of knight, the gray knight, silver knight, and golden knight.

A gray knight is considered as a town guard or a town police. They are given the authority to stop adventurers from going out of control, apprehend criminals, or defend the town against monsters. A person can only become a gray knight after going through harsh training and disciplinary education for 5 years after turning 15. People who train as Apprentice knight while still being a minor doesn't need to go through the 5 years and can be gray knights effectively.

A silver knight is a gray knight that have achieved level 40. They have the same authorities as the gray knight but they have the power to command the gray knights. They are also in charge of monitoring Golden knights.

A golden knight is an adventurer that is appointed by the Palace of the Royal family. A golden knight is required to be an adventurer to be at least level 80. They have the same authority as a silver knight. A golden knight has the authority to command silver knights, but silver knights also monitor them and report their deeds to the knights guild and the palace. The reason for this is because they didn't receive proper knight training and are simply high level adventurers.

There is only be a total of 12 Golden knights, the reason being that the bonus blessing they receive can only be taken by 12 people. Golden Knights have a lot of responsibilities. Eight are needed to be present in the capital and the other 4 going out on missions or taking a break if allowed to.

Each gate, North, South, East, West, are guarded by one Golden Knight each. The other 4 golden knights are on standby, and will also take shifts during this time.]

"Those 12 must be the strongest right? or, maybe there are also some others who doesn't like it but just want to be a free adventurer."

If it was me, I don't want that troublesome position.

I notice Xeline come in and she was in her uniform.

It was the same as Onee-chan, Black blazer, white polo, Red Necktie, Red skirt with stripes.

Since she's not in her usual one piece when I see her like this, she looks different.

She's kind of cute.

Wait, what the hell am I thinking? That crazy brat? Cute? No way!

"What's wrong with you?"

"Shut up, Babaa."

I lost consciousness.

This just reminds me that I need to be more careful in calling her Babaa, I thought I would be able to dodge the attack but it looks like I can't stop a berserkers rage.

I woke up and I was still in the library.

"You didn't even send me to the clinic?!"


Looking at the time, it was already 12:10pm.

Xeline was gone, probably went to school and ate lunch there.

Is she properly making friends there?

Wait, why should I care?

I went to the exit and before going out.

".... Bye babaa!"

I ran for my life and made sure she didn't chase me.

I ate lunch on my bench then headed to the woodworker shop to practice playing Piano.

Pine just watched me play the piano like always.

He would just mess with me for a little when I go in, then get serious when I'm playing.

On my way out.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*



She nodded and went back upstairs.

"Is this an everyday thing?"

"Yes, she probably won't meet you that much so she just wants to at least see your face once."


"I don't know, maybe--"

I realized that that guy was about to mess with me again so I ran out.

I went to the Training Area and practiced my archery.

After an hour, Varii entered the Area.

"Hey, Cool Girl, Aura-nee said that I should help you with your training."

"If it's okay with you, then I'll be in your care, Cool kid."

"But still.... I'm not even an adventurer, can I really match Aura-nee in detecting? I mean... I don't have the blessing."

"I think it would be fine."

We went to the Sneaking area.

I went to the center and wore my blindfold.

"I'm set, Cool girl!"

I didn't move and concentrated on feeling the surroundings.

Soft vibrations, small wind changes, sounds, and presence.

I felt a presence on my left side and I reached out to it.


"Oh, looks like I got you."

"So you could do it after all? Let's try again."

We did it for 2 hours and we finally finished.

Cool Girl was leaning on the wall and breathing heavily

"Haaa...Haaa... You're too good... you're better than Senpai, I didn't even get cross even once."

"Maybe I'm just lucky."

"You... are you really not an adventurer?"

I wasn't also expecting catching her every time.

Maybe I got used to detecting enemies in the field. Every night I sneak and detect enemies around the area to make sure that when I 1v1 a Mini Bear, no one can interrupt. And while in battle, I also don't let my guard down on detecting the surroundings. If another monster joins, I'll surely die.

"You can go back to archery training now..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... I only need 2 hours of practice, I'll head out and hunt monster later on a further field."

We went out and I started archery, she sat behind me on a bench and rest.

"You still have strength to practice?"

"I didn't move that much... you're only tired because sneaking is much more tiring than detecting."

"Yeah you're right"

I shot an arrow and hit the 500 meter target.

I almost missed again but this time, it is closer to the bulls-eye.

"I've been wondering... why are people staring at me when I practice?"

I noticed this before but people are watching me when I practice.

"Of course they would watch, a little kid which is a non-adventurer practices archery at 500 meter range? You don't see that everyday."

"Why? Is that really amazing the others shoot at 1500 meters and hit the bulseye right? I just shoot at the 500 meter and don't hit the bullseye."

"Hitting the 500 meter range may be easy when you become an archer adventurer because of the blessing, but without the blessing, it's almost impossible when you're a beginner."

"Is that so?"

That Moi guy must be a great teacher if I can do that already, he just showed it to me once. If only that guy wasn't an idiot I would've looked up to him.

"It's time for me to go back, Senpai will come any moment, we will hunt later."

"Okay, take care Cool girl."

"Thanks, cool Kid."

I resumed my archery training until 6:00pm.

"Hello Center-chan."

"Hello Onee-chan."

"You remember the deal, right?"


"Hehee... Hmmmp!"

Onee- hugged me tightly.

"Onee-chan what about the potions?"

"Just two minutes!"

The door opened.

"What's happening here?"

It was Sensei.

"It's my deal with Center-chan! He has to be hugged every time he enters!"

"Okay, I ban that too."

"What?! why mama!"

"Don't corrupt the little boys mind."

"This has no hidden intentions mama! I just want to do this because he's so cute!"

"Why will my mind be corrupted?"

"It's nothing Nameless-kun, just a figure of speech."

"Is that so..."

I won't ask any more because I have a feeling I will just receive dry answers from her.

"That's enough Roxelle, let's start making potions."

"Eh? Mama will create potions today?"

"Yes, Nameless-kun, you can study at the back for today."

"Okay then..."

"Mama! You just want to separate us!"

"Yes, you better control yourself more Roxelle, from today on your banned from hugging him."


I'm pretty sure banning Onee-chan will not stop her.

I went to the back and started reading.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

Someone went in and it was the crazy girl.

"It's rare to see you here at this time of the day."

"Yes, for some reason Sensei doesn't want me and Onee-chan to be together today."

Xeline collected materials.

When she collect materials, she puts them inside a box and carries them upstairs after she finished collecting.

"Pretty sure mom doesn't want to let Onee-chan catch it?"

I'm pretty sure she expects that my answer here will be 'To catch what?' and she will answer 'your stupidity'.

I expected this to happen. I'm pretty sure this will become a fight again.

It's better not to talk to her to increase our productivity...

No, that almost means like accepting defeat, I will never do that!

"What a kid, always picking up a fight. Don't you know that picking a losing fight is just stupid?"

"I don't know why you think that I'm picking a fight, but I know the reason... When I said 'Onee-chan will catch it' you thought 'Catch my stupidity?' so you thought I was picking a fight. Well its already expected that an idiot is insecure about that."

"You talk too much, did you really have to explain it? You're the one who's insecure about the things you say."

"I explained it because you're stupid little mind might have not thought of it, but I guess because you're stupid, you won't even understand that."

I went in beside Xeline, she was squatting because she was currently gathering materials.

"You always say stupid, stupid... don't you have the capacity to use new words?"

"Why? Are you getting near me? Can't you think of intimidating words that you would use your body to intimidate as well?"

"Why? Are you getting intimidated? I just stood here to look down on someone who has already stopped thinking and just repeats the same words over and over again, not admitting her defeat."

Xeline stood up and faced me.

"Look down? Do you have to do that to make yourself feel superior? Talk about being too insecure."

"You're repeating words again, Is that all you know? Well... It's expected for an immature brat who doesn't see that this is obviously my win."

"Are you talking about yourself? It seems to me that you're the one who repeats the same things over and over again."

While arguing our face drew closer and closer with eyes opened wide and while gritting our teeth. I can see her canines again.

"If you don't want to admit defeat, then I will just have to win!"

"Then bring it on!"

"Kyaaa! Center-chan and Xeline-chan are so bold!"

Both of us looked at the door.

Sensei and Onee-chan are standing there.

Me and Xeline looked at each other and nodded, this means that our truce is in effect.

"What are you talking about, Onee-chan?"

"You two look like you're going to kiss!"

"Ummm... Yes! We we're going to kiss!"

"Eh? ..Eh?..Eh..?"

"Yeah, she's right! you caught us in the act Onee-chan."

Xeline and I nodded at each other then started to draw our face nearer in order to kiss.

"Wha? Wha? Wha? Wha?"

For some reason, Onee-chan is bright red and panicking.


Sensei grabbed our heads then moved them away from each other.

"What do you think you're doing!"

"Eh? We're going to kiss."

"What's wrong mother?"

"What are you talking about?! Do you know what kissing means?"


"It means that you both love each other."


Both of us were surprised with disgusted faces.

"I will allow you if you love each other, but you're both still kids!"

"W-W-What are you talking about?! I don't love this girl!"

"I-I-I wasn't just aware of what it means! I would never love this boy!"

"Kyaa! You two are such tsunderes!"

It seems like Onee-chan is back to normal, but her face is a little flushed.

"Haaa....Haaa...We almost died!"

"Haaa... Yeah, I guess we both still has lots to learn."

Both Xeline and me were out of breath because our lives were in danger for a moment there.

We really get along for some reason when it comes to life and death situations.

"I guess now that you both know, you better avoid doing it. Don't ever do it with anyone you don't love, are my instructions clear?"

""Yes ma'am!""

If sensei wasn't here, I would've done something I will regret for the rest of my life.

I looked at the time and it's 7:00pm.

"I guess it's time for me to go."

"Bye Center-chan!"

"Bye Nameless-kun!"

Xeline and I looked at each other seriously.

After a few seconds we nodded.

That nod was a salute for each other for surviving a life and death situation.

It's like.....

'It looks like we survived for another day soldier.'

'Yes, it's good that we live for another day.'

For some reason, both of us have this weird relationship.

"Kyaaa! What is that quiet language you two?!"

"Bye everyone!"


Xeline reached out her hand to me as if saying 'Don't leave me in this situation!'


Onee-chan seeing this became exited and squealed.

I ran out the battlefield and left my ally in the war zone.

After going out the door I turned around and stood up tall and did a salute.

"You will always be remembered, soldier."

I went back to the bench and ate.

After eating I went to the Training Area.

And as expected, Aura-nee was there.

She was wearing her undershirt and pants.

I saw her normal attire which was greaves, gauntlets, and long dress plate mail were on the bench, it looks like she removed them knowing I will come here.

"Well then, let's start!"


She gave the sword I used yesterday and we started sparring.

We sparred for an hour.

After an hour, I felt something was wrong with me.

"What's wrong Clairvoyant kid?"

"I don't know... something seems wrong with me."

"Should we stop?"

"No, let's continue... I don't feel anything bad with my body, it just feels like there is something amiss."

"Then, let's continue and you try to find out."

We continued sparring.

While sparring I found out why I can't concentrate.

"Aura-nee, I think I know what's wrong with me."


"For some reason, my concentration is distracted by something."

"What is it?"

"While sparring, my focus turns to your chest."

What Aura-nee looked like was like yesterday. She was sweaty and her white undershirt is see through, and I can see her underwear and for some reason, I can't help but stare at her breasts.

Aura looked at herself.


She shouted with her monotone voice, her face was still emotionless but it looked a little red.

She covered her chest with both of her arms.

"Clarvoyant kid, I never thought you're that kind of person."

"Eh? What do you mean?"


I wonder what she meant by that?

" you want me to wear my shirt?"

"Yes, if you would... I think that will be better so that I can concentrate."

Aura went to the bench and wore the shirt that she placed there before.

After wearing it she came back in front of me.

"... I guess you're a growing boy... It couldn't be helped."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing... lets continue!"


We continued sparring.

I will say this as early as now, but in the near future, when I recall this event... I hate myself for making her wear her shirt. This is one of the most regretful moments of my life.

At 10:30 we finished our sparring.

"I guess this is enough."

"Thanks again for today Aura-nee."

"That's fine, anyway, be sure to grow up to be a proper gentleman."

"Eh? Proper gentleman?"

"It's nothing... I just don't want you to grow up to be a degenerate."


"You'll know what I'm talking about when you mature, bye Clairvoyant kid."

"Bye, Aura-nee."

After Aura left, I practice archery for an hour then left the training Area.

I did my everyday routine at the lake then went back to the bench to sleep.

A month has passed and the urgent quests was completed.

During this past month, I practiced playing the piano, helped Varii with sneaking and detecting, Sparred with Aura, and practiced Archery.

I am currently at the music room at the woodworking shop.

"So you guys would leave later with the adventurers?"

"Yeah, we did say that we come here rarely... Safu-chan needs to play in the capital."

"So is that why Urusafu is here?"

Safu was in the room sitting on a chair near the entrance of the room. Normally, she would just practice in her room and only come out to say goodbye when I am about to leave.

"[Yes, I came to see how you progress.]"

"Safu-chan said that she wants to be with you on the last day, she said that she will miss you and think about you all night and pretend that her pillow is you."

"[I didn't say that!]"

"Sorry, I don't really care that much about you."


Safu looked like she was about to cry.

"You say that, but every day you wait for Safu-chan to go down to say goodbye before you leave the shop. You insist that you won't leave unless she said goodbye."

Safu looked down while hugging her pad and her face was red.

"You bastard! I didn't say that!"

This guy still messes around with people. And I honestly didn't say those things.

"Okay, then Safu-chan... you see him about to leave every time right? You never missed one day, and it was always when he is beside the door, looking back. This means that he's expecting you to go down right?"

Safu became redder.

"You bastard! That wasn't it!"

"Deny it or not, Safu-chan herself saw it with her very own eyes. What she saw was enough evidence to know what you're thinking."

This bastard is annoying as hell!

Safu wrote on her pad again.

"[Thank you for thinking about me... Nameless...]"

"I wasn't thinking about you! You know how your brother is, don't react!"

Safu made a chuckle while using her hand to hide her mouth with her mouth.

"Okay, now let's show Safu-chan how you improved, tsundere-san."

"Gah! I don't care anymore."

I opened the lid of the piano and started playing.

The song I was practicing everyday was the same song that I first played when I came here.

I was now able to play it properly.

I was able to fix my pace and my consistency.

I also got used to the chords that I don't look at the paper anymore.

I practiced everyday for a month just to improve these things.

I finished playing the piano.

"I still—"

"Stop, before you say anything... can you say something Safu-chan."

"[It was great! You improved a lot! I never would've thought that you just started a month ago!]"

"No... you don't have to lie, I know that I still sucked."

"[There you go again, you're so gloomy and negative!]"

"I assure you, I'm not the type of person who looks down on myself, I know why I sucked, it was not just because of self pity and embarrassment. I'm not seeking consolation, I'm just saying the truth."

"If that's the case, explain why you suck Glare-kun."

I looked at them and started speaking very fast.

"Playing properly isn't the same as being good with it. There are other factors as well. Like how lively you play it and the emotions you use in playing it. A piece may be affected by how you are feeling, it can be conveyed to your audience and you don't even notice it. You might think you're playing perfectly, but you are not. The strength of your fingers are affected unconsciously by your emotions."

"Being intense makes you play it faster without you noticing it. Being cheerful sometimes makes you play wildly. Being too calm might slow down the pacing."

"Also, when you notice you changed your pace, it is hard to control it again because you were doing it unconsciously, when you become conscious, it becomes like breathing manually and trying to imitate how to breathe automatically."

"And also—"

"Well, what do you say Safu-chan."

When Pine spoke I noticed that I was in a trance.

Why was I explaining everything that I didn't perfect?

I couldn't think of any other reason but the reason that I was disappointed with myself.

I looked at Safu.

Safu was smiling at me with a bright smile with slightly closed eyelids.

Her smile was so wide that it seems like it reached up to her ears.

"What's with that face Urusafu?"

Safu wrote at her pad while smiling.

"[I'm just so happy that you are so serious about this. You said before that you don't like music and it is useless. I really got hurt when you said that. But now, you're so serious about it that you are so disappointed with yourself for not playing like you wanted it to be played.]


Safu smiled at me and turned to another page and wrote again.

[I'm so happy that you will be the person that will achieve my parents dreams.... And]

[I'm happy that you will be the one beside me in the future...]"


"So, how will you reply Glare-kun?"

"I don't know what to reply to that though? It just looks like she wanted to say those things to me."

"Oh come on... you said that you need emotions to play the piano right? This will be a first step."

"What does emotions have to do about it?"

"Hmmm... Okay, Safu-chan can I have that."

Pine took the ballpen and the pad from Safu.

"Here, read it again and write what you feel. This will help you play the piano better."

He handed me Safu's pad and pen.


I read what she wrote.

What should I reply to this? wait... why would I reply to this? This isn't even a question. But why did I even think that I have to reply?

I looked at both of them and they looked at me with expectations.

So I just have to write something that she would want to hear. Right?

No... that's just me thinking logically... just like Pine said, I need this to improve playing.

So I just need to write what I feel huh?

But what do I feel?

What do I have to say...


I wrote on the pad paper, just below her words.

[Wait for me... I'll make your dreams come true -Nameless. ]

I gave it back to Pine.

Pine looked at it and grinned maliciously.

Pine handed it over to Safu.

Safu looked at it for a few seconds.


She hugged the pad with both hands and looked down.

Her face was beet red and she was shaking.

Her hair covered her face but I could see that she was smiling.

Can something like that really make a person happy? It's just some words written in ink...

But for some reason seeing her like this makes me happy.

Why do I feel this way? I don't understand... All I'm seeing is Safu being happy...

I don't know what to think...

Safu wrote on her pad again while in that condition.

[I'll be waiting...]

For some reason that reply made me smile...

There's this warm feeling that I feel...

Both Pine and me smiled at Safu until she calmed down.

"Safu-chan, has your heart calmed down?"

Safu became red again and faced down.

"It looks like you're okay now... Now for the next person."

"Next person?"

Pine walked towards the door and opened it.

"Hey Jii-chan! What can you say about his playing?!"(Jii-chan=grandfather)


When he opened the door, the grumpy old man was there and he fell to the ground back first.

"What are you doing here old man?"

"You didn't notice? he was listening all this time."


"He wanted to hear the sound of the piano obviously."


"He also wants to see his daughter's dreams come true."

Looking at this man now, he obviously has dwarf blood.

Does this mean, that their mother also had dwarf blood?

But Pine looks tall, so that must mean their mother inherited only a small amount of dwarf blood. Is their mother an elf?

"heeeeeeeee???? Old man? Is this trueeee?"

I grinned at the old man.

"What the hell is this kid on about?"

"Heeee???? You want to make your daughters dream come true right????"


The old man clicked his tongue.

"If you want me to achieve your daughters dream, you need to teach me woodworking."

"Pssssss, why should I?!"

"What? If you don't want to teach me, then just work for me."

"Like I said, I don't need to do anything for you!"

"Oh really???"


I touched the piano.

"I heard that you were the one who made this piano."

"So, what are you trying to say?"

"How can I make this instrument famous if no one will be able to make it?"


The old man looked like he realized something.

"You see what I'm talking about? You need to teach me woodworking or else you have to work for me. Do you think you will have enough time in your life to be able to make many pianos?"


He needs to teach someone how to make a piano in order to make it famous. If he doesn't, this will be the only piano in the world and that will certainly not make it famous like the other instruments.

"So now, you have no choice but to teach me! You want to make your daughter's dream come true right?!"

"Tch, this meddling kid!"

The grumpy old man turned around and was about to leave the room when suddenly.


Safu hugged him and looked at him with pleading eyes.

Okay, that's the final blow... go paternal instincts!


"What now old man? I know you also want to... you just have to teach me you know?"

"Fine! I'll teach ya you meddling kid!"

"Hahahaha! I'm in your care!"

"Tch!" *slam*

After accepting defeat the old man slammed the door and went back to the shop.

"Now all the preparations are complete, all you have to do now is practice right?"

"Yes, but I'll do that tomorrow."

"Oh? You won't practice anymore today?"

"Yes, I have something more important to do."

"Is that so..."

I grabbed the piano sheets on the piano.

"Oi, Urusafu!"


"Play all the songs in here, I need to memorize your songs so that I can easily pair up with you."

Safu smiled at me and nodded.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to take my leave."


"I'm not needed here anymore, I'll go to the old man... because both of us now can do nothing but wait."

"But that old man will teach me how to build the piano you know? He will not just do nothing and wait."

"You might think like that, but that old man finished his job after making this piano with his daughter. He's just passing it to the next generation."

"I don't know why you think like that, but do what you want."

"The truth is, I'll just fix our baggage for the trip."

"Yeah, I expected that."

"Bwahaha! Well, then! This is goodbye! Next time we meet, it will be at the capital."

"Yeah, I hope I never see your face again."


Pine walked out of the room.

-No one's point of view-

Pine and the woodworker sat beside each other on the woodworking part of the shop. The wood worker is currently reviewing the piano's blueprint.

"Jii-chan, what do you think?"

"About what?"

"Will he ever achieve mom's dream?"

"Hmpf! The way he is now, he is just all talk!"

"But you also have hopes for him right? Mom's dream was frozen in time, now, the clock seems to start ticking again."


"I don't know about you, but this has given me high hopes..."


"Well, goodbye Jii-chan, we'll make sure we come back sometime later. But right now, we can't. I want to support Safu-chan in her dreams as well."

"Watch over her properly."


"And take care of yourself as well."

"Hahaha! Jii-chan is being weird! I knew you were just a tsundere!"

"Shut up!"

"Well, bye Jii-chan."

"Yeah, yeah."

Pine left to fix their things.

"Shedua... finally... you're dreams..."

The woodworker cried tears while looking at the blueprint that his daughter and himself made together.

-Back to Nameless-

"Well then, it's just the two of us left... you better get your violin... this going to be a long day."

Safu nodded and went up the stairs then went down again.

She had her violin with her.


She started playing her violin.

Just like before, I listened to her playing the violin.

The first time I didn't appreciate her playing, but this time I'm able to say that this person really is good.

She had talent, almost the same as Xeline's talent with her potions.

I don't even realize that I am already swayed with her music as she is playing.

Sometimes, I forget to remember that I'm listening to her in order to memorize how she plays and just appreciate her playing.

She played for 6 hours straight and I didn't notice that it's already 7pm.

Someone knocked at the door after she finished playing a piece.

It was the annoying guy that said that we will meet again after a long time.

"Safu-chan, it's time to go... you better prepare, I left your clothes in your room."

"And I just said that I don't want to see your face again..."


Safu went up the stairs to her room.

He said the next time I see him it would be at the capital, well... This was expected but for some reason, it was annoying because it really was expected. He made it so obvious that this was just him being annoying that even if it was his lamest attempt to annoy us it was somehow annoying.

This guy has talent too... Talent in being annoying.

*Slam* *Slam* *Slam*

I heard someone stomping on the floor from above.

"Hahaha, I better give her her clothes."

"Yeah, you never fail to impress."

Safu probably didn't find her clothes upstairs.

I went to the front door and waited for them.

They came down the stairs with bags fit for travelers.

They also wore clothes fit for traveling.

They are both looking at me while I am waiting at the door.

"So, this is the sight you wait for everyday huh Safu-chan? Glare-kun waiting at the door."

Safu's face became red and went near the door.

I opened the door for her and she went out.

"Thanks Glare-kun."

When Pine was going out, I slammed the door on him.

"Ouch! Hey!.... Ouch!... Ouch!... Ouch!"

I slammed the door repeatedly at him.

I wanted to get back for messing with me this whole one month.

After I was satisfied I stopped slamming the door and he rushed out.

I also went out closed the door.

"Glare-kun, you show no mercy..."

Pine looked like he was beaten up by a lot of people.

I accompanied them heading to the northern part of the town.

Along the way Pine whispered something annoying.

"You still haven't found out why I was asking you that question?"

"What question?"

"Do you really want to play the piano?"


"Haha! ignoring me huh! It seems I have succeeded in annoying you!"

He was reluctant to make me play it because he hates it right? Was I wrong?

I don't care anymore because this guy is just annoying.

We reached the northern part of the town.

There is a caravan just outside the gate with many adventurers.

"Clairvoyant kid? You came to see us off?"

Aura-nee approached me with her two party members.

These three people helped me in improving my skills these last three months. Well... the Moi guy just helped me for a day, but it was helpful.

"Oi, Moi guy... I'll return your bow next time."

"You don't have to return it Moi puny student! you just have to spread Moi greatness."

"No... I'll definitely return it, with interest... I don't want to tell people I am acquainted to you."

"Glare-kun... this guy is annoying."

"Oh? You finally find someone more annoying than you?"

"Yes... I think I finally found my rival."

"Oh? Who is this guy? No one is Moi rival because Moi am Unparalleled!"

"Yep... Definitely annoying... Moi name is Pine! Moi am the greatest here!"

"Moi don't need to tell you Moi name! Moi sure you already know it! Since moi am the most famous adventurer."

Yep... and they were annoying together.

Aura-nee and Varii went near me.

"Sorry for this... I never intended to make your trip more annoying than it is."

"Don't worry about it... I would just walk if needed."

"Cool kid.. who is this?"

"Hmmm? Oh... this is Urusaifu."


Safu shook her head violently and looked at me while being pissed off.

"... wait, why don't you have your pad?"


Urusafu looked down with a red face.

"Let Moi answer for you Glare-kun... Safu-chan wants to preserve the feeling she had when you both wrote to be together in the future... She doesn't want to turn the page until she is satisfied."

Safu's face turned more redder than it was before.

"Future? Clairvoyant kid? Is this your girl?"

"Wow... you're so young and you already have a girl... so cool."

"My girl?"

"Yes... you and safu-chan said that you will be together in the future right? Then that means she's your girl."

"Well... if that's it, I guess you could say she is my girl..."

Safu looked at me surprised with her face red and looked like she wanted to say something.

"Hmmm? What's wrong?"


"Oi... I don't know what you did, but for some reason I think that you just did something annoying again."

It is probably Pine being annoying again.

"Could it be that Cool kid doesn't know what 'his girl' means, or a girlfriend is?"

"Hmmm? What is that?"

"Varii... I guess it's too early for him to feel those things."

"What are you two adventurers saying? Glare-kun already knows some things!"

"I don't know what you're going to do, but I know it's going to be annoying."

"Glare-kun? Do you know love?!"

"Of course I do, it's something that is required to marry a person of the opposite sex, right? It's the feeling that you care about the person enough that you would die for them."

Or, so the books says.

"I don't think you get it clairvoyant kid, that felt like it came from a book..."

"Well.... it did."

"Okay, I'll teach you Glare-kun, when you looked at Safu-chan's reaction that you said that you would be beside her in achieving her dream, what did you feel?"

"Did Clairvoyant kid say that?"

"Wow, such cool lines, Cool kid."

"Yeah he did! Here is proof!"

Pine took out Safu's pad and showed it to Aura and Varii.

'[I'm happy that you will be the one beside me in the future...]

[Wait for me... I'll make your dreams come true... -Nameless.]'

After seeing this, Aura and Varii's face became red... Why?

Safu continuously hit Pine with her weak fists after showing this to them and her face was red, no it was red all along..

"Wow... Clairvoyant kid... You're so romantic."

".... I would have fallen for you if only we were of the same age... Cool Kid."

"Tha-tha-that-ah-ah Oi! Pine! You bastard!"

"Hahaha! When you saw her reaction to this, what did you feel?"

"Huh?! Why should I answer you! I don't want anything to do with you! go back to the capital, I don't want to see your annoying face again!"

"You just want to escape! Come on Glare-kun! Explain it! No one will get hurt!"

""We kind of want to hear too.""

"You two as well?! and where is that Moi guy when you need him!"

He was talking to other adventurers being annoying as usual spreading his annoyingness.

"""Come on... Just explain what you felt!"""

"Urusafu! Help me here! Eh? Why are you not doing anything!"

Safu was just there standing as if she was waiting for something to happen.

"We will leave in 5 minutes! All people please return to your carriages immediately!"


"Hey, go your carriage now! You'll be left behind!"

"No, if you don't answer... I will stay here and annoy you even more."


"You know me already, I would do anything to annoy people, you just have to explain it!"

"Okay! I don't care about what your planning anymore, I'll explain what I felt then you go home!"

"Then go!"

"......What did I feel back then?"

"This will help."

Pine placed Safu in front of me.

And I stared at her.


I remembered what I felt when I saw her.

"For some reason... I felt good... My heartrate increased and my face became hot... Like feeling embarrassed or something like that?"

After I said that Safu turned bright red up to her ears and she was holding her cheeks with her palms while shaking.

While she was doing this, she looked like she had a smile that she was doing her best to hold back.

Both Aura and Varii's face were slightly red too.

"Cool kid.. that is..."

"Don't Varii... Let him find out for himself in the future."

"Good for you huh, Safu-chan?"

Safu looks like she didn't hear anything anyone said and was just shaking happily.

"You guys there! We will leave in a minute! Hurry up!"

"Oh, let's go Varii! Bye Clairvoyant kid! Till we meet again!"

"Bye Cool Kid!"

"Moi puny student, don't forget to spread my greatness!"

"You're Moi puny student as well glare-kun, See ya! Let's go Safu-chan!"

Pine grabbed Safu's hand and ran to a carriage.

Safu looked backed while running and waved her hand towards me as if saying goodbye.

I smiled at her and waved back as well.

"Bye, Sassafras."

After hearing me, she smiled at me brightly while blushing before riding the Carriage.

I looked at the caravan until it went out of sight.

"Thanks to all of you."

I will probably see Aura-nee and her party again from time to time.

But the next time I would see Pine and Sassafras would be the time we would make their parents dreams come true. It will probably be the time I become an adventurer and go to Anima.

I went to the bench, ate, went to the lake and did my daily routine, then went back to sleep.

As I was sleeping I was thinking about something.

"Parents huh? I don't have them, but for some reason... it feels like it's a hassle to have them."

I don't know the feeling of having them... but based on what they said on how I got here, they didn't see anyone put me here. Nobody noticed but there was already a baby boy in this bench covered in this gray jacket when they looked. It was like I just appeared out of thin air... There's no use thinking about it, what's important is that I'm here alive.

"Now that those adventurers are gone, I can do hunting again... I can use the bow now. I can use the sword as well but I better practice my arm strength first, doing 1v1 face off against a monster will easily get me killed."

I have a lot of things to do tomorrow so I won't hunt tonight.

While thinking of the things I would do tomorrow like the blacksmith and woodworking I feel asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I won't hunt today so I went to the Library to read. The berserker is still there reading with her usual eye bags under her thick glasses.

"Hmmm... the piano is also not here in this book."

"Did you say piano?"

"What? You know about it as well?"

"Yes, I heard it once when I was a kid, someone was playing it when I entered the woodworking shop."

"When you were a kid? So I guess it was in ancient times..."


"Ouch! Hey!"


It didn't knock me out... maybe this was the result of training with Aura for one month.

"What were you doing in that shop? I never would've imagined you would be interested in playing the piano."

"Why wouldn't I? It had a lot of benefits."

I can use it when I turn into an adventurer and also play for nobles and such to get more money.

"I liked to hear it more, but it's sad that it didn't become famous."

"Come to think about it, why didn't it became famous?"

"The reason was that since it was so big, it was hard to carry it around. Since most musicians play for buffing adventurers, they thought that the piano was useless so it didn't appeal to them."


"Huh? What's wrong?"

So that was the reason behind pines words! I only played an instrument because I thought it will be useful when I become an adventurer. Damn! What the hell! I did it all for nothing!

....but did I really did it all for nothing?....

....Anyway, there is no backing down now... I already said that my payment was achieving their parents dream, so not much has changed.

"No, it's nothing..."

"Is that so?"

I looked up the ceiling thinking that my schedule will change today because Aura and her party are out now.

" those adventurers are now gone huh..."

While looking at the ceiling I noticed Berserker looking at me with a serious face.

"Eh? What's wrong?"

"No.. It's nothing."


"Why?! That again?!"

I teased her the until I got sleepy again then went back to the bench and slept.

Minor Edit (2/28/17 7:30pm): I edited the last part from 'The next day, I went to the library' to 'I woke up in the middle of the night.' I made a mistake, sorry for the people who read it before. This is for the next chapter, I made a mistake in writing it and decided to edit the previous chapter. Gomen-nasai!
