In the Honeyfeed Discord, a tournament has been brewing.
One hour.
500-1000 words.
Random prompts.
And some of the most talented and creative writers on Honeyfeed.
Organised by Sevenlock and Bubbles
Judged by OscarHM, znf, and otkrlj
Participants are Archer (ActuallySatan), Marshall Eastman, WittyAcorn, Old-Tailed-Fox, Bubbles, BlipXP, Daisonia, Nellien, Ayenne, TheDUCK, Workaholic, Molterminator, Fuzzy Rabid Usagi, Supersession, Gilgameshuu, and T.K. 月狐.
Organised by Sevenlock and Bubbles
Judged by OscarHM, znf, and otkrlj
Participants are Archer (ActuallySatan), Marshall Eastman, WittyAcorn, Old-Tailed-Fox, Bubbles, BlipXP, Daisonia, Nellien, Ayenne, TheDUCK, Workaholic, Molterm...