The Strongest Man in Japan. Many who seek this title train tirelessly for hours, advancing their combat abilities and learning powerful techniques. One particular 17 year old boy from Tokyo, named Jonah, seeks to fulfill his dream of becoming the strongest more than anything in the world. In order make his dream a reality, Jonah must first make it to the top combat high school in all of Japan, Menards Academy. Here, Jonah will face many strong opponents and take a lot of punches too while on his path to becoming the strongest!
Hey guys, this entire light novel is an inside joke with my some of my friends, so I'm not expecting people to get this whatsoever, as I am writing this just for them. However, look forward to the other content that I will write in the future!
Hey guys, this entire light novel is an inside joke with my some of my friends, so I'm not expecting people to get this whatsoever, as I am writing this just for them. However, look forward to the other content that I will write in the future!
Author | |
Genre | ActionMartial Arts |
Updated | Aug 24, 2023 |
Chapters | 4 |
Writing Status | Ongoing |
Word Count | 4,308 |