“I’ve never had a girl friend before” He admitted with a bit of enthusiasm.
“Gee. I wonder why” I threw him a withering look. He ignored me but a smirk blossomed on his lips.
“And are you sure we are only going to be friends?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“There’s no way deeper feelings will develop! Like ever!” I cut him off. He nodded and started getting up. In an impulse I couldn’t control, I grabbed the sleeve of his jacket. “But if…if they do…which is really unlikely…I’m gonna confess first!”
It felt like I was already losing in this game so I at least wanted some sense of victory. He simply smiled but this time, it felt warmer and brighter than the others. Could be my imagination though.
This is my novel for the "Rom-Com" prompt of MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2022
This is my novel for the "Rom-Com" prompt of MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2022