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Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

What Clichés has this World Wrought? [ Volume One: Another World ]

Sep 01, 2022

"In today's news we interrupt the climax of the story to bring you the newest character background!"

What I liked about this novel is that the effort put into building the world and it's 'laws' up, and making characters and their interactions appear realistic, showed clearly. For example, Rui and Aron were just kids, so it was no surprise they wouldn't have majestic reasons to learn something new other than 'it looked cool'. And nearly all the characters contributed, one way or another, to the progression of the plot.

The pacing of the story is slightly inconsistent, however. It starts out slooow, then is followed by a series of fights in the forest, which is interrupted by an exposition, then continues with the previous battle.

When I read the synopsys, the idea - two people from different worlds being reborn into one consciousness - sounded interesting initially and made me imagine a couple of scenarios the story could have taken. But before the final chapters, it really only felt like a justification for the protagonist to be even more overpowered. In the end, from what I understood, for Yuuto it may have been meant to be a simple second life, but for Leo it was to help him find strength and solace, so he would not repeat the same mistakes or die lonely.

I might simply overthink this, but I feel like there is a difference between a person finding the strength needed to change through a long and arduous journey, where they meet other people who share their own views regarding his past and help him train / move on; and having the memories and personality of another person, whose very reason of death was because he protected someone, 'mixed' into him. Of course, since the hero has Yuuto's memories, it could be said the scenario that led to his change is similar to what I first mentioned before, but it really looks like (at least to me) a gray area where it can't be discerned whether it was truly the hero coming to terms with his past, or partially Yuuto reacting to the situation and jumping in to defend Alyss. Really, I'm just overthinking this.

Nonetheless, it was a nice read and I'm looking forward to more.

Death's Rhapsody

Sep 01, 2022

As far as stories about heroes summoned to defeat a big evil go, this one was pretty straightforward about it: if the foes are strong, just make the hero overpowered from the get go. It's a logical approach compared to having them slooooowly level up and potentially die in the meantime.

Because of this setting, I often happened to ask myself: Just how much deeper will this go? He kepts collecting skills, defeating strong enemies, raising a personal army; all the stuff you can do to further improve your chances against the foes you'll inevitably face.

Reading all those was a nice way to spend time, at least. Because the conflicts, or lack of any serious one thereof, was somewhat off-putting. Nothing that happened posed them a serious challenge. Whatever happened, they easily solved it effortlessly. Even in the end: initially he had his ass handed to him, but a deus ex machina just gave him even more power, and thus he instantly defeated the enemy.

Also, whatever the reason for an intermission during the climax of the story was, pretty sure it could have been left for after the battle; nothing would have changed save for not breaking the flow.

As for the characters, whatever personality most initially had was swallowed by the abyss and they were left with the single defining characteristic that they are madly in love with the protagonist (that they expressed in their own way); Kiira and Taru come first to my mind.

Some other characters were okay. Though they held feelings for the protagonist, they weren't super pushy about it, and they still seemingly had further aspirations beyond becoming his wife / concubine, such as Lulu or maybe even Goli.

Overall, it was an okay story. Should you continue, I'll most likely read it.

GH 2
I wanted to be greedy in my next life, but become national hero instead