

Born in 1987, the year in which films such as Transformers (the good one), Robocop, Lethal Weapon, Adventures in the Big City or Crazy Star Wars were released in theaters, which undoubtedly influenced me from my birth towards science fiction, action and nonsensical humor.

Since I was a child I have been passionate about reading, especially fantasy and science fiction novels. I have been very influenced since I was young by Japanese culture, manga and anime, which surely has to do with my particular way of writing a work (I see a movie in my mind with the action and I describe it in writing).

From adolescence I developed a desire for writing, making short stories, poems or even small essays, which would allow me to develop my technique and use my imagination and knowledge to the fullest.

registered at: Sep 09, 2022
  • Author
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    Published Chapter Level 2
    Novel Cover Upload Level 1
    Time(Daily access) Level 1

    Author of The Seven Regalia series Other platforms I'm in: - Webnovel - Meganovel - Royal Road - Wattpad Twitter: https://twitter.com/REI_4STER14 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rei_asteria/ email: r4in3b3rn4b3@gmail.com
    Hello there, Koushinryou is here! Just common author that love Japanese stuffs and mostly floofy tailed girl, better if nine. Share with me if your floof character collection and have floof chill with me!
    A bored engineer who wanted to write a little bit as a hobby with the dream of giving up on being an engineer.
    An otaku from SEA. Enjoying a good time here with you all.
    A fan of anime and manga here to share some stories.
    Naught more than a humble teller of tales...