Aug 23, 2023
I inspired in my school from real life. Had so many stairs and i study on the last floor. I had to climb to the top. And has elevator in case anyone needed.
Yes, Len and Sunny.
Len sounds similar to Lua in portuguese that is Moon.
Luna is moon in some language, but the name itself i give to her because of a girl that i knew when i was a kid that she love horoscope and reading future.
Neo was supposed to be Neko. I used to play with words a lot when i was creating the names.
"Teach me, oh great sage 🙏"
I really like math classes and hate portuguese classes. So Neo is similar to me. But to translate better to english speakers, i decide to make portuguese into english.
And the english I change to portuguese. So in real life i really like english classes and Neo likes portugueses classes. As opposite.
Portuguese is REALLY HARD, so many strange rules. So many exceptions. 😭
It's really a pain. But, being my first language is so more easy to learn others. Is relatable pretty easy.
I can understand spanish!! It's really strange.
What role Len would be playing? :X