Jan 04, 2024
**Original Author's Note** for followers who read this story during the contest (copied here since I removed it from the chapter!)
Hey there! :D This is a bonus chapter of some cut content for Mia and Toren’s backstory. Just this section alone ended up being ~2,000 words and a little too long for the flow of the story.
Now that the contest is over, I plan on making a few edits and touch-ups to the story, especially sections that got cut the most due to time constraints and word limitations! (No more 1.5k limit? YES PLEASE.)
I fully plan to submit Love Sorceress in other places :D so I may take it down from HF at some point if necessary. I’ll try to give advance notice if that happens!
Thank you again to everyone who read and supported this story! And the fan artists ;) you know who you are!!! 💖
As for future projects, I’m not in a place right now where I can have the luxury of writing for hobby. My current novels are all written to be self-published, or to submit to agents for official publishing in the USA market. So due to the copyright around that, I can’t post these on HF or other webnovel sites.
But I will stick around to support my fellow authors here!! I almost feel like a weight has been lifted, and I feel a lot lighter when I log in now, knowing I don’t have a contest looming over me 🤣 Also, I will be probably making accounts with other webnovel sites so I can read works elsewhere, so let me know if any of you post your works on other locations so I can check them out! (I do still have a backlog of non-contest novels to catch up on though 👀)
Let me know what’s currently inspiring you! What’s the next story on YOUR horizon? Or what books/stories are you looking forward to reading? I’m always looking ahead, and onto the next project!! 👍 And I hope you are too!