Every time I look at the lines, the colors, the shapes that make up Kirby… I see perfection. In this world, we need examples of what not to do, what not to be, how not to act. But so too do we need moral paragons who can show us who we could be. So we must cherish him.
Business: otkrlj6@gmail.com
Hell-Ow! You can call me Rozen or Waffly. I worked as a ghostwriter almost seven years ago and have the frustrating dream of being an artist. Sadly, adulthood took the best of me, but I'm still standing and rejecting all while I'm asking what's my age again (?)
I usually read back as a courtesy but if you're gonna read JUST so I return the favor, heed my warning: I won't
apparently my writing style is too avant-garde for the weebs or some shit but if you ask me that's just a polite way to tell me I have terminal skill issue
Just your friendly neighborhood skeleton who likes to write stories. 💀
Current Novel:
-Food Truck in Space
Ongoing Novels:
-The Skeleton & The Idiot Sorceress. (On hiatus for a while - high likelihood I will be doing a full rewrite from the beginning at some point.)
Finished Novels:
-Pandora's Box
Short Stories:
-Into the Sunset
Check out my socials that I rarely ever use.👇
Instagram: @skeletonidiot
Email: skeletonidiotwriter@gmail.com
Hello! My name is Taylor! I am a writer and artist. One day I want to work in the video game and light novel industry and make epic stories for all of you to enjoy!
My aim is to improve a little bit every day, so please feel free to critique my work as much as you’d like! (I can take it)
For reference, my main Face of Eternity series is posted chronologically. FOE Specials may be placed in different time periods. Feel free to jump in wherever you'd like though, and thank you for checking it out!
Current Novels :
1. The Pill That Killed Romance (hiatus until after MALxHF)
2. Face of Eternity : Garden of Eden (hiatus until after MALxHF)
3. Apocalypse Punk
Upcoming Novels :
Hi guys I'm Per, but you can call me Astra. I'm a college student. I'm doing my best :)))
currently in process of building my own website to publish my novel(s). once it's completed, my account here will be deactivated.