I'm a part-time writer, full-time dreamer who explores reveries, hallucinations, nightmares, and visions.
I am an incurable anime fan. Recently have been loving the hell out of Mecha genre. Hit me up anytime to discuss anime, Writing and Mecha :3
Ah well also add me on Discord @Atish S#0161
Student with some amount of free time, most of which I'm trying to spend writing stories for this website. Now my posting is slightly less sporadic.
Always open to a good conversation at @blipxp on Discord.
I also might do reviews of stuff.
A mere traveler into anime/manga's world and writer here to offer you an original novel.
"Chaos' Game" was my first work here; a story focusing on a gang of seven members. These characters had primarly been brought to life for a role play game, one of my favourite activities.
Enjoy the journey!
I usually read back as a courtesy but if you're gonna read JUST so I return the favor, heed my warning: I won't
apparently my writing style is too avant-garde for the weebs or some shit but if you ask me that's just a polite way to tell me I have terminal skill issue
Hi guys I'm Per, but you can call me Astra. I'm a college student. I'm doing my best :)))
currently in process of building my own website to publish my novel(s). once it's completed, my account here will be deactivated.
Don’t ruffle my feathers with bad prose.
Current reading list (not in order):
Air Born
The World Doesn't Change So Easily
Red Line
Finding Ezri
Eclipse Guardians
so much to read @_@
Hi everyone! My name is Miki.
I'm here just for fun, I don't have any specific goal as an author and I don't do this as my usual job, though I've got some professional experience publishing.
In 2021 I published a poem boook in Spanish for a professional company (for those who want to check):
Nothing else, hope you can enjoy whatever I mind to upload here. Also you're free to comment whatever you like, also hard critics (I can take them I guess haha)
24 y/o Russian guy.
I love the authors I follow.
Even when I critique them harshly, they remain polite, and some have even taken my criticism seriously or provided explanations. I believe they are all exceptionally talented for amateur writers, and I’m simply sharing my thoughts to help them improve.