i watch anime and kdrama, read manga, lightnovels, webnovels, oeln, manhwa, webtoons and manhua. im a dude. when i got bored of reading stories, i set out to make my ideal stories. read my stuff, it's pretty good.
Just a mechanical engineer with lots of fantasy steering logic up.
I hope my artwork inspires you and introduces you to a new world of emotions and stimuli.
Feel free to leave a comment, so that I read your own novels too. Let's support each other.
I do not care if people do not read my work. I just want it to exist in this world. Someone in the future can read my work and bring it to life. I leave my hope for the future in the hands of you, the one who will do something with what I create. For that is the curse of humanity — the hopes and dreams of those before are passed to those who live now, disguised as a present. Those who see it as a present, and truly know what it entails, will be victorious with what little is given to them. Those who see it as a curse will curse the world until they are forgotten within the memories of man.
I can't help but notice how novels with good covers do better, even though this "ecosystem" is more about words, and the meaning within them, rather than the artistic value presented to one's eyes. 🤔
You will never truly understand sweetness if you are enticed only by what is on the surface.
For those who put so much effort into novels and obtain zero recognition, I shed a tear for thee.
Hello there !
I am a manga and fantasy novel enthusiast who loves writing and would love to see his worlds come to life.
I hope you'll have fun reading my novels !
I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. AE.
Hey, my name is Hussain Maknoon
I'm a beginner story writer
I like to write stories because it's fun
and I feel like the more I write the more I get better at writing
so be patient with me, please
And try to give me advice if possible
I hope you enjoy the journey with me.
A few stories had been gnawing at my mind for the past few years. This mght be a a good opportunity to pen them down!
Weekdays would be very busy for me but I will be sure to interact over the weekends.