Hey, my name is Hussain Maknoon
I'm a beginner story writer
I like to write stories because it's fun
and I feel like the more I write the more I get better at writing
so be patient with me, please
And try to give me advice if possible
I hope you enjoy the journey with me.
So yeah, you will never find a more normal guy than me. And guess what, I decided to write a novel. And somehow, I got the "golden" opportunity to share my novel.
A few stories had been gnawing at my mind for the past few years. This mght be a a good opportunity to pen them down!
Weekdays would be very busy for me but I will be sure to interact over the weekends.
“One day the world shall tremble beneath my feet! [Insert evil laugh]”
Y’ello! I like anime, but I like free stuff even more; I see web novel, I click (I’ll try to write some too). Will stick around for as long as I can afford internet access. Life aspiration: world domination. See you around, mortal.
i watch anime and kdrama, read manga, lightnovels, webnovels, oeln, manhwa, webtoons and manhua. im a dude. when i got bored of reading stories, i set out to make my ideal stories. read my stuff, it's pretty good.
Hello! I’m J.J. Writer. Artist. Filipino. Full time dad. Husband. Father of 3. I like to make stuff. I'm writing a novel titled Hand of Rel and I use video games as my creative outlet.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Handofrel/featured
Hello, mina-san! Aspiring to ba a full-fledged, experienced author writing beautiful and inspiring stories! My first work on the site (A New Olympian God) is also my participation entry for the writing contest, collaboration of MAL & Honeyfeed. Check it out and vote me on MAL's app (for android and iOS) from October 3 to November 6 and from November 14 to November 30 (if I make it that far). Leave a comment giving me your genuine feedback. If you find my story interesting give me a like, it really helps (to boost my confidence) and it is much appreciated! Follow me and I will make sure to check out your story and profile :)
Your average author hoping to get reviews on his work. Please follow back and stay tune for more chapters! Any feedback is great feedback! Underground author just out here creating, and trying to get works out.
Instagram: @hellenestorian
YouTube: Hellenstorian