Kai is an ordinary high school student whose greatest potential lies in being the sidekick to the main character. Noa is a high school girl without any unique traits, whose daily life revolves around cheering on the handsome characters at school to give them the exposition as Ikemen characters. ...
On the verge of death after a long war, Elias, a valiant knight general, finds himself abruptly transported to Earth as a young boy, where he is welcomed into the humble embrace of Amaya's nurturing family. Unknown to him, his existence in Amaya's home helps her to gain confidence to overcome her...
Indonesia is in the ring of fire area which is prone to disasters. It may be potential for future megathrust earthquakes in the region, that may lead to big tsunamis. However, the thought of the apocalypse did not occur to 6 friends from the same hometown, who were celebrating the end of the seme...