

I usually read back as a courtesy but if you're gonna read JUST so I return the favor, heed my warning: I won't

apparently my writing style is too avant-garde for the weebs or some shit but if you ask me that's just a polite way to tell me I have terminal skill issue

registered at: Aug 04, 2022
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    Thumbs up Level 5
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2022
    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    I have a lot of ideas but not sure how to get them out…
    Only entering contests
    informatics/software student, the things I like;listening to music, sleeping and writing.
    A write who comes from another fantasy world
    Nothing much about me. Just writing as a hobby . Please encourage me so that i can write and improve further,thanks.
    Let's explore the uncharted territories of imagination.
    A guy that wishes to write good stories but is too lazy to make a plot deeper than one sentence. I've also been drawing "seriously" for 4 to 5 years (around 2019-2020)
    Hello.. I quite busy as a writer an artist s, stay tuned if you read my stories.. ;)