

A 20 year old trying to survive.

registered at: Jul 18, 2021
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2021

    Aug 08, 2021

    This story has detail. It has flow, and it has atmosphere. You managed to capture the reader from the beginning, and you managed to present this world in a detailed light. There is a clear description of the context of the story, the context of the characters, and the context of the world for the reader to delve into. The mystery is there, the plot exists, and some of the desires of the characters are either flushed out or can be inferred for future reading.

    However, there are some notable issues. Besides some moments of grammar and misspelling, there are some jarring issues about the reading experience. The experience is difficult, it's a very long beginning for a story that can be divided up to give the reader a break and keep them interested. For a novel, this would make a fantastic opening chapter, for a webnovel this is long.

    There are some issues with moments that could help change the length of your story. That moment where Marea sees her husband for the first time is strange to say the least, he's been gone for months correct? She would recognize him no matter how deep in thought or how tired she might be. It was a great way to show the audience their raw attraction to each other. However, I feel as if it's a downfall. It's dragged out for too long.

    The perspective shift does a lot of strange things for the reader. Being a third person story you have the option of switching perspectives and looking at multiple characters at the same time. However, this is done rather strangely I admit. Separating Marea's story and Blake's story did bring a lot of mystery and cut a lot of the length of this prologue. However, I would rather have the transition be less mechanical and more part of the story.

    Another issue with the transition is that we don't get comfortable or immersed enough into either Marea or Blake before the story twists. It's daunting and it's almost a breaker for the flow of reading as you are making your way through this story. Be careful with how you present perspective, there are a lot of details that you want to consider to allow the reader to further immerse themselves within the story without having to worry about breaking that immersion for the plot.

    The story takes its subject matter extremely seriously. Fantasy stories tend to treat real life connections as if they were fantasy too. Of course you did not go into full depth on the monarchial system in place however, the setting is still paying attention to how a monarchy works in some ways. However, for the sake of dramatics and thematic value, it cannot be perfectly accurate.

    The final thing with this story is that I can already see where it's going, it's not exactly a new plot, more like a seasoned plot with your own interpretation of it. You put a lot of effort into writing this story, and I want to be able to feel it a little more. I want to be able to get immersed and see it as more than a story even from the very beginning. I commend you for your effort.

    Many details were well written, much of the content was treated with care, and we got to see many parts of the story which as the reader we will carry onward. Continue the good work, do your absolute best, and be proud you put something such as this out there in the world. Take pride in that work.

    The Heir of the Dragon
    The Heir of the Dragon

    Aug 08, 2021

    Well so far I have enjoyed what I have read.

    The plot flows and the thematic structure is very present. As the reader, I know nothing of the world of the story, nor the characters, before I begin reading. This introduction serves to highlight the important characters and world attributes that will carry with me as I continue onward. The language is descriptive and the pacing is not bad. The story does feel grounded, it does not feel rushed nor does it feel dragged. I am hooked to understand more of the complexities of the main character and understand some of the questions that pop up during my first read.

    However, there are some notable issues that should be addressed later on. The voice of the story is rather inconsistent. We are presented with mysterious and vague details such as the inner depths of the main character's mind in such a dark world. However, soon the narrator attempts to tell us everything about the main character;

    before I continue, remember that this is your story and you do not need to listen to anything I may suggest,

    Being told everything about the inner mind of the main character feels artificial. I rather see the story play out and interpret for myself how the character might feel about certain situations and what kinds of nuances and exceptions exist in this character. We got told from the very beginning that this character has issues with believing that if she was better then her father would not be so abusive. We are also told that this character wants to live despite the dark world they are placed in. Now, realizing these deeper emotions of the main character throughout the story and slowly having them unfold through events for the reader would make such a lasting impact.

    This story, I mean absolutely no offense, this story feels as if it were some kind of TV show documentary about a person rather than a story showcasing some fictionalized telling to invoke a deeper feeling for the reader. I enjoy how this story sets itself up, it brings you straight into the darkness of it, however I want to see the main character flushed out over time. I don't want to know everything so soon, unless it's a plot device used later on which as I only read the introduction, I cannot tell you if it is true or not.

    Once again, this is your story, take everything I say with a grain of salt since it is one reader's opinion. You have done a great job, the detail is there, the plot is there, and my interest is there. Keep up the good work and be proud you have put something out there.

    Scorpion Grasses or simply, Forget-me-nots

    The Nexus of Yuki Osaki
    The Nexus of Yuki Osaki

    Train in the Clouds
    Train in the Clouds

    Aug 05, 2021

    I'm going to present you the most constructive words that I have to say. The idea is there, the plot exists, however the plot deserves more attention.

    First thing is technical detail, placing commas and other punctuation properly throughout the story will allow the readers to read in the image that you intend them to read. i.e. the pace such as:

    "...Dr. John the leader of the city in his pharmacy minding his own business..."

    "...Dr. John, the leader of the city, in his pharmacy minding his own business..."

    Punctuation is extraordinarily important for keeping the flow of words controlled. It can be really difficult to focus on the context and deeper meaning of phrases if the words seem to run into each other as the reader is mentally reciting what is on the page.

    Another thing that ties with punctuation is pacing. The timing of the story is too fast and there is little detail that is expanded to fill the space in between events. Filling that space is important because the reader goes into your story knowing nothing about the world and nothing about the characters, nor do they know nothing about how long everything is taking place. Giving readers those kinds of clues within the pacing of your story can help engage the reader with the flow of the story itself.

    This story is a good idea, it just needs to have a little more work done to expand on such an idea. Sensory details, punctuation, and filling out the story to ease the seemingly fast pacing would be the trick to do so.

    The Phantom Eye

    Your Daily Trip
    Your Daily Trip in the Life of a Young Man Who Has Nothing to Offer