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I try to make romantic stories. Age: 18 Gender: Male Insta: bryce.xs
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Oct 21, 2022
To:Real Aire
Find a random free picture or have someone make you one then I just added the words myself.
Apr 30, 2022
I LOVED HOW YOU DESCRIBED THE MAIN GUY. You are good at telling a story I like how it is going so far keep it up!
Apr 24, 2022
This is some next-level stuff I like it!
Bro the very beginning got me wanting to read the whole thing your storytelling skills are very good,I felt like I was there! Great job keep it up -Bryce
Mar 19, 2022
ty for the tip
Mar 16, 2022
Hey, do you know if there is a way I can publish manga in Japan, I'm 17 and live in the u.s.a?
Mar 13, 2022
I like it so FAR!
lmao ty
Oct 05, 2021
To:N. D. Skordilis
Sep 03, 2021
Tysm, the first 3 chapters are slow the on down should really start getting good. I hope you keep reading!!!☺😁
I like where the plot is going looks pretty darn interesting!!!
Sep 02, 2021
Alright pretty good would start the its really good and I liked it got any tips for me I'm trying to become a better writer!
In read the whole chapter it was Really good. Most of the books on honeyfeed are really boring hut hours was amazing its just my type of story I really like the plot and character I feel like this could win the first place prize!! But watch out I'm your new rival lol. Ps. If you have discord could you are me I want to talk to you about a few things this is my discord tag: 💘Iszumi-kun💖#0497
Sep 01, 2021
I have not been able to read as much as I wanted to but this is really good makes you keep stay your toes. Great job!!!
Ok so feed back time I think this could become a good book but I think there r a few things that need fix. You random started of with elves and how they can live under trees and can shoot arrows, so I think you should explain either the terrain of this world first or give a small narrating type beginning,and make longer chapoters. But aside from that this could be pretty good. Elves are one of my favorite enemy's in storys. I will be marking this in my library to I can see the next chapter. Ps. Check out my book if u can!!!