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registered at: Aug 04, 2021
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    Jun 17, 2022

    Oftentimes, a little while after I drift off to sleep, I find myself in a makeshift wooden cabin situated in a seaside valley overflowing with evergreens cascading from the very tops of the great hills all the way down to where the land meets with the ocean. I imagine myself looking up to see great clouds billowing from above the snow capped mountains, rolling and drifting ever so slightly as they are carried by a light wind which blows and whistles through the trees and past the little cabin where I reside. Then as my eyes wander from cloud to cloud and hill to hill I take a seat on the bench by the door and think to myself that, finally, everything is ok. But, just as soon as I take a seat, I open my eyes and see a white ceiling that spreads out above me, and after a few seconds of confusion I finally come to the sobering realisation that it was all a dream, a false reality created by a cruel god to torture me. Later, after laying in bed for a moment I get dressed and go to my 9 to 5 at a local fast food place where I get paid minimum wage for a job which I despise with all my heart and soul. Before long, as I am working, I begin to think of leaving it all behind and going off to build that little hut in the valley by the sea. I imagine how much happier I would be there where I don’t have to worry about stuff like money and work and relationships and all these other things which just complicate my life and make me miserable. But I can’t despite how much I want to, simply because I would be missing the masterpiece which I am reading right now. This novel gives my current life purpose and were it not for you perhaps I would now be in a woods somewhere sprawled across the sodden earth starving without anyone to help or a way home. As a result, with me reaching the conclusion of this novel there is not much more which connects me to the world in which you and everyone else resides. So, before I go and retreat to the wilderness through forgotten paths and game trails fenced by bushes and trees still dotted with the scraps of leaves and greenery left untainted by the winter weather, I would like to thank you for bringing the little light that was left in my pointless and unfulfilling life.

    Realm Assassin

    alhamdulillah I have waited 3 days for the sun to go down and will starve soon. if allah is among us then i will be smited for sure.

    alhamdulillah I have waited 3 days for the sun to go down and will starve soon. if allah is among us then i will be smited for sure.

    alhamdulillah I have waited 3 days for the sun to go down and will starve soon. if allah is among us then i will be smited for sure.