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Doctor in Computer Engineering based in Spain with a passion for writing.
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Aug 28, 2023
Spoiler: the ending will be bittersweet but without the 'bitter' part 🤩
Aug 23, 2023
Cobardes ellos no atreverse a cantar en español (but it would be a little too much that Genta learned a Spanish song in just one month, poor thing 😂)
Actually the rhythm I had in mind was the song called Chronostasis by Bump Of Chicken, but I had no clue how to describe the pace of the song and at the I gave up and let the readers imagine the rhythm that they want 😂😂
Aug 22, 2023
Eloy's mother is un poquito intensa so they had to suffer in that conversation xDDD but they're good people ❤️
So glad that their date went well ❤️ And also that Minato reacted so well when Hiromi said that she wasn't ready, they are both so cute 😍 (for a moment I got confused when getting the notification of the webnovel because I didn't recognize the title, but I've seen that you updated hehe)
Aug 19, 2023
Yep, it was evident that she was going to cause trouble 😓
I liked how the mother asked if she wanted to 'Wow' Minato or keeping it calm, she's a lovely lady 😍 I really hope that the date with Minato goes okay: everyone is so nice in this story that I'm afraid that suddenly someone hurts Hiromi 😥
Aug 18, 2023 love 😂😂
Aug 17, 2023
They're cheesy as hell indeed xDDD As someone with tattoos myself at least I thought: well, it's a small one and easy to cover up in case they ever regret it 😂😂
Aug 16, 2023
They HAD to pass yes or yes hehehe
Aug 15, 2023
What I can say is that the final challenge won't force them to dance again💃🕺(Ryo will like this... If he pases to the next round ofc 🤔😜)
Aug 13, 2023
Yes, Taichi has some issues to work on, but it's not a total jerk as Jiro was, that's for sure. And about Genta causing a bit of trouble weeell...can't confirm nor deny (*cough* he will *cough*)
Aug 12, 2023
Best girls ❤️
Aug 10, 2023
FINALLY hehehe
Aug 09, 2023
Yes, they are a liiittle dense but they will sort things out soon hehehe 🤩