Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jul 22, 2024

    Author's Commentary #102:

    Time to talk about Chapter 102: The end of the nightmare.
    So this past week, I ended up getting sick, but since I had a backlog of this series saved as drafts, I could simply just log in and upload the chapters as normal. This is why many of my author commentaries have been delayed, but now are caught up. Funnily enough, I ended up getting better just as the arc ended. Now let's talk about it.

    So a lot went down in this arc. Masaru got messed up, Rika mentally tormented, and Waki killed off. Yes, unlike in the original, Waki dies. Though perhaps as a way to balance out all the bad, Rika is also pregnant. While the Roboborg union arc is over, things sadly won't show signs of improving. Ookuma is still pulling the strings along with the mysterious Averice and Gula.

    Speaking of those two, they won't really be appearing in the story again as they're intended to be the main antagonists in a different novel, whenever I get around to writing it that is.

    グラ (Gula) and アヴェリス (Averice) are how both their names are spelled in katakana. The two don't really have birthdays, nor does Averice really have have a favorite food. Gula, however likes eating anything except Nero's dark flames of destruction.

    One other thing I'll briefly mention is Honoka. Honoka Shibawara actually did appear briefly in the originally, but in the remake, I've revamped her role in the story. She might make a proper appearance before the story ends, but I'll give her bio anyway.

    柴原 火佳 (Shibawara Honoka) is how her name is spelled in kanji. 火佳 means "fire" and "beauty", while 柴原 means "firewood" and "origin".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is July 16th. I chose the date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite food is spicy curry.

    And with that, the arc I never got to add to the original is finally complete, however, the effects of it will be felt for the rest of the story. Things are also more tense with Benihime than in the original. Perhaps a major confrontation is looming between her and Rika.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jul 22, 2024

    Author's Commentary #148:

    Time to talk about Chapter 148: Happy International chess day.
    So I recently got sick and as such, I was unable to write or do author commentaries until I get better. Since I'm doing these now, I'm obviously feeling much better. However, when I learned that July 20th was International chess day, I pushed myself to make this chapter even though I was sick.

    The game in particular ended up being a lifesaver. For you see, the game is actually the infamous 9-move mate game that was played between Fabiano Caruana and Alireza Firouzja in the Crunchlabs Masters 2024. In the game, Firouzja ended up falling for what many dub, "the 100 year old trick" which allowed Caruana to achieve a winning position as white. Firouzja resigned after realizing this.

    I decided to extend the game and show one of the possible ways to mate. Funnily enough, Firouzja ended up bouncing back from the loss and made it to the grand finals of the event. As for why the game is called "the 100 year old trick", that's due to the same rook sacrifice plan being used, albeit in a slightly different way, in a game between Carl Schlechter and Julius Perlis in 1911. Funnily enough, this also invokes some word of advice from the series itself as Mimoko made it a point that sometimes capturing a hanging rook could be bad.

    If I was feeling better, I probably would have featured a more extravagant game with the main cast, but I think that this was good considering the circumstances. As for the series, It will probably be on break for a bit longer, though I do plan to post something a special chapter on Mimoko's birthday, so look forward to that. Season 4 will likely be one of the shortest seasons, but that's honestly because Season 5 is shaping up to be something big. I thank everyone who's supported this series. There is more good things to come.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster