Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Feb 16, 2025

    Author's Commentary #352:

    Time to talk about Chapter 352: Onwards to the Bermuda party.
    Round 6 has finally concluded with China managing to beat the German Empire of Prussia. And with that, Diederich's suspension period is over. Before I get into the bios for the new characters, I first want to talk about the game, and why Diederich's suspension was so harsh.

    To start with the latter, if you recall, when Diederich lost to Okisato, he ended up throwing himself all over the boards of other players, messing things up. Him shouting was one thing, but him physically flinging himself into people's boards while they were still playing was what ultimately got him a harsh sentence. And I will confirm that despite Red Reaper nearly powderizing his skull, Diederich will be back in action in round 7, and be present at the Bermuda party.

    As for the game, I wanted something fast, which is why I had Volkner blunder so badly. To be fair, his stress levels are at an all-time high, making him all the more prone to blunder. And now, it's time for the bios, starting with the hype man himself, D.R. Passant.

    D.R.パッサン (D.R. Passant) is how D.R. Passant's name would be spelled in Japanese.

    His birthday is October 10th, which he shares with American international master, Danny Rensch.

    His favorite piece is the pawn, since he's always wearing a pawn costume.

    D.R. Passant is based off of both American international master, Danny Rensch, known for dressing up in a giant green pawn costume, and the bot, DJ Ron Passant. I'd argue the latter was the bigger influence, but when I decided to have him parody Danny Rensch by wearing a pawn costume, I decided to have his character pay homage to both him and the bot. As for what his initials stand for, that will be up to fan interpretation for now. I simply believe they simply stand for the letters themselves, but there's a chance I'll officially assign names to the letters later down the line.

    尉波 (Wei Bo) is how Wei Bo's name is spelled in kanji. 尉 means "officer", while 波 means "wave".
    ウェイ・ボー (Wei Bo) is how his name would be written in katakana.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    His birthday is June 2nd, which he shares with Chinese grandmaster, Wei Yi.

    His favorite piece is the bishop.

    Wei Bo is an obvious homage to Chinese grandmaster, Wei Yi. Despite sharing the same surname, the kanji used is different for each one.

    And with that, it's on to the Bermuda party. Originally, I truly didn't plan for this section of the arc to be that long, but it's quickly become long enough to pass as it's own season. Just goes to show how hype the arc will be. As for why that is, I'll elaborate more after the match between Okisato and Sejad concludes in the story.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 15, 2025

    Author's Commentary #351:

    Time to talk about Chapter 351: Red n' black, eagle front n' back.
    With a title like that, you can tell some Albanians are going debut, and that's exactly what happens. And not just them, but the rest of the Ukrainian women's team, the remaining Romanians that have yet to debut, and even a tank robot that's competing as part of the Costa Rican team. There's a lot of bios, but here we go.

    フィヨヤ・ジョナジ (Fjolla Gjonaj) is how Fjolla's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is April 20th, because she likes to smoke.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Fjolla is Albania's current president, and a Desperado. Okisato appears to know little about her, but that could all just be an act.

    イェクタ・ディルバズ (Yekta Dirbaz) is how Yekta's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is April 14th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Yekta's an interesting character, who is better off remaining mysterious. All I'll reveal about her here is that the reason she wears all white is to prevent people from murdering her, or in the event that she's killed, framing her death as a suicide.

    ブレルタ・ソラヤ・ヤガネ (Blerta-Soraya Yaganeh) is how Blerta's name would be spelled in katakana. Her name is also Albanian for "green".

    Her birthday is March 17th, which is St. Patrick's Day.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Blerta is a character I've actually got some plans for, but am unsure of when said vision will make its way into the story. All I'll say is that the backstory I have planned for her is sad. Also, she is bald. She used to have green hair, but shaved it all off along with her eyebrows. She also is unable to speak properly, but can understand others just fine.

    ミラ・ウドヴィチェンコ (Mira Udovychenko) is how Mira's name would be spelled in katakana. Міра Удовиченко (Mira Udovychenko) is how it would be spelled in Ukrainian.

    Her birthday is February 28th, which she shares with Ukrainian grandmaster, Anna Muzychuk.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    オクサナ・ウドヴィチェンコ (Oksana Udovychenko) is how Oksana's name would be spelled in katakana. Оксана Удовиченко (Oksana Udovychenko) is how her name would be spelled in Ukrainian.

    Her birthday is September 21st, which she shares with Ukrainian grandmaster, Mariya Muzychuk.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    The Udovychenko sisters are an obvious homage to the Muzychuk sisters. I don't have too many plans for them as of this moment, but given their prestige, they'll likely serve as opponents to the main cast at some point in the story.

    リュボフ・ヤレマ (Lyubov Yarema) is how Lyubov's name would be spelled in katakana. Любов Ярема (Lyubov Yarema) is how her name would be spelled in Ukrainian.

    Her birthday is August 24th, which is Independence Day in Ukraine.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    タンクマン・ベクリヤ (Tankman Bekrija) is how Tankman's name is spelled in katakana.

    His birthday is August 16th. The significance behind this is that 8-to-16-year-olds were the target demographic for the Lego Bionicle series.

    His favorite piece is the rook, since it looks like a cannon.

    Tankman is actually a character from the spin-off story, The Skeleton Hiker's journal. The story is canon to the Jouzu-verse and takes place a month before the start of EPGM.

    ラルカ・チシュ (Raluca Chițu) is how Raluca's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is April 16th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop.

    イオネラ・コズマ (Ionela Cozma) is how Ionela's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is April 18th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop.

    イオヌシュ・バラシャ (Ionuț Bălașa) is how Ionuț's name would be spelled in katakana.

    His birthday is July 30th, which he shares with American actor, William Atherton, who is know for playing Walter Peck in the Ghostbusters series.

    His favorite piece is the bishop.

    Ionuț was heavily inspired by Walter Peck from the Ghostbusters series, and it most certainly shows. Unlike some of the other characters introduced who I don't really have major plans for, Ionuț will have a major role soon in the story.

    チリル・サフチェンコフ (Chiril Savchenkov) is how Chiril's name would be spelled in katakana. Кирило Савченков (Chiril Savchenkov) is how his name would be spelled in Ukrainian.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    His birthday is September 22nd, which he shares with Ukrainian-Romanian grandmaster, Kirill Shevchenko.

    His favorite piece is the queen.

    Chiril is based off of controversial Ukrainian-Romanian grandmaster, Kirill Shevchenko. He actually wasn't present in the initial draft of this chapter, but I decided to add him in last minute before uploading the chapter. He's honestly the most easy to forget about member of the Romanian men's team.

    And with that, all the bios are done. Next up it's the final game of round 6, and then the Bermuda party arc begins. The Bermuda party will introduce lots of new characters, but also feature plenty of games too. I hope you're looking forward to what I have planned for this next arc of the series.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 15, 2025

    Author's Commentary #350:

    Time to talk about Chapter 350: Artiljerija smidje.
    Kaylee is back, and that means it's time for another crazy game, and it most certainly delivered. The game was amazing, with the obvious highlight being the 15th move. Jasmina needed to sac the queen in order to maintain her edge, but didn't see it, allowing Kaylee to get the win. Kaylee calculated this would be the case, which is why she did the little king shuffle at the start, an opening I hereby dub, the Artiljerija-Smidje gambit. It goes 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Ke7 3. Nc3 Ke6 4. d4 Ke7 5. dxe5 Ke8, and takes it's name from Jasmina's surname, Artiljerija, which is also the Bosnian word for "artillery", and smidje, the Dutch word for "blacksmith".

    As for why this is, blame the Belgian folk song, 't Smidje, for not only inspiring this game, but also future events in the story regarding Kaylee. I will state that prior to discovering the song, I did already have a vision for what to do with Kaylee's character, with the song simply giving me the inspiration on how to better enhance said vision. Now onto the bios for the new characters.

    シェイラ・ホジッチ (Šejla Hodžić) is how Šejla's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is March 8th, which is International Women's Day.

    Her favorite piece is naturally the queen, given her personality.

    Šejla was originally intended to be introduced back during Ichiko's show. I decided not to though, as I felt it would have altered the tone too much, or rather led to Šejla stealing the spotlight, which wasn't what I wanted at that particular moment. Šejla is going to be a prominent character, mainly due to her status as a Bosnian co-president. That being said, I'm not sure she'll necessarily be getting too much screentime in this arc.

    アズラ・ヴァレシャノヴィッチ (Azra Varešanović) is how Azra's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is July 4th, which is Independence Day in the United States.

    Her favorite piece is the rook, since she considers it the "big gun" of the chessboard.

    Azra is Sejad's niece, and currently studying abroad in Texas. She loves ballistic weapons, especially artillery weapons.

    ミルサダ・ナダレヴィッチ (Mirsada Nadarević) is how Mirsada's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is December 14th, which is the day the Dayton Agreement was signed, ending the Bosnian war.

    Her favorite piece is the knight.

    Mirsada is a Sunni Muslim girl hailing from Bosnia and Herzegovina's Srebrenica municipality. Like quite a few characters in the series, she ended up having her initial design replaced and passed on to another character. This was largely due to the fact that when I first designed the Bosnian women's team, Mirsada was the only character I didn't have a clear vision for at the time. The same was also true in regards to Inori from the Brazilian team, who's original design ended up getting ported over to a character that has yet to appear in the story. As for Mirsada herself, like most characters introduced in this arc, I'm unsure if her backstory will be showcased in this arc, but it will definitely show up in the story at some point.

    ペトロネラ・ルース (Petronella Roos) is how Petronella's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is February 15th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn.

    As for why she says "eberything" instead of "everything", it was actually due to me mistyping the word while writing the chapter, and being sleep deprived and frustrated at the time, decided to just keep the misspelling in, and make it Petronella's trait to misspeak certain words.

    ヤネケ・オイ (Janneke Oey) is how Janneke's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is February 16th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the knight.

    Janneke is actually related to a character from another team, who was designed long before her, but ironically will debut later in the story than her. As such, I'll refrain from going too in depth on Janneke until said character is properly revealed.

    ドラホミーラ・プレシャティ (Drahomíra Plešatý) is how Drahomíra's name would be spelled in katakana. Her surname is both the Czech and Slovak word for "bald".

    Her birthday is January 16th, which is name day for Drahomíra in Slovakia.

    Her favorite piece is the queen, because it reminds her of Kaylee.

    Drahomíra originally hails from Slovakia, but immigrated to Belgium, mainly due to Kaylee. True to her surname, she's bald. And naturally, cute as well.

    이미래(李美華) (Rhie Mi-rae) is how Mi-rae's name would be written in Korean. イミレ(李美華)(Imire (Ri Mika)) is how her name would be written in Japanese.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is March 5th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Mi-rae was born in Korea, but immigrated to Belgium. She has a history with a member of the Korean women's team, but since said character has yet to appear in the story, I won't delve too deeply into it just yet.

    And now, Belgium has beaten Bosnia and Herzegovina, creeping up the standings further. Believe it or not, many of the women's teams currently have a perfect score of 12 points, with only a handful of said teams having 6 perfect 4-0 victories. This will all become clearer when the standings are officially revealed in the story, but since that won't happen for a while, I thought I'd state the fact here.

    As for other notable happenings and tidbits, Mimosa and Alice caught Iori's cold. This means team Japan will have another headache to deal with as team France will naturally file a complaint against them. The good news is that Iori's feeling better.

    Finally, I've got a behind the scenes tidbit to discus. This chapter was uploaded on February 14th, Valentines Day. Chapter 346: Alien love, was originally intended to possibly serve as the chapter to release on the day, but story pacing said otherwise, thus I decided to have this chapter release on the day instead. The game featured in the chapter could count as a love letter though, since I really did enjoy writing it.

    And now, just one game remains before the round officially ends, but before that, things will shift back to Okisato and co. The next chapter won't feature any games, but it will introduce more characters, some of which being characters that will have prominent roles in the story.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 14, 2025

    Author's Commentary #157:

    Time to talk about Chapter 157: Arctic blitz.
    This is easily more of a build-up chapter, but it still features a fun atomic chess game. I was actually debating whether or not to have Tao check Okisato instead of attempting to destroy his king, but decided that her capturing the pawn at c7 and then realizing the king wasn't destroyed was better.

    As for the title, it's a reference to the Zukertort Opening: Arctic defense, which goes 1. Nf3 f6. In normal chess, this isn't the greatest of openings, but in atomic chess, it's essential if white opens with Nf3. Now let's talk more about one of the players in the game, Xun Tao. I'll also do all the other SPCMs as well.

    迅涛 (Xun Tao) is how her name is written in kanji. 涛 means "large waves" while 迅 means "fast".
    シュン・タオ (Xun Tao) is how it would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is May 22nd. I chose the date at random so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the knight, mainly since it's the only piece that can't be blocked from checking and threatening pieces.

    辰苞 (Chen Bao) is how Bao's name is written in kanji. 苞 means "bud" while 辰 means "morning. チェン・バオ (Chen Bao) is how her name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is April 30th. I chose the date at random, so there isn't any greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the rook, mainly because she views it as the most silent piece on the board. Speaking of which, she voluntarily sews her mouth shut due to her being a bit of a chatterbox when it comes to chess. In other words, she's the complete opposite of Katie who gets quiet and serious during a match. Since talking during official matches is generally not allowed, though exceptions can be made, she tends to have her mouth sewn shut. While it doesn't prevent her from attempting to speak, is does reduce her noise level drastically.

    雷佳 (Lei Jia) is how Jia's name is spelled in kanji. 佳 means "beautiful" while 雷 means "thunder".
    レイ・ジア (Lei Jia) is how her name would be spelled in katakana.

    Jia actually claims to be descended from Chinese royalty, though her claims have yet to be verified. Nevertheless, she is quite wealthy and a woman's grandmaster to boot.

    Her birthday is February 28th which is also the day Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu and declared himself the emperor of the Han dynasty, bringing an end to the Qin dynasty.

    Her favorite piece is the queen, mainly because she herself believes she's royalty.

    凰芬 (Huang Fen) is how Fen's name is spelled in kanji. 芬 means "perfume", while 凰 means "phoenix".
    ホアン・フェン (Huang Fen) is how his name would be written in katakana.

    His birthday is September 30th. I chose the date at random so there's no greater significance behind why this date is his birthday.

    His favorite piece is the bishop, mainly because he likes making use of them to strike on the diagonals and take advantage of players blundering away their pieces.

    秀魅魔 (Xiu Mei-mo) is how Xiu's name is spelled in kanji. 秀 means "beautiful", while 魅魔 means "succubus". シウ・メイモ (Xiu Mei-mo) is how her name would be spelled in katakana. Considering her name literally means succubus, I'm sure you can guess what her personality is like. Unlike the other Chinese characters, her name is stylized more in a Western manner with her first name being Xiu, and her last name being Mei-mo. In the context of the story, this was deliberately done by Xiu, as Mei-mo was not her original surname, but rather one she chose for herself.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is January 31st, which she shares with the 17th Women's world chess champion and Chinese grandmaster, Ju Wenjun. The fact that she shares a birthday with one of the strongest female chess players in the world should be a hint that despite her personality, she's pretty good at chess.

    Her favorite piece is the queen, due to it being the most powerful piece on the board.

    As for the bit about Chaturaji at the end, that's an obvious hint that the next bout will be a Chaturaji match. You actually can play a modern version of Chaturaji on, which is how I got the material to make the game. I was actually afraid I might have to delay the chapter due to me not being able to get a win, but I managed to finally get one. I'll explain more about it in the commentary on the next chapter.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 14, 2025

    Author's Commentary #156:

    Time to talk about Chapter 156: Atomic timetable.
    In the original draft, I initially had the confrontation with Xiao Lin occur first and then showed the battles with her SPCMs as flashbacks. The reason for that though was actually as simple as me having the Xiao Lin match all written out before the SPCM fights. For the revision, I decided to have the SPCM fights occur first.

    As for the chapter, Okisato can feel he's on the clock and figures it's best to get back to London as quickly as possible. He doesn't know that Red Reaper will get back there and be ready to hunt again in only 40 minutes. Speaking of SPCMs, lets talk about two of them, Qiang Bai and Lu Hui. One thing to note is that I believe Chinese names are written surname first, then given name, so the second name is actually the given name of the character. If I'm wrong on this, feel free to correct me. And with that out of the way, let's begin.

    强百 (Qiang Bai) is how Bai's name is spelled in kanji. 百 means "one hundred" while 强 means "strong".
    チャン・バイ (Qiang Bai) is how his name would be spelled in katakana.

    Bai actually debuted way back in Chapter 46: Maestro Xiao Lin, however I didn't actually have a name for him at the time, which is why it's taken until now to give him his bio.

    His birthday is August 3rd. I chose the date at random so there's no greater significance behind why this date is his birthday.

    His favorite piece is the rook, mainly because he believes it's the biggest and strongest piece on the board. Ironically, rooks are actually one of the shortest pieces on the board, being taller than only pawns.

    闾辉 (Lu Hui) is how Hui's name is spelled in kanji. 辉 means "brightness" which has a double meaning considering she's intelligent, and her head shines brightly, while 闾 means "hamlet". ルー・ホイ (Lu Hui) is how her name would be spelled in katakana.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is May 7th. I chose the date at random so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen, mainly because it id the most powerful piece on the board.

    As for the game itself, it's a game of atomic chess. Atomic chess is a popular chess variant where pieces explode when they capture another piece and cause any adjacent pieces to the captured piece, except for pawns, to explode as well. As such, the goal is to destroy the king. Kings can't capture, but they can be on squares next to each other. Not to mention, a player can avoid a check on their king if they can destroy their opponent's king on their next move.

    I actually only decided to go with this direction for the series a few days before originally posting this chapter, but it definitely worked out. I was actually a bit worried I'd have to delay the chapters in order to get some good games, but I managed to get things done in time. As such, I think these next few chapters will be some of the more entertaining ones in the series.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 14, 2025

    Author's Commentary #46:

    Time to talk about Chapter 46: Maestro Xiao Lin.
    Originally, this was going to be the first chapter of season 2, however, I decided to push it back a bit after deciding to do the Kazuya mini-arc.

    The game was once again, a me vs bot match. However, as soon as the game was complete, I played around with some different scenarios and altered the game to its present form within the chapter. Now let's discuss Xiao Lin.

    Xiao Lin is one of the seven secret chess maestros and as such, has a rating over 3000 and a black WWCF card to denote her status as a maestro.

    Her name is spelled 小琳, and can translate to "small jade". シャオ・リン (Xiao Lin) is how it would be written in katakana.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is April 20th, and the reason for that is because jade is considered to be the natural birthstone for those born between April 20th and May 20th.

    Her favorite piece is the queen, mainly because she considers herself the true queen of chess.

    One final thing I'll mention is that there actually is a variation of chess called kung-fu chess. However, rather than alternating between kung-fu and chess like in chess boxing, kung-fu chess simply allows multiple pieces to be moved simultaneously. However, there is a cool down period before a piece can be moved again. Victory is also only achievable by capturing the king. While Xiao Lin is skilled in this discipline, she is far more dominant in kung-fu, which led to her creating a kung-fu variant of chess boxing. Though, the variant is not officially recognized by the WWCF.

    The maestros are actually free to implement any challenge condition so long as it's to a game of chess. Most maestros do something simple like either having the game be on a faster time control, not exceeding 100 moves, or requiring the challenger to play as a certain color. Of course, this only applies to the initial challenge as upon beating the maestro, the challenger can rematch them much like the SPCMs, though will not be required to adhere to the original stipulations of the challenge.

    As for why Xiao Lin implemented such a challenge, that will be revealed later in the story. Speaking of which, the ending of the chapter introduces a new important character. I won't divulge much on her, but I will say that Maestro Himitsu is the woman whose back is towards Mimoko on one of the series' old covers.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 14, 2025

    To celebrate the Chess Olympics arc, I've decided to create full artwork of all the major teams that will appear in the story. Each work of art contains not just full art of the team's members, but also their board number and rating along with the team's average rating. Here's links to all the team art currently up for teams that have been revealed thus far. More will be posted as the arc progresses.

    The women's side is complete at 64 teams. Even though there are over 100 teams competing, I'm only choosing to spotlight 64 of the women's teams. As for the men's side, I plan to have about 34 teams.

    Note that not all the countries that get a main focus will each have artwork of both their men's and women's teams.

    Women's teams ordered by average rating:

    1. United States of America (average rating: 2661.2):

    2. German Empire of Prussia (average rating: 2613):

    3. Japan (average rating: 2595):

    4. Norway (average rating: 2594.6):

    5. India (average rating: 2562.8):

    6. China (average rating: 2511.6):

    7. Hungary (average rating: 2504.8):

    8. Ukraine (average rating: 2503.8):

    9. Russia (average rating: 2458.4):

    10. Georgia (average rating: 2428):

    11. Netherlands (average rating: 2422):

    12. France (average rating: 2410.6):

    13. New Kingdom of Simien (average rating: 2409):

    14. Poland (average rating: 2400.4):

    15. Neo Kingdom of Egypt (average rating: 2394.4):

    16. Azerbaijan (average rating: 2385.2):

    17. Kazakhstan (average rating: 2384.4):

    18. Spain (average rating: 2354):

    19. Bulgaria (average rating: 2353.6):

    20. Romania (average rating: 2350.6):

    21. England (average rating: 2347.8):

    22. Armenia (average rating: 2326.2):

    23. Italy (average rating: 2324.6):

    24. Denmark (average rating: 2305.8):

    25. Estonia (average rating: 2269.2):

    26. Switzerland (average rating: 2263.8):

    27. Türkiye (average rating: 2257.8):

    28. Greece (average rating: 2254.2):

    29. Vietnam (average rating 2246.2):

    30. Mongolia (average rating: 2241.4):

    31. Montenegro (average rating: 2237.8):

    32. Argentina (average rating: 2225):

    33. New Republic of Paeonia (average rating: 2214):

    34. Serbia (average rating: 2202.2):

    35. Sweden (average rating: 2201.4):

    36. Ireland (average rating: 2178.6):

    37. Belgium (average rating: 2169):

    38. Latvia (average rating: 2166.2):

    39. Neo-Babylonian Empire (average rating: 2161.6):

    40. Czechoslovakia (average rating: 2155.6):

    41. Ecuador (average rating: 2151):

    42. Uzbekistan (average rating: 2147):

    43. Croatia (average rating: 2146.2):

    44. Brazil (average rating: 2143.4):

    45. Peru (average rating: 2128.2):

    46. Antarctica (average rating: 2094):

    47. Lithuania (average rating: 2093.6):

    48. South Africa (average rating: 2086.4):

    49. Australia (average rating: 2084.6):

    50. Philippians (average rating: 2082):

    51. Austria (average rating: 2080.8):

    52. Åland Islands (average rating: 2072.6):

    53. New Zealand (average rating: 2073.8):

    54. Ethiopia (Average rating: 2029.2):

    55. Portugal (average rating: 2008.8):

    56. Scotland (average rating: 1999):

    57. Canada (average rating: 1997.6):

    58. Bosnia and Herzegovina (average rating: 1987.2):

    59. Mexico (average rating: 1986):

    60. Albania (average rating: 1968.6):

    61. Iceland (average rating: 1930.8):

    62. Indonesia (average rating: 1876.2):

    63. Tanzania (average rating: 1863.8):

    64. Republic of Korea (average rating: 1778):

    Men's teams ordered by average rating:

    1. United States of America (average rating: 2854.8):

    2. Russia (average rating: 2853.8):

    3. India (average rating: 2768.6):

    4. Uzbekistan (average rating: 2698.8):

    5. German Empire of Prussia (average rating: 2694.8):

    6. Spain (average rating: 2686.8):

    7. Neo-Babylonian Empire (average rating: 2666.4):

    8. Hungary (average rating: 2654.6):

    9. Poland (average rating: 2640.2):

    10. Ukraine (average rating: 2633.8):

    11. China (average rating: 2631):

    12. Romania (average rating: 2626.6):

    13. Austria (average rating: 2624):

    14. Cuba (average rating: 2577.2):

    15. France (average rating: 2565.8):

    16. Iceland (average rating: 2534.6):

    17. New Kingdom of Simien (average rating: 2528):

    18. Mongolia (average rating: 2472.4):

    19. Estonia (average rating: 2462.4):

    20. Bosnia and Herzegovina (average rating: 2443.2):

    21. England (average rating: 2431.8):

    22. Italy (average rating: 2320.4):

    23. New Zealand (average rating: 2286):

    24. Denmark (average rating: 2225):

    25. Canada (average rating 2223):

    26. Japan (average rating: 2047.6):


    The Arbiters (average rating: 2672):

    The Commentators (average rating: 2281.8):

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    En Passant Grandmaster