Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jul 26, 2024

    Author's Commentary #151:

    Time to talk about Chapter 151: The terror of Red Reaper.
    I know I said daily uploads were unlikely, but I just couldn't wait to post this one. It highlights just how much of a threat Red Reaper truly is. Obviously, I'm not going to reveal how he was able to revive here. All I'll say is that it will be revealed as the story progresses. Since the story is shifting back to London though, it's time to give the bios on the final three key members of the Fairy league.

    メラニア・プラヴ (Melania Plav) is how Melania's name is written in katakana. Plav is actually Croatian for blue, thus she continues the trend of having her surname be a color.

    Her birthday is April 27th. I chose the date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn, mainly because she views them as organized subordinates.

    メデューサ・インディゴ (Medeucesa Indikó) is how Medeucesa's name is spelled in katakana. Naturally, her last name is Greek for Indigo. Speaking of which, Μέδουσες Ινδικό (Medeucesa Indikó) is how I believe her name would be written in Greek.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is March 2nd. I chose the date at random so there's no greater significance behind why that date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop, mainly because she likes controling the diagonals.

    プラム・シチューピッド・パープル (Plum Stupid Purple) is how Plum's name is written in katakana.

    His birthday is November 5th. I chose the date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is his birthday.

    His favorite piece is the knight, mainly because he likes riding horses on the carousel.

    Now all the Fairy league members have their bios. While I don't think all of them will get a major spot light, some will, so look forward to those matches.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jul 25, 2024

    Author's Commentary #150:

    Time to talk about the Season 4 intro chapter, Chapter 150: A WWCF meeting and a monkey's bum.
    This chapter starts off with a WWCF meeting and introduces quite a few new characters that will be important to the story. There's the new maestros, Ian and Amelia, as well as Vihaan. I'll also confirm that another maestro that hasn't yet been seen was there as well, meaning 6 of the 7 maestros were present at that meeting. As such, I'll give some brief bios on those two as well as Cyril and Ginji. First up is Ian Kimovich of Russia.

    イアン・キモビッチ (Ian Kimovich) is how his name is spelled in katakana. Йен Кимович is how I believe his name would be spelled in Russian.

    His birthday is April 13th which he shares with 13th chess world champion, as well as one of the greatest chess players of all time, Garry Kasparov. His name is also a nod to Kasparov as Kimovich is actually Kasparov's middle name.

    His favorite piece is the queen, as that is the piece that has helped him win so many victories.

    アメリア・スタヴァンゲル (Amelia Stavanger) is how Amelia's name is spelled in katakana. There's actually an interesting story behind her, as she was the character I decided would be one of the first players would meet if this series ever got a video game adaptation.

    Her birthday is September 23rd and her favorite piece is the queen.

    Cyril is actually a character from my other novel, Spice of Life. I believe I mentioned this in a previous commentary, but this series does take place in the same universe as Spice of life, Escape Witch, and Mystery ghost foresight.

    シリル・ミルヴァートン (Cyril Milverton) is how Cyril's name is spelled in katakana. His name is inspired by both Cyril's from Fire Emblem Three Houses and Charles Augustus Milverton's from Sherlock Holmes.

    His birthday is October 30th. The reason I chose this is because it is a day that World lemur day could be celebrated on. Since the day is celebrated on the last Friday of October, I decided to choose this date to be his birthday.

    As for his favorite piece, it's likely the knight due to it's ability to leap over pieces.

    One other fun fact about him is that due to him losing pigmentation in his face, he now looks kind of like a Japanese macaque. Pigmentation loss is actually common for silky sifakas as they age, with some even having their entire faces turn pink. Now onto Ginji.

    猪原 銀仁 (Inohara Ginji) is how his name is written in kanji. 銀仁 means "silver" and "compassion", while 猪原 means "boar" and "origin".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    His name and character were mainly inspired by Ginji Kiyomizu from Tying the knot with an Amagami sister. However, he is also related to some characters from some of my aforementioned works. For those who want to know, he's Kaori Inohara's father.

    His birthday is January 27th. The reason for that is because Ginji Kiyomizu debuted in chapter 127 of the Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister manga.

    His favorite piece is the pawn, mainly because of how much it can control the board.

    As for the game, the Monkey's bum is a real chess opening. I decided I wanted at least one game to be played using it, and felt now was a good time to showcase it.

    One final thing I'll mention is that I don't think uploads for this series will be daily anymore. I'm still writing Season 4, and while it won't be as long as others, it's still nowhere near completion. For now, I'm aiming for weekly releases, but that's subject to change.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jul 23, 2024

    Author's Commentary #41:

    Time to discuss Chapter 41: The Inoue household.
    This originally served as the introduction chapter for Mimoko's family, but I felt it was better to introduce them in Chapter 1 since their presence there helped the chapter, and by extension the story, flow better.

    This chapter however does finally reveal the names of Mimoko's parents so I'll give some brief bios on them after I do Kotora's.

    He's 12 years old and was born on February 29th. On non leap years, his birthday is celebrated on February 28th. Believe it or not, his mother Daria's birthday is actually February 27th. She even thought they'd be sharing a a birthday, but Kotora ended up being born 2 days later.

    井之上 小虎 (Inoue Kotora) is his full name in kanji. His first name, 小虎, ends up translating to "little tiger".

    Since Mimoko's the only member of her family that plays chess, none of her family members have a favorite piece. Kotora has played chess though, and developed a distaste for it thanks in no small part to Mimoko always destroying him in it. Now onto Daria and Ichimitsu.

    Daria's full name in kanji is 井之上 堕美闇 (Inoue Daria). Her first name,
    堕美闇, can translate to "lazy", "beautiful", and "ignorant".

    Now on to Ichimitsu. 井之上 一光 (Inoue Ichimitsu) is how his full name is spelled in kanji.
    His first name, 一光, can translate to "one" and "radiance".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Ichimitsu's birthday falls on November 30th and he's 45 years old. He tends to stay at home and makes a living trading stocks. He also enjoys reading the paper, or rather holding the paper like he's reading it.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jul 23, 2024

    Author's Commentary #2:

    Time to talk about Chapter 2: The chess club's members. This chapter actually underwent a notable change after receiving some feedback. That change being that there is now a basic explanation on how chess works. Since I've played chess before, I'm very familiar with how the pieces move and chess notation. However, not everyone knows how chess notation works. After receiving the feedback, I decided that this would be the best place to drop all the information on chess notation both because this is the 2nd chapter and because it introduces a rookie in the form of Utami. It also worked out in that it allowed me to highlight Mimoko's knowledge of the game.

    Speaking of which, let's talk about Mimoko Inoue, the main female protagonist. First off her name. In kanji, her name is spelled as followed, 井之上 実最子 (Inoue Mimoko). Her first name, 実最子 can mean "sincere", "above all", and "a knowledgeable thinker", which is fitting for her character since she is a prodigy and all-around good person. As for her last name, 井之上, it can translate to "wellhead", "to reach", and "to ascend". Fitting since Mimoko is likely to ascend to the top of the chess world due to her talent.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    As for her background in chess, she first played a game of chess when she was 3, and has been playing ever since. While she could have chosen to start her chess career then, she chose not to, mainly because she viewed chess more as a fun hobby than a profession. That, and at the time, she didn't want chess to consume her life. Her parents respected her wishes and didn't pressure her in the slightest. As time went on, Mimoko continued to hone her chess skills through online matches, though always played anonymously as a guest in order to avoid drawing too much attention to herself. She's never played in a tournament, though was taken to one by her mother when she first showed an interest in the game. On her 18th birthday, her parents got her a nice chess set and bag, which Mimoko interpreted as them trying to nudge her to pursue chess. Feeling the time was right, Mimoko decided to finally start her professional chess journey, which led to her seeking to establish a chess club, so others could experience the joys of chess. Above all, she encourages everyone to simply have fun.

    She shares her birthday, July 23rd, with Judit Polgár, one of the strongest female chess players of all time. Speaking of which, many characters in this series share their birthdays with famous chess players.

    Finally, as stated in her character bio, her favorite piece is the king. The reason for that is because to Mimoko, the king is the most important piece on the board and the core of the game itself.

    That's all for this commentary, I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster