Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jul 09, 2024

    Author's Commentary #89:

    Time to talk about Chapter 89: Mimi's birthday.
    While Mimi gets to enjoy a nice birthday date with Helga, Rika learns more about her old team from Eluf. I actually do have some drafts written for a novel detailing Mimi's past as a spy, but I'm not sure if I'll ever complete it, though I probably will eventually.

    As for the traitor plot line, it will be relevant here. While I did include this as a bonus chapter in the original, it was mainly just as a bonus chapter. Here, the chapter has important significance for the story. I won't say who the traitor is outright, but I will say the traitor will play a role when the remake-exclusive Headmaster selection arc resumes after a few more slice of life chapters.

    Fun fact, all the Danablu spies' codenames are Danish foods. Mimi is Laks, Hylda is Hyldeblomstsaft, Millie is Millionbøf, Katrina is Koldskål, Eluf is Kammerjunker, Marzi is Marzipan, Vivi is Kage, and Sherry is Smørrebrød.

    マルツィ、ビビ、シェリー、ミル、ヒルダ、カトリーナ (Marzi, Vivi, Sherry, Mille, Hylda, and Katrina) are how all the spies that haven't been given bios would have their names spelled in katakana. As for their codenames, ラックス、 カンマーユンカー、 カゲイ、
    マジパン, スモーレブロ, コルツカル,
    ハイルデブロムスタフト, and ミロンボフ (Laks, Kammerjunker, Kage, Marzipan, Smørrebrød, Katrina is Koldskål, Hyldeblomstsaft, and Millionbøf) is how they would be spelled in katakana.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Most of them don't know their birthdays, though Hylda's is actually August 13th, which is the same as her granddaughter, Helga. And just like her granddaughter, her favorite food is filet mignon.

    As for the others, I guess I'll give them birthdays now. Katrina's is December 31st, which is New Year's eve. Sherry's is February 28th, which is the last day in February except during leap years. Vivi's is February 20th, and Mille's is July 31st. Marzi doesn't have a birthday, but everyone agreed to have it be November 10th, which was the day the team was originally formed.

    As for their favorite foods, Sherry's was cheese sandwiches, Mille was omelettes, Katrina's was parfait, Vivi's was Brussels sprouts, and Marzi's was baked beans.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jul 08, 2024

    Author's Commentary #136:

    Time to talk about Chapter 136: Killer king.
    There is quite a lot to talk about, so first up, behind the scenes stuff. This chapter was actually one of the first chapters written for Season 3. Much like Season 2, I started by writing the final fight and working my way back. That likely explains why the pacing might feel a bit off at times, though I do feel me rushing at times was more due to burnout if anything.

    Second, let's talk about the game. Believe it or not, I ended up completely rewriting the game. The original still featured a Bongcloud, king and queen swap, and ended on the 69th move with Pewler left with just his king. However, I then learned that it was possible to checkmate with the king. On, there is an achievement known as "killer king" which you get for delivering a checkmate with the king. Believe it or not, this is possible, but only via a discovered checkmate. When I learned about it, I knew I had to rewrite the game to include it. It took a while, but it paid off. And speaking of killer kings, the title of the chapter is a reference to the achievement of the same name.

    And finally, Pewler is dead. I guess you could say he bit the dust. As for Iori, she's now back home. The key to her victory was Pewler underestimating just how sadistic she really was. In fact, this was the first time Pewler truly lost his composure. But since Pewler's dead, that means it's time to reveal the sin he embodied.

    This was actually tough as I went back and forth between pride and greed. Ultimately, I went with pride/hubris as his sin. This is mainly because he's overconfident and thinks he has control of everything. He also has some similarities to Masayoshi Shido from Person 5, who, you guessed it, embodies the sin of pride. While he also displayed some tendencies worthy of making him embody the sin of greed, I feel pride fits him better due to his massive hubris, though feel free to argue otherwise if you think greed fits him better.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jul 07, 2024

    Author's Commentary #135:

    Time to talk about Chapter 135: Grandstanding.
    If you didn't already hate Pewler, this chapter will sure as hell make you hate him. Not only did he take down Carol, but he put on a whole kabuki theater show in order to garner sympathy from the public. This man truly is a vile manipulator.

    As for why the president and vice president just flat out resigned and handed Pewler the reigns of power, he manipulated them into handing him the reigns of power. He did seek to beat them in DESPER battle to get them completely under his control, but was unable to due to the heavy security detail each one had. While he could theoretically force the president into a DESPER match even if his security detail is present, said guards would simply arrest Pewler following the match even if he did win. Thus, he kept his public image and his image before the president and vice-president clean in order to fully manipulate them.

    Now that Pewler's the president, he can do whatever he wants following his acceptance speech. The only good news is that Mimoko's back home, but sadly Pewler will abuse his authority to try and extradite her in order to imprison her for the rest of her life. Thing's aren't looking good for our heroes, but the season is still not over yet. While the heroine. Mimoko might have been fooled, the sadistic anti-hero Iori isn't playing around.

    I actually decided to merge this chapter and the one I planned to release next at the last minute. The first reason for this was because I felt the chapter worked better combined with this one. And the second was that it means the Iori vs Pewler showdown will occur next chapter instead of two chapters from now. Get hyped, because the match in the next chapter might just top [Game #49] from Chapter 91: King David's Bongcloud, and as you might remember, that game was my favorite game in the series thus far.

    Speaking of which, once Season 3 concludes, I'll publish lists of my top 10 favorite and least favorite games and characters in the series. I hope you look forward to it.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster