Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jul 12, 2024

    Author's Commentary #39:

    Time to talk about Chapter 39: Emeri's family.
    As stated previously, Season 2 of the remake will feature far more significant changes from the original compared to Season 1. The first big change is that Emeri's family has a whole chapter dedicated solely to their introduction. Speaking of which, let's go over everyone's bios.

    倉守 功気 (Kuramori Koki) is how Koki's name is spelled in kanji. 功気 means "achievement" and "energy" which is fitting considering he's a massive jock.

    His birthday is April 6th which was the day of the opening of the first modern Olympic games which was held in Athens, Greece in 1896.

    He actually used to have red hair but lasered all of it off in order to improve his times. Emeri got both her hair and eyes from him.

    倉守 栄華 (Kuramori Eika) is how Eika's name is spelled in kanji. 栄華 means "glory" and "flower".

    Her birthday is December 22nd. This date was partially chosen at random, though I made sure that her birthday was during Winter.

    As mentioned in the story, Eika is Harumi's younger sister who disowned herself from the family in order to make a name for herself free of the family's influence and in hopes that she wouldn't be targeted by Illumous. Her original name was
    Akina and spelled as 秋奈 in kanji. 秋奈 means "Fall" and "fruit tree". All the children of Gozaemon are named after seasons though ironically were each born in the season following the one they were named after. Since she's a Ginkawa by blood, her hair is naturally silver, however, she dyes it red.

    倉守 惠利砂 (Kuramori Eriza) is how Eriza's name is spelled in kanji. 惠利砂 means "kindness", "advantage", and "sand".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is July 5th which was the day of the opening ceremony of the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, France.

    Eriza is already a rising star in the sports world and is Eika's pride and joy. Her main condition for allowing Emeri to live at the Ginkawa mansion was that she didn't drag Eriza into any of the Ginkawa family's problems and never tell her that she was a Ginkawa. Emeri accepted the terms and was allowed to live at the mansion.

    As for why I decided to extend the introduction, I wanted the Kuramoris to have more screen-time so that readers could get a better grasp of their characters. Their characters aren't much different from the original though, but speaking of character changes, a certain antagonist has undergone a complete character overhaul. You'll see what I mean soon.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Escape Witch [Remake] cover
    Escape:Witch [Remake]

    Jul 12, 2024

    Author's Commentary #140:

    Time to talk about Chapter 140: Fear of ostracization.
    I actually struggled a bit on what to make the title, but finally settled on this. As for the chapter, it finally reveals why Sheila hates Mimoko and Daria so much. She had a rough time growing up due to her grandfather Wiley putting pressure on her to succeed him in legacy. Wiley originally wasn't like this and even allowed his son, Sheila's father, to pursue whatever dream he pleased. But after he and his wife were killed after getting caught up in a political rally turned violent, Wiley changed. That doesn't excuse his treatment of Sheila, but explains a bit on why he hates Pewler so much, as Pewler had a hand in the incident.

    As for both Sheila and Sherbert, they both ended up changing their personalities out of fear that society would ostracize them. In Sheila's case, she became a diehard Misericordia supporter, and while she did genuinely support some of their positions, most of her "support" was more so her trying to desperately differentiate herself from Wiley. Sherbert on the other hand was afraid of not just getting cancelled, but also being kidnapped and brainwashed like Lakisha was.

    Since the focus of the chapter was more so on the discussions between the characters, I had the games be rather quick and not very tactical. Sherbert blunders and falls to Iori while Sheila runs out of time, but at least made one move. One thing I'll mention is that Sherbert's rating of 2650 is a reference to the fact that Hawaii is the 50th state in the union.

    Going forward, Sherbert will decide to embrace more of her inner edginess, but she'll also become Iori's sworn enemy. As for the rest of the SPCMs, Iori just needs to beat Sandy and then she can challenge Wiley. Mimoko's in hot pursuit though so place your bets on who you think will challenge Wiley first.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jul 11, 2024

    Author's Commentary #38:

    Time to talk about Chapter 38: Fubuki and Yuni.
    First off, today, July 11th, is the 1-year anniversary of the first chapter of the original Escape Witch being uploaded. As such, today is a celebration of the series' 1-year anniversary.

    Second, Season 2 of the remake is here. Uploads will be a bit more irregular though mainly because I'm still in the process of rewriting things. Season 2 will be much different compared to its original counterpart, but it will still use the original arcs as a base.

    As for the chapter, it's essentially a flashback of Yuni's past with Fubuki. It's essentially Yuni telling Serika what Fubuki was like. One thing I should mention is that both Serika and Yuni can remember everything from the day they were born. This is thanks to the genes they inherited from Fubuki who also has a really good memory. I'll also explain a bit about Fubuki's living situation. After she escaped from captivity, she went into hiding at a house her brother in-law built. The house was essentially a secret bunker and had all the resources Fubuki needed to live there without ever heading out. Once Yuni was old enough, she began heading out, but didn't venture to far. After the place was burned by Illumous goons, she moved to a different location and began traveling around the world while Yuni lived safely with Hitomi. Reika eventually built her house on the location where Fubuki's used to be, but now since Reika is dead, just Bianka lives there. As for the twin link, it's a secret technique of the Kitakawa clan that allows Hitomi and Fubuki to link their minds wherever and whenever. They can't swap minds or merge minds, but they can read each other's thoughts. They can also temporarily see what the other is seeing by covering up an eye and performing the twin link.

    Now for some facts about the chapter itself. Parts of the chapter were adapted from chapters from the original Escape Witch as well as Mystery ghost foresight, but most of the chapter is original content. I felt a chapter like this was perfect to celebrate the series' 1-year anniversary and mark the start of Season 2. It also inspired me to post some art of Yuni and Madoka as babies being held by Fubuki and Harumi, respectively.

    Now that the series is a year old, I'm starting to feel old. It's hard to believe it was only a year ago that I uploaded the first chapter of my first ever webnovel, but here we are. Thanks to everyone that's read and supported the series. I hope you're looking forward to what's to come in Season 2 of the Escape Witch remake.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Escape Witch [Remake] cover
    Escape:Witch [Remake]

    Jul 11, 2024

    Author's Commentary #91:

    Time to talk about Chapter 91: Itsuki's birthday.
    Once again, this is another birthday chapter that was primarily made for the remake, but added to the original as a bonus chapter. Funnily enough, February 9th was actually the day I decided to give everyone birthdays and do birthday chapters.

    As for Itsuki, her birthday just so happened to also be National pizza day. Like all the other birthday chapters, this one delves more into Itsuki, particularly her relationship with her mother, Mahi. And well, Mahi just flat-out disowned her own daughter on her birthday. Though at least the chapter has a lighthearted end with Azuki being fed some cursed Brazilian pizza. There is good Brazilian pizza, but naturally, Rika saw a video of an infamous Brazilian pizzeria making cursed pizza and just had to replicate it. Oh yeah and Makihara makes an appearance. He's descended into madness and hasn't been making much progress on revolutionizing fair food. He truly messed up not accepting Rika's mercy when she offered it.

    Finally, we learn that Itsuki is a pizza nerd and will be crafting new and exciting pizzas. Itsuki really is a lovable dork at heart and definitely deserves better than how her parents treat her. Luckily, Rika decided to recruit her and now she's happily working at Ryokoma. Her relationship with her parents is unlikely to improve, but at least she's got good friends by her side.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jul 10, 2024

    Author's Commentary #90:

    Time to talk about Chapter 90: The journalist.
    This chapter has very few changes from it's original counterpart. It is also just as important here as it introduces Fubuki Dakota, Yuni's mother. Fubuki is an underground journalist that first got involved in exposing corruption after witnessing the murder of Shiruka sensei on February 29th, 2000 during her final year of high-school. She was touring a studio as part of a field trip, and after realizing someone was acting suspicious, she secretly tailed them and witnessed them murder Shiruka as well as one of the local news anchors. She captured evidence of the crime on a Canon Powershot A5 which she happened to have on her at the time. Now let's do Fubuki's bio.

    First off, Fubuki's name is actually an alias she uses. フブキダコタ (Fubuki Dakota) is how it would be written in Japanese. Her real name is actually Futami Kirikawa. 切川 二見 (Kirikawa Futami) is how her real name is spelled in kanji. 二見 means "two" and "to see" while 切川 means "to cut" and "river"
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Fubuki and her older twin sister Hitomi both hail from the Kirikawa clan, a ninja clan most known for having numerous multiple births throughout the family's history. In fact, it is considered abnormal if a woman from the clan bears any thing less than twins. Speaking of which, Fubuki and Hitomi's mother is a quintuplet, while Hitomi's children are triplets. Fubuki is the first woman from the clan in decades to give birth to only a single child, though she could have given birth to two children, albeit, they wouldn't have been twins.

    Like her twin sister, Hitomi, Fubuki was born on February 2nd. This date is fitting because she is a twin. It is also the day after Yuni's birthday.

    Her favorite food is eggrolls, just like her twin sister. The eggroll and Col Masaru's chicken combo alongside her looks is how Rika pieced together that she was Yuni's mom.

    She truly is a journalist, but has merely been labeled a conspiracy theorist thanks to I.L.U.'s influence. She is also the only person in the world to have a worldwide gag-order issued against her. As for what such an order is, it requires law enforcement to always gag Fubuki first when detaining her to prevent her from "spouting nonsense". This also proves that what Fubuki says is true as I.L.U. is attempting to have her gagged not because she spouts nonsense, but because they fear what she'll say and expose about them. Her notoriety is also why she decided to have Yuni start living with Hitomi once she turned 3. She actually has a tragic backstory and was originally going to have a child back in 2001 but was captured by I.L.U. and tortured by Akuma Ookuma, Ruchi's father, alongside her partner and lover. She managed to escape, but her partner was killed, and the child she had within her was as well. She then went into hiding, and spent years trying to get pregnant again with some sperm her partner had left for her in a fridge. It seemed as though she would never bear a child, but then a miracle happened and she became pregnant with Yuni. Due to all the torture Fubuki received in captivity, Yuni ended up growing up with less athletic ability than normal, but she did inherit her mother's vast intellect. Fubuki also never told Yuni about their ninja heritage, mainly because she wanted Yuni to remain out of harm's way. And while she knows it's risky to meet with Yuni, she does her best to meet with her at least once a year on her birthday. They meet at a fence a block away from Hitomi's place and always converse about what they've been up to. Yuni's dream is to fight corruption alongside her mother, as Fubuki is who she looks up to the most.

    However, as showcased in Chapter 87, Kasumi hates that she's related to Fubuki. Nika and Miku don't really have an opinion on Fubuki, but Kasumi does, and since Yuni is always out there defending Fubuki, she feels that because Yuni is related to her, others will hurl their insults at her too and designate her as a Fubuki fanatic by proxy.

    As for what she and Rika discussed, that won't be revealed until much later in the story. One final thing I'll mention is that she is aware that Rebelle and Zuina are her distant cousins. She only met their mother Miyoko once, but she is well aware of Rebelle's infamy and has even had some direct confrontations with her. Her hair is also naturally magenta, and she only dyes her hair blonde in order to protect Hitomi and Yuni. If you've read the Escape Witch remake, you'll know why that fact is so important, but if not, there's no need to worry as it will briefly be addressed in this story as well.

    On a completely different note, I've finally uploaded more art to the gallery showcasing what most of the side characters look like. While Fubuki isn't there, I did upload some art of her to the Escape Witch Remake gallery in case anyone is interested in knowing what she looks like.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jul 09, 2024

    Author's Commentary #137:

    Time to talk about Chapter 137: The key to victory.
    Remember how I drew attention to the number of DESPER keys in previous commentaries? That was a hint to let you know that Carol noticed Iori's message and retrieved the DESPER key from Mimoko. Carol actually swiped the key without Mimoko knowing, because she figured that's what Iori would have wanted her to do. Despite not being good at chess, she does have street smarts.

    Speaking of Carol, I actually went back and forth on whether to kill her off. Then I arrived at the solution you saw in the story. If this game ever gets a video game adaptation, players would be required to give Mimoko the DESPER key case otherwise Carol actually would die. Here however, she lives and this story is ultimately the canon.

    As for the Glasstone stuff, Kon Iving is clearly a pun on the word, "conniving" while Duos Calceamenta is Latin for "two shoes" which is a pun on "goody two-shoes" and Tyran is a pun on "tyrant". This was actually going to be where the names were revealed for the first time, but I decided to have Kon's be revealed in the previous chapter for obvious reasons. Kon Iving is actually based off of Pewler which is why Pewler feels so connected to Glasstone and has such a big hubris because of it. This also means that Glasstone's author, Regis Revere must know him well.

    Another thing I'll mention is that DESPERs prevent anyone from dying before the match is concluded. Chess boxing is the exception, however, if Carol had requested a chess boxing match, her wounds would have been healed to the point where she would stand a fair chance against Lakisha and not hinder her in the match, however, any injuries she'd receive in the match could kill her.

    Speaking of the match, it's actually the game that was originally used in Chapter 34 before I rewrote the game. I felt the game didn't fit the play-style of Okisato and Gyro, but Carol and Lakisha are a different story. Plus, it was a game that I won without any help against's 1800-rated Wally bot, so I felt it was a worthy game to have be Carol's big moment. I also felt a little bad about removing the game from the story, so this chapter gave me the perfect chance to rectify it.

    Now that everyone's back safely, they'll be subjected to Mimoko's slaps and tearful embrace. However, there's still a few loose ends to wrap up before Season 3 ends, notably challenging Maestro Frisch and resolving some issues with his SPCMs. There is also a mystery that needs to be solved, so see if you can solve it before the answer to it is revealed in the final chapter of the season.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster