Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Mar 03, 2025

    Author's Commentary #367:

    Time to talk about Chapter 367: The president's prowess.
    So first things first, this technically isn't Raymond's first ever game in the series. In the original draft of Season 4, I did have Okisato briefly throw a game with Raymond, simply so they could have a voice call with each other. Obviously, I felt that was kind of pointless and cut the game entirely from the series, instead just having Okisato communicate with Raymond via a standard video call. As for the chapter, there actually is quite a bit to talk about, but first off, let's get the bios out of the way.

    アヴィアン・ネプリャエフ (Avian Nepryaev) is how Avian's name would be spelled in katakana. Авиан Непряев (Avian Nepryaev) is how it would be spelled in Russian.

    His birthday is July 14th, which he shares with Russian grandmaster, Ian Nepomniachtchi.

    His favorite piece is the bishop.

    Unlike the other characters introduced this chapter, Avian is a good boy. He's also meant to serve as this universe's Ian Nepomniachtchi. As for why he makes a shocked face, it's in reference to the many surprised faces Ian Nepomniachtchi makes.

    ウラジレン・モスカル大佐 (Col Vladilen Moskal) is how Vladilen's name would be spelled in Japanese. Полковник Владилен Москаль (Col Vladilen Moskal) is how it would be spelled in Russian.

    His birthday is January 12th, which he shares with controversial Russian grandmaster, Sergey Karjakin.

    His favorite piece is the king.

    ジュラド・マンチッチ (Đurađ Mančić) is how Đurađ's name would be spelled in katakana. Ђурађ Манчић (Đurađ Mančić) is how it would be spelled in Serbian (Cyrillic).

    His birthday is February 15th, which is Statehood Day in Serbia.

    His favorite piece is the king.

    ラティミール・ラトコヴィッチ (Ratimir Ratković) is how Ratimir's name would be spelled in katakana. Ратимир Ратковић (Ratimir Ratković) is how it would be spelled in Serbian (Cyrillic).
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    His birthday is March 13th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is his birthday.

    His favorite piece is the king.

    Ratimir is a war criminal, plain and simple. He's committed numerous atrocities and even been convicted of war crimes. However, the power of the DESPERs bailed him out. This is something I've wanted to touch on for a while now. The DESPERs really can be used for evil, and the notion of resolving everything with chess can lead to great consequences, especially if a convicted war criminal is a grandmaster. In regards to his history with Blerta, it's dark, so fair warning for when it's properly shown in the story.

    I've also been wanting to highlight Raymond's moral grayness for a while as well. Raymond is the kind of man that would invite both Hitler and Gandhi to a chess tournament if they were grandmaster-level. He doesn't care how good or bad you are morally, all that matters is that you are good at chess. So long as you don't snuff out a talented chess player outside the confines of chess, Raymond could care less if you are a saint or demon.

    As for the game, it was a long one, but it was just so perfect, I felt it would be a disservice not to feature it in it's entirety. Behind the scenes, I really struggled to get this one written, simply because of burnout, but while that might have been the case, that doesn't diminish the quality of the game itself. Raymond showed why he's the boss, as his skill is the real deal. He may have a rating of 2999 and a purple WWCF card, but unlike the members of the executive board, he possess no chip that feeds him engine moves. In fact, he's technically not even a member of the executive board and was originally the only one with a purple WWCF card before the executive board's formation. Back then, his purple WWCF card simply denoted his status as WWCF president.

    Despite the fatigue I faced when writing this game, I feel that doesn't diminish said game's chances of making it into the top 30 favorite games in the series list. Not only was the game good, but it's an important moment not just in the arc, but series as a whole. A confrontation like this was actually considered as far back as when I was writing Season 1. No games against Raymond himself were planned, but the original scene I planned to write would showcase Raymond's moral grayness upfront. I decided against that though as I felt it would seem too out of nowhere at the time.

    And now that the game is complete, a week's worth of chapter remain before the Bermuda party concludes. I know this arc has been going on for way longer than I originally planned, but in these next 7 chapters, I've got some amazing games and character interactions planned. I know it might sound like I'm upset this mini-arc ended up being so long, but it's the complete opposite. I'm proud of the Bermuda party mini-arc, and I hope it becomes one of the more ell-received arcs in the story.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Mar 02, 2025

    Author's Commentary #366:

    Time to talk about Chapter 366: Bad blood.
    This one's another character introduction chapter, but there is also some lore within it too. Anyway, let's get right into the bios.

    イヴォンヌ・フローレス (Ivonne Flores) is how Ivonne's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is February 17th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    イヴェリッセ・ベラウンデ (Ivelisse Belaunde) is how Ivelisse's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is July 8th, which she shares with Peruvian grandmaster, Emilio Córdova.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop.

    イゼッタ・ヤルレケ (Izetta Yarlequé) is how Izetta's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is February 18th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Izetta is clearly the character I've put the most work into writing, as she has a solid backstory and character. She's also close with Ichiko, meaning you can expect to see more of her in the future.

    イオ・ママニ (Io Mamani) is how Io's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is January 8th, which is the day the moon, Io, was first discovered.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    ムン・チュンファ (Moon Chun-hwa) is how Chun-hwa's name would be spelled in katakana. 문춘화 (Moon Chun-hwa) is how it would be spelled in Korean.

    Her birthday is July 15th. I chose the date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Originally, I meant to introduce the entire Peruvian team shortly after Ichiko's show ended, but just didn't feel like doing it at the time. One fun fact about the team is that the name of every single member of it begins with an "I". Just goes to show my affinity for names that start with "I", as there are quite a few characters with names like that in this story alone.

    パク・イェビン (Park Ye-bin) is how Ye-bin's name would be spelled in katakana. 박예빈 (Park Ye-bin) is how it would be spelled in Korean.

    Her birthday is June 14th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    ヨン・ジュヘ (Young Ju-hye) is how Ju-hye's name would be spelled in katakana. 영혜 (Young Ju-hye) is how it would be spelled in Korean.

    Her birthday is July 13th, which she shares with South Korean singer-songwriter and composer, Baek Ye-bin.

    Her favorite piece is the knight.

    オ・インヘ (Oh In-hye) is how In-hye's name would be spelled in katakana. 오인혜 (Oh In-hye) is how it would be spelled in Korean.

    Her birthday is April 5th, which she shares with Soviet-born Korean grandmaster, Alexey Kim.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn.

    ノエ・ダソム (Noe Da-som) is how Da-som's name would be spelled in katakana. 노에다솜 (Noe Da-som) is how it would be spelled in Korean.

    Her birthday is February 14th, which is Valentines Day. This is fitting since Da-som means "love" in Korean.

    Her favorite piece is the rook.

    When I first settled on having a Korean team, I knew they were going to be a K-pop group. I didn't have Chun-hwa being a rival to Izetta though, something I only decided to go with last minute. Though it is worth mentioning that the Korean team was created long before the Peruvian one. And in case anyone's curious, in the world of this story, Mongolia has conquered North Korea, and eyeing to do the same to the Republic of Korea as well. This was one of the reasons the Korean government is desperate to find good chess talent, however, Chun-hwa's primary objective for bringing Malasangre to Budapest is for publicity. Speaking of Malasangre, it's Spanish for "bad blood", hence the chapter's title.

    ラヤ・バギロワ (Raya Baghirova) is how Raya's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is August 8th, which is the day the Quba District of Azerbaijan was first established.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Raya hails from Qırmızı Qəsəbə, a municipality and village in Azerbaijan's Quba District, notable for it's Jewish-majority population. The name of the town roughly translates to "Red Town" or "Red Village". As for Raya herself, she's a freestyle rapper and the DSPCM of Quba, which is just across the Qudyai river from Qırmızı Qəsəbə. As for the other DSPCM positions in Azerbaijan, Afag's the DSPCM of Beylagan, Aigul's the DSPCM of Nakhchivan city, Dinara's the DSPCM of Ganja, whle Aydan's the DSPCM of Baku.

    ヘレ・ダール (Helle Dahl) is how Helle's name would be spelled is katakana.

    Her birthday is October 22nd, which she shares with Estonian international master, Mai Narva.

    Her favorite piece is the rook.

    Helle is a Swedish-Estonian punk rocker with a foul mouth, but gift for music and chess.

    エグル・ヴィズギルダ (Eglė Vizgirda) is how Eglė's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is August 6th, which she shares with Lithuanian grandmaster, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Eglė's character design draws heavily from the Lithuanian folk tale, Eglė the Queen of Serpents. It was actually through researching this that made me decide to go ahead and create the Lithuanian women's team.

    カトリアナ・モスカル (Katryana Moskal) is how Katryana's name would be spelled in katakana. Катряна Москаль (Katryana Moskal) is how it would be spelled in Russian.

    Her birthday is January 12th, which she shares with controversial Russian grandmaster, Sergey Karjakin.

    Her favorite piece is the king.

    In works of fiction, there are times where there must be insufferable characters present to enchance the overall story. Katryana is an example of this as will be her husband, Col Vladilen Moskal. That being said, I currently have little screentime planned for the two, though I will admit, she was originally slated to have a more prominent antagonistic role, which ended up vanishing moreso due to the evergrowing cast of characters, resulting in my focus constantly shifting from one character to the next, which means some characters end up left in the dust.

    ガリーナ・ロス (Galina Los) is how Galina's name would be spelled in katakana. Галина Лось (Galina Los) is how it would be spelled in Russian.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is April 11th, which she shares with Russian grandmaster, Tatiana Kosintseva.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Galina has one of my favorite designs. Originally, she was slated to be Katryana's bitch in crime, but since I liked her design so much, I decided against going that route with her character. Now she's more of the drama enjoyer type as if she sees a conflict brewing, her first course of action would be to grab some popcorn and find a comfy couch to sit on.

    And with that, the bios are done. And the stage is also set for the match between Raymond and Anastasia. The wait is finally over, so get hyped for what will be in contention for one of the top 30 best games in the series.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Mar 01, 2025

    To celebrate the Chess Olympics arc, I've decided to create full artwork of all the major teams that will appear in the story. Each work of art contains not just full art of the team's members, but also their board number and rating along with the team's average rating. Here's links to all the team art currently up for teams that have been revealed thus far. More will be posted as the arc progresses.

    The women's side is complete at 64 teams. Even though there are over 100 teams competing, I'm only choosing to spotlight 64 of the women's teams. As for the men's side, I plan to have about 34 teams.

    Note that not all the countries that get a main focus will each have artwork of both their men's and women's teams.

    Women's teams ordered by average rating:

    1. United States of America (average rating: 2661.2):

    2. German Empire of Prussia (average rating: 2613):

    3. Japan (average rating: 2595):

    4. Norway (average rating: 2594.6):

    5. India (average rating: 2562.8):

    6. China (average rating: 2511.6):

    7. Hungary (average rating: 2504.8):

    8. Ukraine (average rating: 2503.8):

    9. Russia (average rating: 2458.4):

    10. Georgia (average rating: 2428):

    11. Netherlands (average rating: 2422):

    12. France (average rating: 2410.6):

    13. New Kingdom of Simien (average rating: 2409):

    14. Poland (average rating: 2400.4):

    15. Neo Kingdom of Egypt (average rating: 2394.4):

    16. Azerbaijan (average rating: 2385.2):

    17. Kazakhstan (average rating: 2384.4):

    18. Spain (average rating: 2354):

    19. Bulgaria (average rating: 2353.6):

    20. Romania (average rating: 2350.6):

    21. England (average rating: 2347.8):

    22. Armenia (average rating: 2326.2):

    23. Italy (average rating: 2324.6):

    24. Denmark (average rating: 2305.8):

    25. Estonia (average rating: 2269.2):

    26. Switzerland (average rating: 2263.8):

    27. Türkiye (average rating: 2257.8):

    28. Greece (average rating: 2254.2):

    29. Vietnam (average rating 2246.2):

    30. Mongolia (average rating: 2241.4):

    31. Montenegro (average rating: 2237.8):

    32. Argentina (average rating: 2225):

    33. New Republic of Paeonia (average rating: 2214):

    34. Serbia (average rating: 2202.2):

    35. Sweden (average rating: 2201.4):

    36. Ireland (average rating: 2178.6):

    37. Belgium (average rating: 2169):

    38. Latvia (average rating: 2166.2):

    39. Neo-Babylonian Empire (average rating: 2161.6):

    40. Czechoslovakia (average rating: 2155.6):

    41. Ecuador (average rating: 2151):

    42. Uzbekistan (average rating: 2147):

    43. Croatia (average rating: 2146.2):

    44. Brazil (average rating: 2143.4):

    45. Peru (average rating: 2128.2):

    46. Antarctica (average rating: 2094):

    47. Lithuania (average rating: 2093.6):

    48. South Africa (average rating: 2086.4):

    49. Australia (average rating: 2084.6):

    50. Philippians (average rating: 2082):

    51. Austria (average rating: 2080.8):

    52. Åland Islands (average rating: 2072.6):

    53. New Zealand (average rating: 2073.8):

    54. Ethiopia (Average rating: 2029.2):

    55. Portugal (average rating: 2008.8):

    56. Scotland (average rating: 1999):

    57. Canada (average rating: 1997.6):

    58. Bosnia and Herzegovina (average rating: 1987.2):

    59. Mexico (average rating: 1986):

    60. Albania (average rating: 1968.6):

    61. Iceland (average rating: 1930.8):

    62. Indonesia (average rating: 1876.2):

    63. Tanzania (average rating: 1863.8):

    64. Republic of Korea (average rating: 1778):

    Men's teams ordered by average rating:

    1. United States of America (average rating: 2854.8):

    2. Russia (average rating: 2853.8):

    3. India (average rating: 2768.6):

    4. Uzbekistan (average rating: 2698.8):

    5. German Empire of Prussia (average rating: 2694.8):

    6. Spain (average rating: 2686.8):

    7. Neo-Babylonian Empire (average rating: 2666.4):

    8. Hungary (average rating: 2654.6):

    9. Poland (average rating: 2640.2):

    10. Ukraine (average rating: 2633.8):

    11. China (average rating: 2631):

    12. Romania (average rating: 2626.6):

    13. Austria (average rating: 2624):

    14. Serbia (average rating: 2602.6):

    15. Cuba (average rating: 2577.2):

    16. France (average rating: 2565.8):

    17. Iceland (average rating: 2534.6):

    18. New Kingdom of Simien (average rating: 2528):

    19. Mongolia (average rating: 2472.4):

    20. Estonia (average rating: 2462.4):

    21. Bosnia and Herzegovina (average rating: 2443.2):

    22. England (average rating: 2431.8):

    23. Slovenia (average rating: 2419.4):

    24. Costa Rica (average rating: 2362):

    25. Italy (average rating: 2320.4):

    26. New Zealand (average rating: 2286):

    27. Denmark (average rating: 2225):

    28. Canada (average rating 2223):

    29. Japan (average rating: 2047.6):


    The Arbiters (average rating: 2672):

    The Commentators (average rating: 2281.8):

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Mar 01, 2025

    Author's Commentary #365:

    Time to talk about Chapter 365: Check again, witch doctor.
    This chapter might contain perhaps one of the more touchier subject matters, that being albinism in Tanzania. For those who don't know, those born with albinism in Tanzania often face persecution as some local witch doctors want to kill them as they believe their bodies hold special spiritual properties. Tanzania actually has one of the highest albino birthrates in Africa according to Wikipedia. When I first learned about this, I knew what the central theme of the Tanzanian team would be and got to work on the characters. Speaking of which, let's go over them.

    アイシャ・ムギムワ (Aisha Mgimwa) is how Aisha's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is February 24th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn.

    Aisha is the DSPCM of Dar es Salaam, the capitol city of Tanzania. She's the nation's only DSPCM, but is showing her prowess, and improving it by the day.

    ヤスミーン・ムギムワ (Yasmeen Mgimwa) is how Yasmeen's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is March 13th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Yasmeen is a witch doctor as well as Aisha's older sister. Prior to Aisha becoming a DSPCM, she was the main breadwinner of the family. She's easily going to be one of the more controversial characters in the series though.

    ロクサーヌ・マルジ博士 (Dr. Roxanne Marji) is how Roxanne's name would be spelled in Japanese.

    Her birthday is June 6th. I chose this date mostly at random, so there isn't too much significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Roxanne is a character I have big plans for, however, they likely won't come to fruition this arc. But definitely be on the lookout for what I have in store for her character.

    リネット・カセケ (Linet Kaseke) is how Linet's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is January 15th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop.

    In contrast to the others, Linet is the character I had little to no idea what to do with, only deciding to make her a sadistic asshole last minute. Though in contrast to some of the other sadists, she enjoys watching more than actually putting in the work to make others suffer. It's not the most in depth personality, but I feel it's at least passable.

    リア・エルフェア (Leah Ælfheah) is how Leah's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is November 28th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Like Lindi, Leah ha albinism, however, in her culture, albinism is treated as divine, thus she is worshipped by her people. As for what her personality is like, that will have to wait until she appears again in the story.

    リンディ・マトゥマイニ (Lindi Matumaini) is how Lindi's name would be spelled in katakana. Her surname is the Swahili word for "hope".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is June 30th, which she shares with Salum Barwany, the first Tanzanian MP with albinism to be elected to parliament. Lindi's name comes from the district he represented, Lindi Urban.

    Her favorite piece is the knight.

    As stated in the story, Lindi has albinism, which has led to her facing persecution throughout her life. She found her big break when she encountered Raymond and discovered her talent for chess. She's now a WWCF official, and primarily works at WWCF HQ, though will frequently play in tournaments.

    As for the game, it started out like it was going to be a long slog, but then the bot blundered and it was a short and sweet game. At this point, I was actually starting to suffer from burnout from all the chapters I was writing for this arc, so the game being as short as it was put me at ease.

    And now with another game down, I'm happy to report that the next game will be a long and tense one between Raymond and a skilled player. Get hyped, because this next game will be one of the best in the story.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Mar 01, 2025

    Author's Commentary #360:

    Time to talk about Chapter 360: Czech out that sweep.
    For any that guessed that Aya was the character I was referring to at the end of my previous commentary, congratulations, you were right. Aya's getting her own little mini-arc, starting off with a game of fog of war chess.

    It felt natural to have Aya play in a fog of war chess match, which is why I went with it. In this game, I managed to remember my opponent's position, allowing me to capture their king. I've wanted to do another fog of war chess game for a while, and finally got the chance to do so. There was also the chance to include multiple games in this chapter, but since I wanted Aya sweeping the Czechoslovakians to be more of a comedic moment, those games weren't shown. Now, let's do the bios for all the new characters introduced.

    ミルシャ・フシック (Miluše Fučík) is how Miluše's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is August 3rd, which is name day for Miluše.

    Her favorite piece is the rook.

    イジナ・ホルキー (Jiřina Horky) is how Jiřina's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is July 18th. I chose the date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn.

    ヤルミラ・ズロホヴァ (Jarmila Zlochová) is how Jarmila's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is April 28th, which is name day for Jarmilla in Slovakia.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    リブセ・チツコワ (Libuše Čížková) is how Libuše's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is July 10th, which is name day for Libuše in the Czech Republic.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    I'm sure many will wonder why Czechoslovakia exists again, and the answer to that is that I just thought it would be cool if it did. Though the Czech Republic and Slovakia do have their own regions, sort of like with Bosnia and Herzegovina and it having the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska, except the Czechoslovakian countries get along harmoniously. Prague is the main capitol, just like with old Czechoslovakia, but Bratislava is considered a co-capitol, as well as the capitol of the Slovakian region. As for the flag, it's essentially the Czechoslovakian/Czech Republic flag, but with the Slovakian coat of arms on it.

    And for one more tidbit, I'll reveal that Libuše, Lucie, and Miluše all hail from the Czech Republic with Libuše and Lucie being DSPCMs of Prague and Brno, respectively. Jarmila and Jiřina hail from Slovakia and are the DSPCMs of Bratislava and Košice, respectively, meaning Czechoslovakia has a total of 4 DSPCMs.

    Originally, I had planned to just have Aya sweep all the Czechoslovakians off-screen, but decided to instead showcase a game, as maybe there's a chance Libuše can win. This means Aya will get another game in the next chapter, and this time it will be a standard chess match. All I'll say is that this upcoming game was easily one of the more fun ones to write in this arc of the series.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 28, 2025

    Author's Commentary #364:

    Time to talk about Chapter 364: Team Antarctic-Å vs team Ire-Arm.
    My crusade to introduce as many of the teams before the second rest day is going well. Of course, that makes writing these commentaries all the more tiring. So without further ado, let's begin.

    ビパシャ・クマラゲ博士 (Dr. Bipasha Kumarage) is how Bipasha's name would be spelled in Japanese. डॉ. बिपाशा कुमारगे (Dr. Bipasha Kumarage) is how her name would be written in Sanskrit.

    Her birthday is September 17th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Bipasha originally hails from Sri Lanka, but moved to Antarctica. She's now one of the continent's few grandmasters. I actually was considering having her be part of a different team twice, but ultimately settled on having her be on team Antarctica.

    アリーナ・ミミ (Arina Mimmi) is how Arina's name would be spelled in katakana. 益那 is how her first name would be written in kanji and means "increase" and "many".

    Her birthday is August 17th. I chose the date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Arina is actually half-Japanese, but was born on the Åland Islands. I was originally going to have her be on a different team, but ultimately felt having her on team Åland Islands was the right choice.

    インケリ・ホンコ (Inkeri Honko) is how Inkeri's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is May 16th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    バラ・アホ博士 (Dr. Bára Aho) is how Bára's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is June 7th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the king.

    If you saw some of the old artwork of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, you'll have noticed that both Bipasha and Bára were originally members of said team. However, I ended up completely reversing course on my original vision for the team as I felt the personalities I had in mind for the original roster wouldn't mesh well with the primary vision I have for said team.

    ソルヴェイグ・ベルグマイト (Solveig Bergmight) is how Solveig's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is October 8th, which she shares with Solveig Gunbjørg Jacobsen, the first person to be born south of the Antarctic Convergence.

    Her favorite piece is the knight.

    Solveig was born in Antarctica, making her an Antarctic native. She's currently seeking to become the most famous person from the continent and frequently uploads videos of herself sledding down slopes and roaming around the land.

    ウラ・クパリネン (Ulla Kuparinen) is how Ulla's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is August 18th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    ペンギ・マクマード博士 (Dr. Pengi McMurdo) is how Pengi's name would be spelled in Japanese.

    Her birthday is February 16th, which is when McMurdo Station was first established.

    Her favorite piece is the knight.

    ヴァルボルグ・ユルヨ・コスキネン (Valborg Yrjö-Koskinen) is how Valborg's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is September 29th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    If you saw some of the old artwork of the teams, you'll know that Valborg's design was originally used for Myrtle Foat of the Australian women's team. I felt there was a better design for said character, so I redesigned her and ported her old design over to Valborg.

    アグラエ・モンジュ博士 (Dr. Aglaé Monge) is how Aglaé's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is May 9th, which she shares with French mathematician, Gaspard Monge.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    オルガ・ホラッパ (Olgica Holappa) is how Olgica's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is August 17th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop.

    フィデルマ・フェリター (Fidelma Ferriter) is how Fidelma's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is February 19th, which she shares with Russian-Irish grandmaster, Alexander Baburin.

    Her favorite piece is the king.

    If you take a look at her rating, you'll notice that it is above 2900, indicating that she is a member of the WWCF's executive board, much like Gudit and Orit are. The reason for this is simply that I felt there needed to be a few more executive board members competing in the tournament.

    ドリアン・オ・アン・チャインティゲ (Doireann Ó an Cháintighe) is how Doireann's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is July 8th. The significance behind this is that 7 is a lucky number in Irish culture, while 8 is considered to be the number those named "Doireann" are said to be the most lucky with.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    マネ・テル・グリゴリアン (Maneh Ter-Grigoryan) is how Maneh's name would be spelled in katakana. Մանե Տեր-Գրիգորյան (Maneh Ter-Grigoryan) is how it would be spelled in Armenian.

    Her birthday is September 18th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the knight.

    クロイア・グラス (Croía Glas) is how Croía's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is July 7th. The significance behind this is that 7 is a lucky number in Irish culture.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop.

    Not only does Croía share her surname with Sorcha, but her birthday as well. Though the exact relationship of these two to one another will remain a mystery for now.

    ルシネ・タルカニアン (Lusine Tarkanian) is how Lusine's name would be written in katakana. Լուսինե Թարքանյան (Lusine Tarkanian) is how it would be written in Armenian.

    Her birthday is June 17th, which she shares with Soviet-Armenian grandmaster and 9th World Chess Champion, Tigran Petrosian.

    Her favorite piece is the rook.

    カオイム・ペティ・フィッツモーリス (Caoimhe Petty-Fitzmaurice) is how Caoimhe's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is July 19th. The significance behind this is that 7 is a lucky number in Irish culture, while the name "Caoimhe" ranked 19th in a list of the most popular female birthname in Ireland in a 2014 survey.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    キーラ・オドハティ (Keira O'Doherty) is how Keira's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is December 21st. The significance behind this is that this date is one of the possible days the Winter Solstice can be on.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn.

    サルピー・トゥンチボヤチヤン (Salpy Tunçboyacıyan) is how Salpy's name would be written in katakana. Սալպի Թունչբոյաջյան (Salpy Tunçboyacıyan) is how it would be written in Armenian.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is August 16th, which she shares with Armenian grandmaster, Elina Danielian.

    Her favorite piece is the knight.

    Salpy was originally designed to be part of the Simien team. Back then, I had decided that the Simien team would mainly be a group of rock stars, which is why Salpy has such a punk design. However, I scrapped that idea and ended up porting Salpy over to the Armenian team.

    Speaking of music icons, Zabel secretly is one, and Arpine is trying to expose her. This dynamic likely won't be properly highlighted, but I decided to at least add some context to it here. And with the bios done, it's on to the game.

    This game was a fun match, with the challenge being writing out the justifications for why each character made the moves they did. Though I feel as though I at least succeeded in having each of the characters playing at their natural skill levels.

    And now, the Bermuda party continues. I wasn't lying when I said this arc will be around 20 chapters long. Though to hype everyone up, I will reveal that not only will there be a game next chapter, but in a few chapters, Raymond himself will be challenged to a game by a high-leveled player. You'll definitely want to stay tuned for that, as it will be Raymond's first proper on-screen game in the series.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 28, 2025

    To celebrate the Chess Olympics arc, I've decided to create full artwork of all the major teams that will appear in the story. Each work of art contains not just full art of the team's members, but also their board number and rating along with the team's average rating. Here's links to all the team art currently up for teams that have been revealed thus far. More will be posted as the arc progresses.

    The women's side is complete at 64 teams. Even though there are over 100 teams competing, I'm only choosing to spotlight 64 of the women's teams. As for the men's side, I plan to have about 34 teams.

    Note that not all the countries that get a main focus will each have artwork of both their men's and women's teams.

    Women's teams ordered by average rating:

    1. United States of America (average rating: 2661.2):

    2. German Empire of Prussia (average rating: 2613):

    3. Japan (average rating: 2595):

    4. Norway (average rating: 2594.6):

    5. India (average rating: 2562.8):

    6. China (average rating: 2511.6):

    7. Hungary (average rating: 2504.8):

    8. Ukraine (average rating: 2503.8):

    9. Russia (average rating: 2458.4):

    10. Georgia (average rating: 2428):

    11. Netherlands (average rating: 2422):

    12. France (average rating: 2410.6):

    13. New Kingdom of Simien (average rating: 2409):

    14. Poland (average rating: 2400.4):

    15. Neo Kingdom of Egypt (average rating: 2394.4):

    16. Azerbaijan (average rating: 2385.2):

    17. Kazakhstan (average rating: 2384.4):

    18. Spain (average rating: 2354):

    19. Bulgaria (average rating: 2353.6):

    20. Romania (average rating: 2350.6):

    21. England (average rating: 2347.8):

    22. Armenia (average rating: 2326.2):

    23. Italy (average rating: 2324.6):

    24. Denmark (average rating: 2305.8):

    25. Estonia (average rating: 2269.2):

    26. Switzerland (average rating: 2263.8):

    27. Türkiye (average rating: 2257.8):

    28. Greece (average rating: 2254.2):

    29. Vietnam (average rating 2246.2):

    30. Mongolia (average rating: 2241.4):

    31. Montenegro (average rating: 2237.8):

    32. Argentina (average rating: 2225):

    33. New Republic of Paeonia (average rating: 2214):

    34. Serbia (average rating: 2202.2):

    35. Sweden (average rating: 2201.4):

    36. Ireland (average rating: 2178.6):

    37. Belgium (average rating: 2169):

    38. Latvia (average rating: 2166.2):

    39. Neo-Babylonian Empire (average rating: 2161.6):

    40. Czechoslovakia (average rating: 2155.6):

    41. Ecuador (average rating: 2151):

    42. Uzbekistan (average rating: 2147):

    43. Croatia (average rating: 2146.2):

    44. Brazil (average rating: 2143.4):

    45. Peru (average rating: 2128.2):

    46. Antarctica (average rating: 2094):

    47. Lithuania (average rating: 2093.6):

    48. South Africa (average rating: 2086.4):

    49. Australia (average rating: 2084.6):

    50. Philippians (average rating: 2082):

    51. Austria (average rating: 2080.8):

    52. Åland Islands (average rating: 2072.6):

    53. New Zealand (average rating: 2073.8):

    54. Ethiopia (Average rating: 2029.2):

    55. Portugal (average rating: 2008.8):

    56. Scotland (average rating: 1999):

    57. Canada (average rating: 1997.6):

    58. Bosnia and Herzegovina (average rating: 1987.2):

    59. Mexico (average rating: 1986):

    60. Albania (average rating: 1968.6):

    61. Iceland (average rating: 1930.8):

    62. Indonesia (average rating: 1876.2):

    63. Tanzania (average rating: 1863.8):

    64. Republic of Korea (average rating: 1778):

    Men's teams ordered by average rating:

    1. United States of America (average rating: 2854.8):

    2. Russia (average rating: 2853.8):

    3. India (average rating: 2768.6):

    4. Uzbekistan (average rating: 2698.8):

    5. German Empire of Prussia (average rating: 2694.8):

    6. Spain (average rating: 2686.8):

    7. Neo-Babylonian Empire (average rating: 2666.4):

    8. Hungary (average rating: 2654.6):

    9. Poland (average rating: 2640.2):

    10. Ukraine (average rating: 2633.8):

    11. China (average rating: 2631):

    12. Romania (average rating: 2626.6):

    13. Austria (average rating: 2624):

    14. Serbia (average rating: 2602.6):

    15. Cuba (average rating: 2577.2):

    16. France (average rating: 2565.8):

    17. Iceland (average rating: 2534.6):

    18. New Kingdom of Simien (average rating: 2528):

    19. Mongolia (average rating: 2472.4):

    20. Estonia (average rating: 2462.4):

    21. Bosnia and Herzegovina (average rating: 2443.2):

    22. England (average rating: 2431.8):

    23. Slovenia (average rating: 2419.4):

    24. Costa Rica (average rating: 2362):

    25. Italy (average rating: 2320.4):

    26. New Zealand (average rating: 2286):

    27. Denmark (average rating: 2225):

    28. Canada (average rating 2223):

    29. Japan (average rating: 2047.6):


    The Arbiters (average rating: 2672):

    The Commentators (average rating: 2281.8):

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 28, 2025

    Author's Commentary #307:

    Time to talk about Chapter 307: Run, run, it's Rasputin.
    There lived a certain man, in Russia long ago. He was big and strong, and his eyes a flaming gold. Rasputin is here and things are about to get batshit insane. You can thank the Russian version of Boney M's "Rasputin" I stumbled upon for inspiring this mini-arc. Speaking of said song, I'd recommend playing it as you read this chapter as canonically speaking a version with slightly different lyrics is blasting throughout the halls as Rasputin dances around, fodderizing people in simul bullet chess. Speaking of said people, let's talk about all the new faces.

    リーケ・ヴァン・オルデンバルネベルト (Lieke Van Oldenbarnevelt) is how Lieke's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is February 10th. I chose the date at random so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the rook.

    Lieke was originally a character I didn't have any idea what to do with. She wasn't even originally planned to be here, but after determining which member of the Dutch team would be best to throw into this mini-arc, Lieke became the top pick. As such, she'll now have a much larger presence in the story than originally planned.

    ザベル・イェレミヤン (Zabel Yeremyan) is how Zabel's name would be spelled in katakana. Զաբել Երեմյան (Zabel Yeremyan) is how it would be spelled in Armenian.

    Her birthday is May 14th, which is the coronation date of Isabella, Queen of Armenia.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Zabel actually debuted back in Chapter 282: Chess' worldwide importance, being one of the many folks with hair covering one or both their eyes confronting Laura. Now she makes her proper debut.

    ファム・ティ・メイサ (Phạm Thị Meisa) is how Meisa's name would be spelled in katakana. She's actually half-Japanese and as such, her first name in kanji would be spelled as 芽咲 and means "bud" and "blossom".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is July 17th, which is the day the city of Mesa, Arizona was first registered as a townsite. Even though Meisa's name is spelled differently from Mesa, both sound similar, which is likely why I often mix the two together.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn.

    Vietnam was actually one of the final women's teams I designed, meaning Meisa and all her teammates came to be while this arc was well under way. Despite that, I decided to have Meisa be introduced here as this point in the story allows me to introduce lots of new characters.

    Speaking of which, more new characters will be properly introduced in these next few chapters. This mini-arc was easily one of the more exhausting ones, mainly because of all the games being played. At 7 games, this chapter will likely break the record for most games taking place in a single chapter. And guess what, there's still 6 more players left. The large quantity of players is why I opted for fast mate games. Since it's bullet time and most of the players are exhausted from the games they just played in the tournament, it makes sense that Rasputin's fodderizing them. It's also a testament to Rasputin's physical prowess as he's essentially going from one end of a long hallway to another to move all these pieces and still isn't getting flagged. But with 7 down and 6 to go, things are still up in the air for the players. But perhaps one will put up a stand.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 28, 2025

    Author's Commentary #293:

    Time to talk about Chapter 293: The one who's paying for dinner.
    With the 3rd round over, it's time for some downtime, meaning I'm going to introduce some more new characters. As such, this commentary will naturally focus on the bios for all these new characters, so without further ado, let's begin.

    ジャスティン・ベバー (Justin Beaver) is how Justin's name would be spelled in katakana. His name is an obvious parody of Justin Bieber. Since Beaver in Japanese is literally ビーバー, which is the same as Bieber's last name, I changed the katakana from ビーバー to ベバー for Justin's official Japanese name. As for the mop bucket bit, it stems from the fact that over a decade ago, Justin Bieber infamously peed in a mop bucket. For some reason, that's always stuck with me so when I created a Justin Bieber parody character, this was the top trait I slapped on to him.

    His birthday is March 1st, which he shares with Canadian pop icon, Justin Bieber.

    His favorite piece is the knight because he said so.

    グリズリー・スナッグラー (Grizzly Snuggler) is how Grizzly's name would be spelled in katakana. He's an obvious parody of Bear Hugger from Punch-Out!!. Grizzly actually appeared way back in Chapter 268, as he was the one standing atop the table with the maple syrup.

    His birthday is October 24th, which is when Super Punch-Out!! first released.

    His favorite piece is the pawn, mainly because they're the simplest piece on the board.

    イネス・ペレヤ (Inez Pereya) is how Inez's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is May 25th which is World Football day, making the fact that she despises the sport all the more ironic.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop.

    マリナ・ドラクレシュティ (Mălina Drăculești) is how Mălina's name is spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is November 2nd, which she shares with Voivode of Wallachia, Vlad the Impaler.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    アヤネ・ロドリゲス (Ayane Rodrigues) is how Ayane's name is spelled in katakana. Her name in kanji is 明夜音 and means "reveal", "night", and "sound".

    イノリ・ロドリゲス (Inori Rodrigues) is how Inori's name is spelled in katakana. Like her sister, she does have a kanji spelling of her name with it being, 祈理, which means "pray" and "reason".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    The twins are yet another homage to the Quintessential Quintuplets. This time however, I decided to get creative and have them share the names with the respective seiyuu of the quint they most embody. I will confirm that the twins technically were quintuplets, however two of their three older sisters died in childbirth. Ayane is more akin to Yotsuba, albeit a far more mischievous and malevolent one, which is why she shares her name with Yotsuba's seiyuu, Ayane Sakura, while Inori, who is more akin to Itsuki, shares her name with Itsuki's seiyuu, Inori Minase.

    The twin's birthday is May 5th, which they share with Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki from the Quintessential Quintuplets.

    Ayane's favorite piece is the knight since it can hop over everything, while Inori's favorite piece is the queen as it is the most powerful piece on the board.

    And with that, all the new characters have been introduced, but now things shift towards the match between Mălina and Mimoko. Unlike the previous 3 times, Okisato won't be having a midnight match so to say. I'll go more in depth on this though in my commentary for the next chapter.

    That's all for his commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 27, 2025

    Author's Commentary #363:

    Time to talk about Chapter 363: Bulgaria's baddest bitches. Even though a folk song, in this case, Pustono Ludo i Mlado, did have an influence on the characters, the Bulgarian women's team mostly had their personalities written down long before I discovered the song. Speaking of which, let's talk about them.

    ラディナ・ランジェロワ (Radina Rangelova) is how Radina's name would be spelled in katakana. Радина Рангелова (Radina Rangelova) is how it would be spelled in Bulgarian.

    Her birthday is April 19th, which she shares with Bulgarian grandmaster, Antoaneta Stefanova.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Radina is heavily based off of Rangiku Matsumoto from Bleach. If you watched the Zanpakuto Rebellion arc of Bleach, you'll know there's an infamous moment during it where Rangiku makes a remark about how she'd look good bald. And there you have the inspiration for Radina's character. And yes, I will confirm she will end up balder than bald before the end of this arc.

    カリーナ・カラスラヴォワ (Kalina Karaslavova) is how Kalina's name would be spelled in katakana. Калина Караславова (Kalina Karaslavova) is how it would be spelled in Bulgarian.

    Her birthday is March 8th, which she shares with Kei Karuizawa from Classroom of the elite.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Kalina is based off of Kei Karuizawa from Classroom of the Elite. Originally, her and her bandmates were meant to just be students, with Radina simply being their teacher, but I decided to have them be pop stars instead. They still keep their original designs as the student uniforms are now part of their stage outfits.

    ドンカ・ドンチョバ (Donka Donchova) is how Donka's name would be spelled in katakana. Донка Дончова (Donka Donchova) is how it would be spelled in Bulgarian.

    Her birthday is March 15th, which she shares with Bulgarian grandmaster, Veselin Topalov.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    ヨルダンカ・ダンチェバ (Yordanka Dancheva) is how Yordanka's name would be spelled in katakana. Свинска Дънчева (Yordanka Dancheva) is how it would be spelled in Bulgarian.

    Her birthday is May 15th, which she shares with Bulgarian women's grandmaster, Viktoria Radeva.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    エリツァ・ズラトコヴァ (Elitsa Zlatkova) is how Elitsa's name would be spelled in katakana. Елица Златкова (Elitsa Zlatkova) is how it would be spelled in Bulgarian.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is September 29th, which she shares with Rangiku Matsumoto from Bleach.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    And now with this chapter out of the way, another girl is bald, and 10 more are about to become sticky and blue. Though don't worry, these next few chapters will contain games. The arc will still be a few more chapters, but I do promise there will be lore moments as well as great games, so even though this arc is long, it will be important to the overall story.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Feb 26, 2025

    Author's Commentary #362:

    Time to talk about Chapter 362: A host of encounters.
    With a title like that, you know there's going to be plenty of new characters introduced this chapter. Though there is a returning face in the form of Õnne. And it's fitting she's here, as her father and younger brothers are debuting alongside some of her neighbors. So without further ado, let's go over everyone.

    ミーリス・ソック (Meelis Sokk) is how Meelis' name would be written in katakana.

    His birthday is January 7th, which he shares with Estonian grandmaster and chess writer, Paul Keres.

    His favorite piece is the king.

    Of all the Estonian male players, Meelis was the only one I was somewhat leaning towards making until the power of music inspired me to create a full team. This once again emphasizes that music truly is one of the top sources of inspiration for me when it comes to writing. Meelis is an old fashioned man who despises computers and smartphones with a passion. He's also not in the best of relationships with his daughter, Õnne, as evidenced in the chapter.

    ゲオルク・ロイヴァス (Georg Rõivas) is how Georg's name would be spelled in katakana.

    His birthday is November 12th, which he shares wih Estonian grandmaster, Mikhail Rychagov.

    His favorite piece is the queen.

    Georg is Maila's father and one of the town elders alongside Meelis. Being a grandmaster, he hopes one day Maila can surpass him and become the savior of the entire world.

    キューベル・ハウアカエバジャ (Kühvel Hauakaevaja) is how Kühvel's name would be spelled in katakana. In Estonian, his name translates to "Scoop Gravedigger".

    His birthday is October 31st, which is Halloween.

    His favorite piece is the bishop.

    Kühvel is by far the character who was most inspired by the Estonian folk song, Kui mina ükskord noores eas võtsin vana naise. Said song not only served as inspiration for the Estonian men's team, but also served to give me a renewed sense of what to do with the women's team. Though in terms of individual characters, Kühvel is easily inspired directly by the song's lyrics themself.

    パーヴォ・ソック (Paavo Sokk) is how Paavo's name would be spelled in katakana.

    フェリックス・ソック (Feliks Sokk) is how Feliks' name would be spelled in katakana.

    Their birthday is February 20th, which they share with Felix Hugo Fraldarius from Fire Emblem Three Houses.

    Their favorite piece is the bishop.

    With so many sets of female twins, I decided there needed to be a set of male twins too. The Sokk twins' whole point is to basically act creepy, as if they're from a horror movie. They tend to speak in unison, though secretly have individual personalities.

    マエストロ・ムイグ (Maestro Muigg) is how Maestro Muigg's name would be spelled in katakana.

    His birthday is December 17th, which is the day famous German composer and pianist, Ludwig van Beethoven, was baptized.

    His favorite piece is the king.

    Speaking of characters inspired by music, I previously mentioned in a past commentary that the Austrian men's team came to be thanks to me listening to antiphona (音源) by a_hisa vs KV.S&はらたま from the arcade game, MÚSECA, which is why the Austrian team has a musical theme going. Maestro Muigg is the head of the team, and is the older brother of Wolfgang and father of Friedl. "Maestro" actually is his legal first name, though it wasn't his birth name. He simply changed it to "Maestro" in order to inflate his ego, and give off an aura of grander authority.

    コンラート・ヨッピヒ (Konrad Joppich) is how Konrad's name would be spelled in katakana.

    His birthday is October 30th, which he shares with Austrian composer and conductor, Johann Brandl.

    His favorite piece is the bishop.

    ハンスヨルグ・ドプファー (Hansjorg Dopfer) is how Hansjorg's name would be spelled in katakana.

    His birthday is November 27th, which he shares with Czech composer and violinist, Franz Krommer.

    His favorite piece is the bishop.

    ウット・コルンフーバー (Utto Kornhuber) is how Utto's name would be spelled in katakana.

    His birthday is March 5th, which he shares with Austrian pianist, Alfred Jaëll.

    His favorite piece is the king.

    アリイ・アイペルタウアー (Arii Eyepeltauer) is how Arii's name would be spelled in katakana. 愛里依 is how her first name would be written in kanji and means, "yo be devoted to", "hometown", and "trust in".

    Her birthday is February 7th, which is the day the first volume of The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio was released.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    油比 松波 (Yuhi Matsuba) is how Matsuba's name would be spelled in kanji. 松波 means "pine" and "wave", while 油比 means "oil" and "ratio".

    Her birthday is April 10th, which is when the first episode of The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio's anime first aired.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    Both Arii and Matsuba are based off of the two main leads of The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio, Yasumi Utatane and Yuhi Yugure. Arii is actually Half-Japanese, Half-Austrian, and has connections in Austria which allowed both her and her friend, Matsuba to make the Austrian women's team. I will confirm that both her and Matsuba did participate in the qualification tournament for Japan's women's team, but obviously failed to make said team.

    フレイドル・ミュイグ (Freidl Muigg) is how Freidl's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is September 7th, which she shares with Grete from Spy Kyoushitsu.

    Her favorite piece is the knight.

    Freidl is a character who initially started out as just another lazily designed character, but after getting the inspiration I needed for the Austrian team, I now have an intricate and tearjerking story in mind for her character.

    イゾルデ・オーバーライトナー (Isolde Oberleitner) is how Isolde's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is October 16th, which she shares with German-Austrian composer, Julie von Webenau.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    アルムート・ピルチャー (Almuth Pircher) is how Almuth's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is August 31st, which she shares with Austrian composer, author, editor, and socialite, Alma Mahler.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    アイダン・ビュルビュル (Aydan Bülbül) is how Aydan's name would be written in katakana.

    Her birthday is May 28th, which is the day the Azerbaijan People's Republic was founded.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    ディナラ・パード (Dinara Pərdə) is how Dinara's name would be spelled in katakana. Her surname is the Azerbaijani word for "veil".

    Her birthday is April 30th, which is the day the Statue of a Liberated Woman was built.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    アファグ・タギエワ (Afag Taghiyeva) is how Afag's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is May 11th, which she shares with Azerbaijani sculptor, Fuad Abdurahmanov.

    Her favorite piece is the queen.

    アイグル・オルジョバ (Aigul Orujova) is how Aigul's name would be spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is May 20th, which she shares with Azerbaijani and Soviet writer, Jafar Jabbarly.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn.

    トゥラキナ・ハトゥン (Turakina Khatun) is how Turakina's name would be spelled in katakana. Туракина Хатун (Turakina Khatun) is how it would be spelled in Mongolian.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is December 4th. The significance behind this is that 1204 was the year Genghis Khan gave Töregene to Ögedei as his second wife.

    Her favorite piece is the king.

    Turakina is based off of the historical figure, Töregene Khatun, who was also known as Turakina. I originally meant to properly have her debut back when the Mongolian women's team was facing off against the New Kingdom of Simien, but just forgot. Anyway, here she is now.

    And that's everyone. Obviously, if this series had a video game adaptation, these characters would all have their backstories explained there. However, I am flirting with the idea of writing out the backstories of all the side characters from various countries, though if I did that, it would be written in a separate novel after this arc in the story concludes. It just goes to show I really do have a grand ambition for this series.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster cover
    En Passant Grandmaster