Albion K. D. Kuki

Albion K. D. Kuki

registered at: May 13, 2021


Thumbs up Level 4
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Time(Daily access) Level 2

May 27, 2022

So... I know (or at least hope to know) that I'm wrong but it reads very much like Sereya doesn't care who has Evan's body... Like, she clearly states that his memories and abilities are just gone, and it doesn't click that this is someone very different? Not to mention that this guy has memories from this world from before Hanasuke came there, so... Agh, I don't want her to leave but I want her to find out if that makes sense. Or at least address it properly. Or at least show some trepidation about the possibility, my goodness. Had I to name a gripe with this story that would be it.

He is not overpowered right now but we all know he will be eventually. It's basically a requirement for the genre at this point.

While I generally find the characters in such stories forgettable, the stories themselves have a stress-sucking/stress-reduction effect on me, if that makes sense. I get the same vibes from this, which I'm willing to declare as a big W.

I want to know what this new girl wants, though. Why did Hanasuke not rescue anybody? It can't be a big reason because Sereya would 100% mentioned it if it was that important... Right?

To be quite honest, I'm not too sure about her, either. Maybe there's a twist there, too? Not that I think so with her crush and all, but maybe the revelation that her crush is gone but someone else is in his body changes stuff for her? Or she does realize and chooses to deceive him now? One outlandish theory after another keeps forming in my head, so I'll end it here.

Looking forward to the political intrigue. I'm always one for that.

The Consequence of Saving the World

May 27, 2022

Like... This is the eight novel on Honeyfeed? Really? (One quick check later and it seems to be true.... Holy moly, this really does feel like uncovering some ancient artifact from a long-lost civilization! I'm kinda excited here!)

To explain how I ended up at this place: I checked the new novels and somehow ended up clicking 'last' instead of 'next,' so... Here I am?

Now I kinda want to work myself through all the old stuff, too. Kinda like that Ine Airlcana person before me. The newest ones are somewhere in the 5k or so, and with all who have been taken down... It's a stretch but possible.

Dear author, you seem to set much stuff up in this one. The mother being gone, the comedic failure of one to confess to the other, an "Adachi and Shimamura" like arc of coming to terms with Yuri-ism (it's a perfectly well-known and reality-based world religion - don't google it), and basically endless possibilities to continue.

'Published on a whim' seems to fit this one like a glove, though. Discontinued after just one chapter... I cannot help but feel melancholy about it.

At the same time I can relate. While I haven't posted/published anything, this mentality of "I'll start writing something but never actually finish it" is one that I am quite familiar with.

Then there is the title. Imagine if, after a few hundred chapters, you suddenly had a chapter titled like this in this story:

"Ranna-chan, Oblivious to the End?"

Perfect set-up for that solution, I tell you. That question mark alone in the final chapter would shift the meaning of the title all over the place.

Alas it will stay a fun thought.

Greetings to the stone age of Honeyfeed. With the MAL contests raging on, I think we can call the current times Honeyfeed's industrial revolution.

Ignore that if you will.
Thank you for helping this site when it was just a toddler, dear author. Your service shall be missed! 🖖🏻

Ranna-chan, Oblivious to the End