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She/Her Idiot Asexual
I am a Coffee/Milk Tea addicted Illustrator, who likes to write and draw comics!! Big fan of horror, romance, and comedy
Currently trying to finish up my art degree!
You can find me and my art on Instagram!
What is an Achievement?
Aug 17, 2021
OH I REMEMBER THAT!! yess thank you for enlightening me at that time, honestly I should make that the cover instead because wowee I'm sure people would really like thicc girls LOL 😂
Oh god that would've been so much better, although now I wonder what kinda of names she'd give her own moves? 😂🤔
Also thanks for reading!! I really appreciate all the comments and enjoy every one haha! 🤗❤️
HAHA!! I do picture her being very muscle-y, she eats like only protein 😂👍Gotta draw some THICK character designs for her lmao!
Why is Apolaki such a bitch HAHAHAHA I love it!! 😂🙌 His line "I am the fucking sun after all" is PERFECTION! The gods are all so different and distinguishable, each with their own motivations and personalities OWO 😍👌 quality work here!
AHAHAHAHA the "hee-hee'd" part got me, I knew exactly what was coming next once I read that LMAO 😂😂 what a creative fighting style, those sexy dance moves just stun the monsters into speechlessness 👍
oh god, you can really feel the tone change this chapter😱 waaaah Joey what are you doing to Uncle! And he almost dropped George! I mean poor Joey's balls, but he kinda deserved that kick 😂
Also nice pacing, I love how short the sentences at the end are, the tension just keeps building and BUILDING!! the whole paragraph between "Someone jabbed his stone spear at him" to "His long hair at the back of his head" was just lovely to read OMG!! Maybe I'm just a sucker for stream-of-consciousness styles, but that was really well written! 👍👍
Hello! Here to catch up bit by bit and eeeeeeeee a lovely goddess appears! Love the regal attitude you gave Sinaya, every movement she makes feels so elegant and god-like, extremely fitting! Like when she places her chin on the back of her hand, AAA I could picture every second! Joey's got it down bad for her and honestly...same hahaha!! 😘
Enjoyed this chapter immensely, Puck being Puck is just wonderful! This whole fight felt intense and just dripped with style and energy! The King in Yellow appearing at the end was just icing on the cake, so terrifying and his presence demands attention!! 🙌😆
OMG goodbye lonely hearts club, you will be dearly missed 😭😭👋
Wow the tension in this chapter!!! Every time a slasher would get thrown at Pigskin they get destroyed right on the spot, it builds up his character so much!! BRUTAL but enjoyable to read! Can't wait to see what happens next!!😆🙌
AAAAA PIG SKIN IS HELLA SCARY!! 😱😱I'll be rooting for Puck tho!! Good scene when Puck hugs Jack, I like how although these are killers, we get to see their friendships and some of their humanity! Awesome balance of their traits!
(also Bob lmao, he's always just there, what a nice guy) 😂❤️
Oooo a quarrel between Sam and Puck!! Love to see it, gotta remember that they're all murderous slashers (well I guess except for Sam??) and that if provoked they get violent! Loving Puck all over again too, Honey and Puck roller skate battle?? HAHAHA 😂😂
Marilyn's character is wonderful too, she's so sly you can see the smirk on her face after every word she says! 👍Great work Golden Boy!! 🙌❤️
kekeke he is one hell of a creepy dude!! 😂
And yes!! I was waiting when to add in Elias' confession, I kept writing it in earlier chapters, but then deleting it haha! I think it fits here very well and aaaaa I love my idiot boys! 😂❤️
Thank you for all the support again!! 🤗
To:Joe Gold
I had a lot of fun for the Drunken serpent actually so I'm glad you really enjoy his character! All the other Midnight Fight elites were kinda made up on the spot, but the serpent was one I had in my head for a long time!!
And thank you! I kinda see where you're coming from there and totally agree! I think different people tend to write and focus on different things, personally I love to write about character relationships (and surprisingly not action all that much haha!! If not for this story I'd probably be working in the romance prompt!) but thank you for noticing the drama!! I wanted to make the character's backstories and motivations as significant as I could!!
Thank you so much for this comment! I loved hearing your thoughts!! ❤️🙌
Aug 16, 2021
Thank you!! I tried to imagine the trashiest place I could haha! 👍
Also thanks for reading and for the comment! ❤️
Aug 15, 2021
The battle would just be VERY LOUD LOL!! 😂😂