Harmonica Writes

Harmonica Writes

registered at: Apr 19, 2021
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    Thumbs up Level 5
    Comments Level 6
    Published Novel Level 1
    Published Chapter Level 6
    Novel Cover Upload Level 3
    Time(Daily access) Level 6
    Winners - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2021
    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Loves K drama, manga and Tintin.
    A young otaku who started recently getting interested in light novels...
    Uh, please read my stuff.
    Hello, my lovely inkblots! My name is Ashe and I write LGBTQ+ stories for the otaku community. As a pansexual transman, I would like to create fiction for my fellow LGBTQ+ people without all of the harmful tropes that are common in mainstream media. Aside from that, I consider myself to be a multigenre writer, which you will likely see for yourself once I share a few stories. If you would like to support me and my writing, please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page, popping into my live streams, or watching my videos over on YouTube. I occasionally read my stories live on stream and it would mean the world to me to see some of you guys there! That's about it. I hope you have a wonderful day. Bye! (If you would like me to read something, please send a DM on Twitter instead of leaving a comment on my stories. Thank you.)
    Born in 1987, the year in which films such as Transformers (the good one), Robocop, Lethal Weapon, Adventures in the Big City or Crazy Star Wars were released in theaters, which undoubtedly influenced me from my birth towards science fiction, action and nonsensical humor. Since I was a child I have been passionate about reading, especially fantasy and science fiction novels. I have been very influenced since I was young by Japanese culture, manga and anime, which surely has to do with my particular way of writing a work (I see a movie in my mind with the action and I describe it in writing). From adolescence I developed a desire for writing, making short stories, poems or even small essays, which would allow me to develop my technique and use my imagination and knowledge to the fullest.
    Just a newbie who loves reading and occasionally writing stories!
    This is my alt account. My main account is Panther, which I cannot sign into. So if you recognize the books I publish here as my main's don't worry, I didn't steal it :)
    Jonathan ✦ Aspiring Light Novel Author #OELN ✦ Singer and Producer ✦ 26/M
    I'm scared of staircases.
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Cuddle-Fish.
    A few stories had been gnawing at my mind for the past few years. This mght be a a good opportunity to pen them down! Weekdays would be very busy for me but I will be sure to interact over the weekends. ヽ(*゚д゚)ノ
    𝓠〘興書家〙20↑ Watch G-witch if you haven't!!
    Just a novice writer having some fun. Checkout my website: OSCIANSTAR.COM
    Hi there, my name is pen-name Ushikuso Hachiro ☆. My real name is [redacted]. I spend a lot of time burrito'd in a blanket, on my second bed (my computer chair), trying my hardest to write a novel between working 40 hours a week and my unhealthy obsession with consuming as many Asian dramas (and manhwa) as possible. ☆☆Hooray for procrastination!!☆☆ My writing is a little rusty, so I hope you can enjoy the story even if it sounds a little odd.
    “One day the world shall tremble beneath my feet! [Insert evil laugh]” Y’ello! I like anime, but I like free stuff even more; I see web novel, I click (I’ll try to write some too). Will stick around for as long as I can afford internet access. Life aspiration: world domination. See you around, mortal.
    Hi there! I'm Bear_A_Kuma. I like to write among other things; and I also enjoy reading! Goals for the future? I want to write something to inspire others to write! Check out my Twitter for Updates about all of my works!
    • Freelance Writer • Gamer and lead editor of Couch Co-op Co. • Co-founder & writer from Ethereal Entertainment (Web-comics) https://linktr.ee/kidosan97