

just a student, an engg. aspirant who loves reading and writing.

registered at: Jul 01, 2021
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2021

    Aug 19, 2021


    Hi, first of all, thank you so much for taking the time to review my novel, it means a lot to me.

    I kinda got lazy editing this chapter and that really affected everything oof xD

    About exposition... yeah, I get what you mean. It's just that, I don't want to readers feel like the later events are random, so, it's just an attempt to put information from the beginning. I'm not hoping for any reader to remember any of those details tbh :)

    *mild spoiler alert for anyone else*

    About the characters - Nia is an overthinker. But you are right, and I might cut down some of those recurring lines when I edit it.

    Well, actually, I'm going to write character interludes, which focus more on the characters and background - because there isn't much scope to include them with the main plot, and imo it's important for character backstories to be known to flesh out their motivations/manners. And background info of the world is, let's just say, very, very crucial to my novel to say the least!

    So, Aez's character gonna have more exposure later in the story. Mers also has reasons for acting the way she is (it's more explored in her character interlude, i.e after chapter 10).

    I really don't want to speak about the serpent here, and this IS a spoiler - but I'll just say it anyway (no one likes vague answers haha) -

    [the serpent had fatal injuries (why/who did them is something that comes later on); the blood was its own, and not of its preys, but since we are in Nia perspective, it's impossible for them to know about that; there was a lot of distance, and not everyone's brain works well when they are traumatized and something even more frightening occurs (at least, Nia's doesn't - she's not the most cool-headed person haha)]

    But you are right, and I have to rewrite the last part with Aaron, clarify more stuff.

    I'll edit it, but after the novel is finished. You could continue reading (I really need more of these reviews after significant chapters pass! >.<) but it's only if you want - no pressure!

    Once again, thank you so much for the review. I needed this so much, and I really appreciate it! ^^

    Xorsis Cover 01
    Xorsis : Invasion\Lost