

~ minatika ~
I use too many emojis 👍

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registered at: Jun 02, 2023
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    Finalist - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Nov 14, 2023

    The Yokai Gang fighting returns! 😆 Just to remind us: yes, they are a gang!!

    And Mami really did get a cold from dancing in the rain ;v; noooo! I hope she gets better soon! (Maybe it's time for Nurse Makoto to shine? Make some porridge for her?)
    ...or squeeze her thighs and think about her boobs while she's sick and defenseless 🤔 uh, Makoto, that IS what a pervert would do. Bro's losing a few points in my mind for that, sorry to say.

    Looking at the other comment, it's not that "perversion" isn't acceptable. Obviously anime have a ton of fanservice and stuff. It's the timing here. Mami is sick, barely conscious, and unable to fight back. That makes this turn from a "haha pervy joke" moment to a "Not Okay" moment, because Mami can't voice her non-consent. So it's 100% nonconsensual, and Makoto basically just copped a feel like a pervert on a subway train.

    Ultimately though, I can tell you meant it to be harmless, so I'll move from talking about it after this 👍 I just wanted you to know why readers might be reacting to it badly. If you'd put this kind of thing in another scene -- for example: in the park while in cosplay, Mami trips and lands on Makoto's lap. Makoto briefly thinks about her thighs being soft. Mami gets embarrassed and smacks him while jumping away.
    When framed that way, it was an accident (Makoto didn't go out of his way to grab her) and Mami could express her non-consent. So it's a bit more acceptable (though still pervy fanservice in the end 🤣 but I understand anime likes these things.)

    Moving along from this though, I'm hopeful to have some cute scenes here where Makoto makes her some food ❤️

    Cover of "Some random girl wants to make me her familiar"
    Some random girl wants to make me her familiar

    Nov 14, 2023

    Ahaha Nakano as a Tengu Crow is somehow perfect!! xD He joins the yokai nickname crew~
    An Oni, a Bakemono, and a Tengu!
    (Tomoya's nickname when he's being silly sould definitely be Baka-mono.)

    I am amazed Mami agreed to go to a grocery store while in magical girl cosplay 🤣 i know cosplay was born in Japan, but I'm pretty sure they're judgy about what people wear in public. She would get some serious stares/glares, or might even be asked to leave.

    In fact I even did a little bit of looking up online to make sure I wasn't wrong about that. And yeah, Japan definitely only wants you cosplaying at events. They don't like it in public:

    "The rules and rituals around cosplaying in Japan are a little more strict than what you’re used to in America and other Western countries. There is more of an emphasis on not standing out or being a nuisance in public."

    Also shhh 👀 the easy way to fix the "rare pull" woes of children is to buy the rare they want on Ebay (as long as it isn't first edition, preserved in-sleeve, it'll probably be pretty cheap.) Then, mix it in with a pack you just opened, stick it close to another card, and pretend you didn't get anything good. When you hand the "unwanted" card pack to your younger sibling, suddenly your sibling fans the cards apart and sees that there actually WAS a rare!! But it's no take-backs now 😆 now the younger sibling has the rare cards AND thinks they won over their older sibling.

    ...look my younger brother loved pokemon cards, okay? 🤣🤣🤣 I had to help him get rares somehow.

    But ahhh, Mami knows the manufacturer serial code secret! Good thing its a newer card game, veterans like Pokemon and YuGiOh have long since learned from those printing mistakes 😆 but with a newer card game, Mami really can look like a magical rare-finder!!
    Also I think this is the first we see her talking OOC (out of chuuni)! :O

    Cover of "Some random girl wants to make me her familiar"
    Some random girl wants to make me her familiar