Ine Airlcana

Ine Airlcana

Hello, people!
I'm Ine Airlcana, and I strive to write the good stuff for my readers! (And I also illustrate a bit on the side, yeah.)

I'm currently active on DeviantArt, Honeyfeed, Patreon, Twitter, and WattPad.

DeviantArt: Obviously Art.
Honeyfeed: Short Stories (Monthly Writing Challenges!)
Patreon: Mostly my Web Novel, Flawed Connections:
Twitter: Gushing about other OELN authors, for the most part... lol.
WattPad: Fanfiction, at the moment just a Pokémon one.

registered at: Jun 12, 2020
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    Jul 06, 2020

    July 6, 2020

    To my dearest Jayden,

    It might already be too late by the time you read this. I am sorry for the lack of comments on other stories recently. I just feel obligated to this entity that wrote Another Story to finally catch up with it. The writing seems fine, Jayden takes good care of it. I will continue to read this story until the end of Jayden's time.
    I will last forever, for I am the Goddess...
    ... but that's beside the point.

    Tomorrow is Tuesday, you might have not remembered it because your thoughts are filled with nothing but Harry Potter, but I assume you know that. How about dark visions? Please think of all the visions Harry got. I do not want your work to be diminished by the same letter standing at the front of every female's name. I want to be able to distinguish them as they are such interesting characters.
    (I mean, May, Mia, Mimi, and now a Maria? Mamma Mia...)

    I haven't come close to regretting my decision of starting to leave everything else and start on this web novel exclusively.

    Lastly, I know that you easily saddle a high horse, so let me get you grounded the last time.

    Have you heard of little Jayden?
    Whose writing is subtle and fine;
    Pinning your eyes hard to the screen.

    Have you heard of little Jayden?
    Who splits your hair as you read on;
    Caressing every brain and thought.

    Have you heard of little Jayden?
    Whose web novels stick like resin.
    Leaving you there but always here;
    leaving you here as you read on.

    Yours in grief and love,
    Ine Airlcana
    Some Town in Germany


    Hopefully, he read it... Jayden, why you gotta do this...

    I mean, Harry Potter also had weird hallucinations from the dark lord, later on, Aura just has them earlier.
    He already lived past his expected doomsday, and if that wasn't him who wrote that letter... oh, damn, this will be fucking amazing!

    I love me some dark shit.
    Don't know why, don't really care, but I love it.
    Life isn't this merry thing where nothing bad happens. Even if it's just the nasty neighbor, the strict teacher or that bully who hangs you up on a pole with only your undies on (what?), life throws all kinds of shit at us.
    Looks like Aura was the same.

    That alert Atish was ringing certainly seems to ring true.
    My Airlcana-Senses are certainly tingling, here.

    While you told me that I should carefully read this stuff, I can spend hours interpreting it now, or I can just go on with life and let it pass over me when it is revealed.
    If it isn't openly stated, I can always come back and do my analysis, then.
    As you most likely saw in that text above, I prioritized pulling a one-up on you more than actually doing anything meaningful, probably shattering all your expectations in a bad way.
    But what can I say?
    I never said that I am a nice Goddess.
    I'm cheekier than Mimi if I want to be. :honey_dealwithit:

    That part where you said 'Jayde, Mia and Mimi worriedly looking inside my room from the door,' I actually thought I read stuff wrong.
    Mimi? Worried?
    Oh, hell nah!
    Turns out she wasn't, but that's misleading.
    (If she's not secretly in love with Aura, that is, lol.)

    That last sentence, though.
    Makes me wonder.

    All sorts of crazy theories pop into my head, but each one of them is just a theory!
    A web novel theory!


    Cause I spent too much time on that parody-letter already.
    Imma do maybe the bonus thingy and call it quits.

    Ine Airlcana

    Book Cover(Version 2.2)
    Another Story [Hiatus]

    Jul 06, 2020

    Oh, no!
    We are missing a piece to complete this Lego set! What shall we do? I can't find it! Can you find it!
    Gods of Lego, help us!!!!

    That speculation shall be left for the end of this comment as I just gotta say that Jayden is a mighty fine husbando.
    I always appreciate me some good cooking, so imagine having such a convenient person right there, every morning throughout all your school life.
    I say that life isn't fair and that I want a Jayden in mine, but well.
    At least we know from Mimi's behavior towards him that her borderline hatred for Aura has nothing to do with him being a man.
    She also mistreated him before finding out that he was a peasant, so it really was that bump in the beginning...
    Either she hates human contact or... I hope an explanation will follow at some point.

    The fact that Jayden is dressed up to look like a banana, tho... :honey_lol:
    Aho Girl would love him, I'm sure.
    He'd be one of those premium bananas she loves most.
    You know, those 1000 Yen ones.

    Something better than a Jayden-Banana...
    Is that even physically or magically possible?
    Jayden-Bananas are practically Heaven on Gaia, right?

    If I had to pick out a favorite part in this chapter, it would be that one, by the way.
    I love how you're playing around with idioms we use on earth and transform them into Gaian idioms.
    Just adds that extra bit of flair, just like my designated magic division.
    See what I did there?

    Something about Mimi just intrigues me, but something starts nagging at me, too.
    It's good to see that there's something but the typical cliché friendship-getting-along treatment going on, but I really hope she has good reasons for that.
    Otherwise, she would end up as another victim to a trope.

    And that Potter still exists?
    Harry Potter exists in this universe?
    Ok, I'm kidding.
    I wonder if some meaningful stuff will happen with him aside from his glare being a running gag.
    Maybe they REALLY need good pottery, and he's all grumpy because Aura goes to buy it.
    Nah, that sounds forced, but we shall see about Harry Potter and his pottery.

    As for that important piece Aura misses in his day...
    It has to be either Pizza or Cake.
    One of those.
    It could also be a conversation with May, or something I'm too slothful to think of right now, but we shall see, anyway, so I won't bother racking my head any further.

    What I appreciate about 'Another Story' is the ever-present 'just one more chapter disease.'
    I can't even explain it, but it's like a juicy cracker wrapping its inductor-wires around my body, pumping me full of flair and putting me into a trance to keep reading just one more.
    Which I will do.

    Not because the Cracker told me to...
    But because I want to.

    The Goddess makes her own decisions!

    Ine Airlcana

    Book Cover(Version 2.2)
    Another Story [Hiatus]

    Jul 06, 2020

    In a way, he ended up with the bubbly cutie, the arrogant girl, and the mysterious extra student who ditched class in his dorm room... or dorm complex?
    They're not really in the same room.
    To think that the ruling family of the country wouldn't grant her daughter special rights and give her a room for herself... though maybe they wanted her to get more social.
    I could see that.
    Or the school is so important that even the royal family can't do shit against it. I bet they'd shit their pants if they had to go up against May...
    Speaking of May.

    I took a break from reading after the last chapter, and while it was only for a moment, I confused Mia with May.
    They have the same number of letters in their name, and if you exchange the 'i' for a 'y,' they even have the same kinds of letters in their names.
    Like... why?
    George R.R. Martin (the author of A Song of Ice and Fire) once said that he takes care to give each of his characters a name that starts with a different letter.
    (In that very same interview he said how troubled he was when 'A Song of Ice and Fire' rolled around, containing over 1000 characters. I'm not joking. Over a thousand named characters. Respect, dude.)
    But back to Another Story...
    Then there's Mimi, rounding the counter of 'Girls-Whose-Names-Start-With-M-Counter' up to three.
    Let's hope the confusion stops, there.

    I love how obsessed Jayden is with what he loves, by the way.
    For the longest time, that trigger word for me was 'anime.' Nowadays it's more like 'light novel' or 'OELN,' since fewer people seem to talk about that.
    I guess I just value the interest for stuff only a few people know.
    There is this idea that anime is mainly for kids, but I didn't experience that, disproving that ridiculous statement immediately.
    I was the only one who got into it in her teens, and the others needed to move through puberty to pop up around me. In fact, they only started watching anime when they seemed more mature (and had the money for Netflix).
    I guess they didn't know about anime streaming platforms.

    Gotta say my piece on Mimi, though...
    For that cute name she's rocking, she has quite the non-cute attitude. I guess a guy sizing her up when she (presumably) lived a sheltered life away from men and spoiled without end, she'd end up like that.
    If this were a typical anime, she'd fall in love with our MC in about three chapters, but let's see how Jay handles it.
    I can only say that I enjoy her snarky behavior, don't know what that says about me, though.

    Looking forward to more.

    Ine Airlcana

    Book Cover(Version 2.2)
    Another Story [Hiatus]

    Jul 05, 2020

    Now they even have separated dorm rooms.
    I am still calling it, this is Harry Potter as an Isekai!

    While I'm on the topic of Harry Potter, I wonder what category the death spell would fall under.
    Definitely not the Lego Minecrafters, those only build stuff.
    The Inductors are practically self-buffers, so aside from buffing themselves to a level where their bodies couldn't handle it, they can't cause death with their spells directly, but only through the power they get from them, alas an indirect kill. If over-buffing would be possible, they'd be strong suicide-spellers, though.
    Flares couldn't kill either, though if they could somehow extract vitality energy or stuff, maybe they could. There's also the chance of them healing their subject until their time flows backward. Then, they could 'heal' until they were a toddler or younger, making them, essentially, dead. So much for that thought experiment.
    The only ones left are the Trances, and they could probably overload the brain and send it into a coma. I could totally see that happen... maybe they could cause brain-death, though I'm not sure. They're more the psyche/mentality manipulators, after all. Maybe they could send gruesome pictures to the mind of their target, killing them through shock?
    Well, I'll leave it at that.
    Let's get into the chapter.

    So they found the classroom.
    I wonder how many of those 30 ticks they spent holding hands. Aura, you lucky bastard!
    The one person who didn't appear will probably play a major role, am I right or am I right?
    That person's just like Aura, standing out and being in the focus from the start.
    Getting Aura in on his first year seems to be yet another proof of May keeping secrets. I hope she tells him what's going on someday.

    A lot of self-study, though?
    These kids are more like teens, and older teens, too.
    At 16, they may already have the drive to learn stuff themselves, without a teacher standing behind them, forcing them to learn stuff they don't want to. They chose to attend this place, too, so that helps.
    The stuff you chose to learn and worked hard to learn will stick longer, that's for sure.
    And these people want to pursue a career in magic, so that's understandable.
    Self-study for the win, I guess.

    Do I sense a male-female combination for the sleeping rooms at the end?
    Many stories like Another Story have that trope, and since this is just another story, it will be just another story with that trope in it, right?
    If such a pairing has to happen, Aura can be glad when it's that girl.
    A part of me kinda wants that disgusted girl to sleep in the same room as Aura, though, just for the laughs.
    Or maybe the class-skipper?

    Whoever it is, I can't wait to see how Aura deals with studying for himself.
    He will probably call on the mighty powers of May to help him, though, or maybe not.
    We shall see.

    Ine Airlcana

    Book Cover(Version 2.2)
    Another Story [Hiatus]

    Jul 05, 2020

    After the rude girl comes the bubbly cutie. How?

    That whole first segment comes down to:
    "I don't want to tell you the truth, Aura. Please ignore all the cool stuff I did and focus on what I use to divert your attention, tehe~~"
    Human speech is such a funny thing for doing that.
    You could just say "Nah, don't talk to me," but because we have to care about people, saying no become so hard.
    Instead, we choose to waste our time as well as the time of the person we like in the least meaningful way.
    We casually move from useless topics to other useless topics until we're far away from where we came from.
    It's like walking from a place you don't want to be at.
    If the partner of your conversation tries to move towards that unpleasant topic again, you rinse and repeat.
    In other words, if that person leads you back to the unpleasant place, you walk away again.
    The one who gives in first looses.
    The wonders of human speech...
    More like the terrors.
    Just be direct.
    I also know that this wouldn't fit her personality, and I didn't dislike the scene at all. I just found a connection to a human fault in general, so I allowed that thought to grow into this rant or something.
    Just ignore it.

    Mia Wynnfred, though.
    She seems like a possible love interest.
    I'm still trying to figure out who that female person on the cover is, but for the moment I'll let that hypothesis rest.
    My current tip would fall on totally-not-from-Pokémon May, though.
    That girl has secrets!

    Aura of Ormagawd - Section 3.
    He certainly enchanted that bubbly girl already.
    I love how a noble wasn't taught to not hold a stranger's hand on their first meeting, but oh well.
    She's cute, and cute girls can kinda do everything without reprimand.
    Admit it, it's true.
    Sadly, I wasn't a cute girl. 😑
    People were strict with me. 😑😑

    That being said, a very enjoyable chapter.
    Pleasant conversations and a non-disgusted reaction to our MC, very nice!

    Ine Airlcana

    Book Cover(Version 2.2)
    Another Story [Hiatus]

    Jul 05, 2020

    Hello, there.
    I see that you have started producing bonus chapters, too.
    Great going, writing stuff nobody asked for, and calling it additional content. In this case, though, I might make an exception.
    The explanations to the divisions (which are totally not Harry Potter Houses) confirmed my calling as a member of the Flare house.
    Let's dive into the other (less important) ones first, though:

    Crackers are hungry bastards.
    They always eat the crackers other people left lying around, much to the dismay of their household members.
    Aside from their unhealthy feeding habits, they are the Minecrafters of Another Story.
    At the same time, they are the Lego Builders of Another Story.
    Those two basically had a crossover, and to prevent a shitstorm from going off in the comments, I might as well combine them into one.
    The Crackers are the Lego Minecrafters of Another Story.
    They craft and build and shape and stuff, which basically amounts to a glorified stonemason or something.
    I respect them for being able to do that, BUT STOP EATING MY CRACKERS!

    Then come the Inductors.
    While they generally have more of a fascination with magnetic fields and scientific experiments, they are forced to go out and fight with their bodies nonetheless.
    Over generations of this practice, they came to the only logical conclusion:
    They used their own bodies as inductors, wrapping themselves in countless strings, storing the energy that attracts their strength.
    As a walking science experiment, they are both frightening to look at and frightening to fight.
    They stop at nothing to make a better inductor out of themselves.

    Then there are the Trances.
    You really need to keep your shit together around them, cause they'll put you into a trance that slowly keeps gnawing at your soul until there's nothing left.
    I hereby predict that the Trances will cause the first Another-Story-Zombie-Apocalypse because they'll make mindless fools out of anybody that crosses their path!

    But they all falter in comparison to the last group.

    The final district (house) consists of the Flares.
    They have the best flare of any district and are so well-regarded, they are all idols and influencers!
    Some are rumored to be gods, too, but that's a secret.
    I don't even need to prove why I'm made for this house since Jay himself said it in the text:
    "Flare manipulators are really highly respected in the society as they are the ones everyone relies on when they are in jeopardy."
    That is so me.


    That aside, I hope my blessings reach not only Jay but the people who made him publish this thing, too.
    I enjoy the hell out of this series, and commenting makes so much fun because I know he won't be angry when I go nuts with references, parodies, and messing with him.
    Anyway, thanks for writing this.
    I love it.

    And again: Thanks for writing this.

    Ine Airlcana

    Book Cover(Version 2.2)
    Another Story [Hiatus]

    Jul 05, 2020

    I see what you did there.
    Introducing the magic/school systems through an entrance exam is certainly one way to do it.
    I see what you did there.

    Well, that starting bit was good.
    A girl who's not instantly in love with the person she just ran into? A girl who doesn't think it's fate that she bumped into this guy and no one else?
    While she could've looked a bit less disgusted, maybe stuff happened to her. There are a lot of reasons for feeling disgusted with another human being, after all.
    We can cross stuff like scent out, at least.
    Aura is nice and clean... I hope.

    I'm also glad to finally know what those strings on the cover mean, that being the four Harry Potter houses...
    Wait, these are not Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin?
    I might have to take a closer look, again.

    After some mild deliberation, I feel conflicted to announce that these are, indeed, not the Harry Potter houses.
    I wonder where that thought came from.
    1 - The Red Induxius.
    2 - The Green Kraeka.
    3 - The Yellow Fiara.
    4 - The Purple Yttrancia.
    Based on colors, I'd be a Fiara cause I like yellow.
    Well, between the Inductor, the Cracker, the Flare, and Trance, I certainly have most of the flare, thank you very much.
    What do you mean I changed the names?
    They are obviously the same.

    Can I just take a moment to appreciate the name of the power?
    While reading, I confused it for Stand (from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) all the time, which made me chuckle.


    And all the other memes we know and love from that series.
    Fun chapter with some exposition.
    Let's advance!

    Ine Airlcana

    Book Cover(Version 2.2)
    Another Story [Hiatus]

    Jul 05, 2020

    The Chapmans seem like chaps, man... lol.
    Maybe they are just Chapmen and Chapwomen, instead.

    What I'm wondering about after this chapter is the question of how many POVs you will include. The Helene and Eleanor chapters were pretty much self-explanatory after that prologue, though there have been literary examples of the prologue characters being killed off in the very same prologue or the first chapter...
    (Thanks for that trauma, Game of Thrones.)
    Let's look at the situation:
    We have Helene, half-sister to Clover, with red hair who was disposed of by Knut on Clover's orders.
    We have Eleanor, a childhood friend of Helene, and the princess of Clover's rival/enemy country.
    Now we got Clover, who's cunning, willing to use her body to succeed, and a revenge-driven character who also thirsts for power, while she's at it. She seems like the most interesting character from the start.
    That's not to say that the other two aren't interesting, it just means that the sheltered princess and the orphaned princess haven't really had the time to shine, yet.
    All I'm saying is that the premise behind Clover is the most investing one, yeah. That about sums it up.
    This does make only princess-POVs, though. Again, we're back to the rumor-rambling.
    We haven't heard much of Clover before, but she seems to play a bigger role on Eleanor's part of the story for the moment.
    I'm thinking about the possibilities of another POV that is more directly involved with Helene or someone else around Eleanor.
    It is all interconnected, so no matter if they stay in this triangle or if Jay adds another one, they will end up with conflict and stuff anyway.
    I'm intrigued. :honey_alert:

    I'd say you managed the introduction of Clover pretty well.
    That initial conversation with Baron William was pretty telling of her character. I wonder if she joins the Yuri side of things, though, since everything she says about men (and her maidservants, lol) is negative.
    She is annoyed by her manservants, repulsed by Knut and disappointed in Edgar. Then there's her straight-up loathing of Eleanor's and Edgar's father...

    Even though it is later revealed that she was the one who disposed of Helene, she doesn't really talk badly about her.
    Even though Eleanor is a bit too pressing with her questions, she's more often described as clueless and innocent, and more of a person Clover is jealous of instead of a person she hates.
    Just my guess, though.
    Make the threesome happen!

    Knut seems like a dumb-ass, though.
    Walks into the bath and expects nobody to see him and Clover together, or what? Such a dim-wit.
    If I were him, I'd at least make sure that no one would enter.
    He could use the pretense of an important discussion or something... anything!

    I know that Clover's basically being described as a cunning Boa Hancock (from One Piece) in here, but the men are a bit too focused on her body.
    She was naked, though, so let's give Knut some props.
    Yeah, let's not.
    Maybe a POV or a later chapter will reveal what he's really after, then. I hope it's not just another lust-hungry man who helps a beautiful woman because she's beautiful and has great tits.
    By the way, learn how to please your woman!
    Khal Drogo (from Game of Thrones) was barbaric and at least as burly as you, and he managed to perform rather well!
    You dim-wit!

    By the way:
    Eleanor and Edgar are sitting on the couch.
    The maid: "Yes, my queen."
    Clover: "..."
    The audience: "Yes, your highness!"

    (If you don't understand that, watch Code Geass. Seriously, just watch it.)

    Well, I don't have much more to say here.
    The last scene really brings the whole chapter together.
    I'm really glad you got better at descriptions, though, because they really were a bit (a lot) too long-winded in the beginning.


    (Read Katanagatari, too, while you're at it!)

    Ine Airlcana

    The Fox of the Valley - [Collab - Jay & Lily]