Jio Kurenai

Jio Kurenai

Author of Parable of the Renegades, or ParaRene for short.

Aspiring Game Designer and writer who loves it when games and stories get married to create an experience.

Criticism of my work is definitely welcome, so long as it's constructive!

I'm also looking forward to reading what you write! ;D


June 21st, 2020 was the last time "Parable of the Renegades" made it to the #1 spot in both the Weekly and Monthly Rankings!

As this is my first web novel, I can't ever hope to describe how ecstatic I am! Thank you to all my readers for the rad comments, which I always make time to read. I hope I can continue to write prose that makes your already satisfying day even better!

registered at: Nov 15, 2016
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    I Can Hear Your Thoughts, but it's not like I'm Telling You or Anything!

    Sep 05, 2017

    To:James K.

    Woah! This was the highlight of my day because long comments truly are the best! :D

    First of all, I'm really pleased that you and a few others feel my characters to be human. It seems to me that my characters have made their mark and I hope that this can help you try to understand their future motives or their reasons for a certain action. I'll do my best to work my way towards that!

    Also, I'm really glad Mr Faust's getting some really nice reception from you guys and I'm really happy he did. He's got some shoes to fill in this story for a reason and I'm looking forward to what that is.

    It's my desire to write this as an action/adventure story that focuses on character development as the story goes along. I hope to incorporate what makes me love battle manga/anime so much too like a story behind the fight, a battle of ideals, a debate between characters through the use of trading blows, lots of brutality and of course, epic fight scenes. I'm clearly not there yet, but I'm excited to see how my words will play it out!

    You're also right on the story just getting started. It's been over 16 chapters but only a day has passed in the story! I can't write fast because I'm too much of a perfectionist who keeps editing the same paragraph countless times for several hours because I want myself to feel struck with emotion. I also want to update regularly so my readers have less of a chance of forgetting previous events, which is why I made each chapter focus on a few events at a time. That's also why I supported you when you asked if shortening the content of your chapters was a good idea.

    Welcome to the bandwagon, James. We're comrades in arms now! :D

    Volume 1 Cover
    Parable of the Renegades [BETA Version]