Jun 30, 2020
I do say, I am touched...
My favorite aspect of this story is it isn't a conventional romance due to the hopeful ending. The distance between the two characters rests in the celebrity/fan gap, and the closing of that gap is what really carried the story. I feel like all of this is more like a prelude, and the "real" romance story is still to come if the MC decides to make that choice. You had me going there for a moment, and I was expecting a bittersweet ending (which I would've commended), but you took the heartfelt route instead, and...well, as I said...I am touched! XD I feel like this story could've gone anywhere and was ready to go in some shocking direction at any moment, and while it didn't give me any jolting shocks, it lured me along nicely with that anticipation, yet didn't disappoint. You struck a good balance there!
I noticed a star theme throughout. How the characters share that kanji in their names is a small thing that connects them, and the Star-Croquette Curry is a followup, among other little mentions. I'm a sucker for leitmotif and was happy to see it used tastefully here!
It was nice seeing you stretch a different writing muscle, even though it still falls a bit into your style. I enjoyed this short story and am happy you went through with it!