

Just a college student who wants more free time

registered at: Dec 28, 2021
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    Jun 12, 2022

    Hey, I’m going to give a full critique here as requested on discord.

    First, I have to say that I’ve been looking for anime/manga/light novels with this premise. This is literally exactly what I was looking for. I am really enjoying the pacing so far.

    I noticed only a couple of things that were kind of ‘off’.

    One thing was some of the sentence structures in chapter one feeling a bit repetitive. I didn’t pick up on this very much in chapters 0 and 2. However, sometimes I saw some sections where multiple sentences were similar lengths and started with the same word. This is usually avoided as it feels a little bit robotic. I used to have a real problem with this as well- perhaps much worse of a problem with it than you have now. Just keep an eye out for it.

    The other thing I wanted to talk about is some of the word choice. In chapter zero, there was a sentence “Any part of his body was either cut, ripped apart…”. In this sentence, the word ‘any’ is a little bit awkward. I can see what you’re going for by using it, but most people would use ‘every’ instead. This is really more of a nitpicky thing, but that’s because the problems with writing are really hard to find here. I did see a few more instances if it that I can’t remember off the top of my head (and honestly I don’t feel like going back to hunt for them).

    You’re doing a really good job, and I think you’re only going to improve as you continue. Right now I’m giving this an 8/10. I feel like it has room to grow, however. Also, I’m immediately adding this to my library; I can’t wait to see where it goes!

    Pilgrimage of The Guilty Hero

    Jun 11, 2022

    Alright, here’s my critique. I’m going to try to keep this as brief as possible, but there is a WHOLE lot to say about this.

    First, I have to say that there’s a lot of creativity here. You’re definitely coming in with interesting ideas and it was a very fun read.

    A few things about the writing were a little off, however. The first thing I noticed was the abundance of ellipses in Chapter 0. Chapter 1 was a huge improvement in this regard, and I’m glad to see that you’re improving as you’re going. In short, as you move forward, try to use ellipses very sparingly.

    The next thing I noticed were some minor spelling mistakes peppered throughout both chapters. I assume that you want to paint a picture with “large twisted metal beams” instead of “large twisted metal beans”. Small mistake, large impact. It’s always a good idea to wait a couple of days and reread what you wrote so you can catch things like that. Also, make sure you’re aware of rules for things like commas, possessive pronouns (I saw a hers’s in there somewhere), and tenses. In the sentence “The woman pales and froze for a moment because she did not expect that to be the result of an attack.” there’s a noticeable tense swap.

    There’s one last thing I wanted to touch on. Some people don’t like sound effects and stuff like that in writing. However, I think it can work in a medium like this. You might just be putting in a couple onomatopoeias too many, but not everyone is going to have a problem with that.

    Some of these things may seem a bit nitpicky, but you’re damn creative and I want to see you be able to fully execute your ideas. Don’t stop writing and never stop improving!

    Violet: No. 02189