Harmonica Writes

Harmonica Writes

registered at: Apr 19, 2021
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    Winners - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2021
    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jun 30, 2023

    Man, what a ride.

    And I don't mean it because of the cover (ok maybe I did) but I think there's something super relatable with your story—the desire of wanting to see someone again. I've felt that way before, where I just had an intense desire to see a particular guy from another school whom I've haven't seen for months...and like I'd go out of my way to dig out info about them. Stan really speaks to me.

    And somehow, I get this really dreamy vibe too. Like, I personally feel that the prologue, that entire sequence he had with Kiri? Maybe it's all just made up in his head, too. It's purely conjecture on my part, but my own imagination running wild really upped my enjoyment of your story. Heck, I guess you could say that it's just the flow and the vibe of your story that enabled me to do that in the first place.

    So yeah, Escapism. Sure, maybe there are parts which are slightly harder to read than others as some have pointed out in the comments, but I really resonated with your story. With a title such as Escapism, I personally hope that Stan is actually imagining a lot of stuff that happens. But who knows, maybe something even cooler is gonna take place that'll blow me away...

    But yeah, your story is such a vibe. Really makes me think of the friends I missed. I don't feel sad, but I do feel a bit empty. It's weird. But it's an interesting feeling to have, so thank you, Geta, for making this stressed out soul feel something.

    Hah. Maybe I should Geta life.

    Ok I'll see myself out.

    Kipidap 💪🏻


    Jun 30, 2023

    Hey ryba! Sorry, I could've sworn I've read more chapters of your story before this, but turns out I only read the first 1 @ . @

    Ok, maybe it's just me, but I feel that Cursed Lines really became a lot more interesting these past few chapters. The early chapters were a little too slow/peaceful? (idk how to say it) for me, but it's when we start to learn about Kiyoshi's parents, that's when everything started to click for me.

    No pun intended, but once we learn about Eros, that's when I really started to read between the lines lol, noticing a lot more details that I didn't notice in the earlier chapters. Kiyoshi and Alice have this very cool dynamic going on. IMO, I kinda prefer them as they are, tho...idk I may be wrong, but is she the love interest? The story feels like it's setting them up that way, but idk what's wrong with me, I like them the way they are now 😭 Who knows, with how this chapter is ending, maybe something really cool will happen that'll change my mind, and I'm definitely looking forward to it.

    But yeah, reading your story has been quite a mind-bending experience for me, in a good way. I feel that my expectations were subverted throughout, and I have a feeling that this is where you're really gonna kick things up into second gear. It's mysterious, strangely magnetic, and I'mma blame my internet provider for not letting me read your story peacefully. Maybe it's coz I got a "Cursed Line". Heh.

    Ok bye I'll go and jump off a building.

    Kipidap 💪🏻

    Cursed Lines

    Jun 29, 2023

    Whew! It took a while, but I've finally reached the end of the railway (so far) xD

    You say it's your first time writing a novel in English. Wow. While the flow in your sentences may be a bit weird at times, it was very readable. It's good that you took your time describing things. As a fellow writer, I could see how you pictured the world you were creating. And there's a certain charm to it. With that vibe of loneliness and railways, I think you have a really solid idea of what you're trying to tell as a creator, and I respect that.

    Also, your strength IMO is in the drama you create between your characters. This really sticks out in the past few chapters. Hiraya and Yai have grown on me, and I felt for them at times.

    Personally, where I think you can improve on more is in terms of character motivation. Yeah, Tetsu is rather stoic and is a loner, which you captured very well. It's just that the story lost me at times, because I'm left wondering like, "why is Tetsu doing this?" Like, quite a fair bit of the chapters were just Tetsu and Yai just doing things. That's fine and all, but I'm left wondering, "why?" So I feel it's important to have a bit more motivation in your characters, or it'll feel like characters are just doing activities, but it doesn't really progress the story since we don't know what makes them personally invested in their activities beyond just the story telling them to do so.

    Nevertheless, this is a great attempt for a first-time writer! You're definitely better than some of the "regulars" I've seen on other sites (not gonna name them xD). So yeah, I could definitely resonate with your vision as a creator, and despite its flaws, On The Railway Wire is actually pretty cool!

    Kipidap 💪🏻

    A Fan Cover for 'On A Railway Wire'
    On the Railway Wire