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For me, it's book.
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Aug 28, 2022
A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.
The way characters just die really makes you feel like you're in a game of thrones novel.
It's been a bit since the first chapter and I've forgotten Lukas Lee; I recommend using an anagram or something so I can remember better. :blush:
I get it, Georgie is a reference to GRRM.
Lexi's pretty cool yo. Not sure what Tank is smoking calling Reina best girl tbqhwyf
Yo wtf this can't be the end of GEP noooooooooo
I don't remember this part tbh hahahahahahahahaha
Nice padding.
You need to touch grass.
Giselle's a decent name
"On the Aesthetic Differences"
He has a wife....
Asian fail.