“New Year, a time of celebration and new beginnings. As a small town prepares for an annual festival to call upon good fortune, a young girl and her mother are isolated due to unfortunate circumstances. With the visit of a certain deity, two paths will open before Kasca. Will she lead the town to...
Savio Alves enjoys puzzles more than anything in the world. That's why when his friend, Lord Charon invited them to a peculiar party where he was promised he'd be able to have a chance to solve 'the most interesting puzzle yet', he couldn't refuse. However, when he arrived alongside other eccentr...
Haruka is the new transfer student in school. She looks and acts like your typical "chūnibyō", devil horns, demon tail, sharp fangs, evil eyes, trashy gothic clothes, and all of the usual over the top behaviour. Everyone just leaves her to it, it’s just cute harmless fun, right? WRONG! Haruka rea...
To Gia Blütenzweig, it seemed like a fairy tale come to life. The Prince Lawrence had proposed to her, a simple baker. But when he introduces her to the palace, she finds herself caught between disapproving royals and nobles keen to manipulate her for their own purposes—and for their entertainmen...
This is a short story compilation written for the Honeyfeed Discord Hive Event of winter 2022. Three teams of authors face off in a weekly writing challenge where they will put their skills to the test following given prompts.
A short web-novel series where Honey-chan & friends learn about the wonderful world of Anime, Manga, Light novels, Video games... Romance, Comedy, and even Ecchi!? Wait, hold on a second...
On his first ever graveyard shift at the local convenience store, Haru Muramatsu has to contend with a genuine, albeit out-of-touch, demon lord. His clientele only gets weirder from there, ranging from kappa to kuchisake-onna. Each chapter brings new challenges for the snarky (but secretly altrui...
During a school trip, my classmates and I are suddenly dragged into the middle of a raging war. A crazy woman tells us that we’re on another planet and won’t be able to return to Earth unless we take back a castle from the enemy. She grants us powers to do battle, but while all of my classmates o...
The discovery of a miracle substance called “anamnesis” that allows human brain waves to alter matter itself plunges mankind into an all-out war, the Anamnesisian Conflict. Cyborg 01 (ZeroOne), a hero of the war, now wanders through its aftermath, roaming from place to place with Karen, a girl wi...
A heavenly battlefield where mythical beasts roar. At times, an adventure across the sands of time. At times, an enchanted wonderland beyond the realm of humanity. Endless possibilities bloom from the depths of Leo's heart, and yet, he cannot reach that colorful world. As a young boy goes on ...