Jun 04, 2024
Author's Commentary #28:
It's finally time to discuss Chapter 28: Peter Morphy.
Obviously, we're talking about Peter Morphy for this commentary. As you might have guessed, he's heavily inspired by legendary American chess player, Paul Morphy.
ピーター・モーフィー (Peter Morphy) is how his name would be written in katakana. Peter is by far one of my favorite characters in the series. I wanted to make him more of an antihero which is why he's a Desperado without a DESPER. Believe it or not, you don't need to register with a DESPER to join the Desperado league. As for Peter's goal, he simply wants to play strong opponents, which is how he came to meet Okisato. Seeing potential in him, he began training him. As such, Peter is one of the few people Okisato truly fears.
His birthday is June 22nd, which he shares with Paul Morphy.
His favorite piece is the king both because it is the most important piece on the board, and because he enjoys moving it into precarious positions and forgoing his castle to make the game more interesting.
I actually had to completely rewrite the game for this chapter due to the old game apparently having invalid moves in it. As such, I opted to have Peter open the new game with the Polish opening, both to showcase his personality and skill.
That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.