Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jul 06, 2024

    Author's Commentary #134:

    Time to talk about Chapter 134: A drawn out battle.
    As the name implies, this chapter features a draw. And a desperately needed draw. Pewler's honestly lucky he didn't implement Armageddon rules, otherwise he would have lost. However, all is still going according to plan, as despite him getting a bit flustered during the match, he has not lost his cool. One thing I'll mention is that Pewler's rating of 2948 is a reference to the fact that he's from Arizona which was the 48th state to join the union.

    Things are dire for Carol though. Mimoko would have been in trouble too, but since she had Caïssa's blessing, the bullets didn't hurt her. As for why Pewler has a machine gun, it's his 2nd favorite go to weapon for taking people out. The only way to save Carol will be via a DESPER match, however, Pewler is on top of things so even if Mimoko uses the DESPER key, which she likely will, he might be able to still control some of the conditions for the wager.

    One thing I will confirm is that it is impossible for someone to die during a DESPER match. Even if they are heavily injured, the DESPER will restore them to a state where they can at least play chess comfortably. However, if said person draws, or fails to make healing their injuries part of their prize for winning, they will die even if they don't lose.

    Season 3 is quickly reaching it's climax. Next chapter will be the Mimoko vs Pewler match. While Mimoko is skilled, Pewler does have a higher rating due to being a WWCF executive board member. While the executive board itself didn't really play a large role in this season, I guarantee it will in future arcs of the story.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jul 05, 2024

    Author's Commentary #133:

    Time to talk about Chapter 133: Meadow Hay Massacre.
    The Iori and Mick showdown has begun, and naturally, Iori's going for maximum disrespect. Though instead of the Bongcloud, she's going for a Meadow Hay Mistake and sacrificing her rook early on.

    If you're savvy with the chess world, you might have heard that Grandmaster Brandon Jacobson infamously played this move and it's black counterpart against Grandmaster Daniel Naroditsky, won, and got banned for suspected cheating, even though he didn't cheat. Inspired, Magus Carlson ended up trying the move for all 11 games of's Early Titled Tuesday on May 7th 2024. He ended up earning 8.5 out of 11 possible points. As a result, debate has stirred on the Meadow Hay's true potential, but it is definitely a difficult move to master, much like the Bongcloud.

    I actually had a lot of trouble making this game, mainly because it took nearly a good half hour of resetting to get the bot to move to e5 so I could pull off the gambit. After that, I just used the assist tool and destroyed it in order to get s good game. Despite the turmoil though, this is definitely one of my favorite games as the ending of the game was poetic justice with Iori choosing not to mate Mick by promoting to a queen, but by promoting to a rook.

    As for Mick's fate, it's easily one of the most brutal in the series thus far. He really lucked out when he decided to chase after Iori, though to be fair, he wasn't exactly a good person and would frequently use his DESPER on unsuspecting passengers. The only reason he didn't use it when the girls got in his cab the bight prior was because Horner had contacted him and ordered him to bring the girls to an area outside of town where he and the mob could attack them. One final thing I'll mention about Mick is that his rating of 1011 is referencing the fact that New York was the 11th state to join the union.

    Speaking of Mimoko and Carol, Pewler figured out their plan and warped to the train station in Philadelphia. He figured it out after hearing from someone that the girls had left the hotel. He actually doesn't know Horner's dead yet as he's been incredibly busy with prep work for something big.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jul 03, 2024

    Author's Commentary #131:

    Time to talk about Chapter 131: The Red Reaper of Prussia.
    We're shifting back to the fairy league, though it will only be for a few chapters. However, the main focus is not on them, but on the new long-term antagonist, Red Reaper. He actually came to be mainly because I watched too much Youjo Senki. And yes, I had Jingo Jungle playing when I wrote this chapter and commentary. First off, let's talk about Charlie Beagle.

    チャーリー・ビーグル (Charlie Beagle) is how his name is spelled in katakana. He's an obvious homage to Snoopy from Peanuts who infamously fights against the Red Baron.

    His birthday is October 2nd which was the day Peanuts first launched.

    He's never played chess, so he doesn't really have a favorite piece, but it would probably be the knight.

    レッド・リーパー・フォン・リヒトホーフェン (Red Reaper von Richtofen) is how his name is spelled in katakana. Alternatively, he can also be referred to as
    赤い死神 (Akai shinegami) which is the Japanese translation of Red Reaper.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    His birthday is May 2nd which he shares with the Red Baron himself, Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen. Obviously, Red Reaper is literally based off him, and might even be his ghost in this universe. His rating of 2780 is also a nice reference to the fact that the Red Baron shot down 80 planes during his career.

    His favorite piece is the bishop, mainly because he believes they are the most fighter-plane-like piece on the board. Though the king is a close second since he views himself as king of the skies.

    Red Reaper won't be playing a major role in Season 3, but will in Season 4. As for why he's showing up now, I mainly wanted to hype him up and have his intro take place before Season 3 ended. I even added him to the Desperado collage weeks before his debut, mainly because I want to hype him up. He's actually the head enforcer of the league and the member with the most kills. He always prefers to have the DESPER matches take place in the skies, but he also enjoys crushing people in ordinary matches as well. More will be revealed about him as the story progresses.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster