Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jul 02, 2024

    Author's Commentary #82:

    Time to talk about Chapter 82: Halloween insanity.
    This chapter was in the original and was where Muramasa Jouzu made his first appearance in the story. The biggest difference between this and the original is the addition of Captain Eagle, who is an obvious parody of Captain Falcon from F-Zero. As for Jester, he and his buddies are all dressed like Mario character, while the pizza ghost and chef are parodies of Pizza face and Peppino Spaghetti from Pizza Tower. Now lets give some bios for some of these characters starting with Vincenzo.

    ヴィンチェンツォ・ディルイージ (Vincenzo DiLuigi) is how Vincenzo's name would be spelled in katakana. Like Jester, he originates from Escape Witch. The two are brothers from different mothers and actually have a third brother who's one of I.L.U.'s 12 governing members.

    His birthday is September 4th, which is the day the first episode of the Super Mario bros Super show aired. He also says all his lines in English and sounds exactly like Vinny Vinesauce when he does his Luigi voice. Funnily enough, Vinny's Luigi voice was the primary inspiration for Vincenzo. He does also draw inspiration from Luigi from not just the super show, but also the Super Mario bros 3 and Super Mario world cartoons. In fact, his "Hyelp" line is a reference to what Luigi screams in the "Mama Luigi" episode of the Super Mario world cartoon.

    ピー・ラフルール (P. LaFleur) is how LaFleur's name is spelled in katakana.

    His birthday is February 6th. The reason for this is because the Chester Cheetah Undercover campaign, which features Chef Pierre, whom Lafleur is based off of, aired in 2006. Thus, I decided the closest date to that would be 2/6, February 6th.

    His favorite food is Spaghetti Os. He also likes dunking croissants in the tomato sauce too.

    ストロンボリ (Stromboli) is how Stromboli's name is spelled in katakana. Stromboli is actually one of I.L.U.'s 12 governing members, making him the first one that's fully seen in the story. He's actually P. LaFleur's older brother, but they have different mothers much like Jester and Vincenzo.

    His birthday is October 21st, which is the day Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, Wario's debut game, released. Since Stromboli is heavily based off of Wario, this is a fitting date to be his birthday.

    His favorite food is garlic and strawberries, two foods Wario is known to like eating.

    As for the Jackal, he's actually the very same Jackal that appears in Wind Sniper 0. ジャッカル (Jackal) is how his name is spelled in katakana. He is essentially a mix of Shishio Makoto from Rurouni Kenshin and Crocodile from One Piece.

    His birthday is September 5th, which he shares with Crocodile from One Piece.

    His favorite food is raw meat.

    キャプテンイーグル (Captain Eagle) is how Captain Eagle's name is spelled in katakana. What, you thought that was just Akito in disguise? Maybe, maybe not.

    His birthday is November 21st, which is the day F-Zero first released.

    His favorite food is ramen, mainly since Captain Falcon ate ramen in Min Min's Smash bros reveal trailer.

    高橋 晄士 (Takahashi Akito) is how Akito's name is spelled. 晄士 means "brightness" and "warrior", while 高橋 means "arrogant" and "bridge".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    His birthday is June 5th, which he shares with Sylvain Jose Gautier from Fire Emblem Three Houses. The reason for this is because both are womanizers with red hair, and Akito kind of reminds me of him a bit.

    His favorite food is angel cake.

    Most of these characters aren't likely to have many major appearances in the story going forward, so I decided now was a good time to do their bios. As for the story itself, it will mostly be episodic and more slice of life focused for the next few chapters, then the remake original arcs will begin. I hope you look forward to it.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jul 02, 2024

    Author's Commentary #130:

    Time to talk about Chapter 130: The morning after.
    The title of the chapter is actually a clever pun on the word, "mourning" as Carol and Mimoko are mourning Iori, since they think she's dead. It can also be taken at face value since the chapter does take place the morning after the girls were attacked.

    As for the chapter, it mainly focuses on wrapping up Carol's backstory. I feel a big inspiration for it came from Kiui Watase's backstory in Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night. Though unlike Kiui, Carol ended up succumbing to societal pressure and began changing the way she acted to better fit the mold society, or rather her teachers and parents, wanted. As for Carol's family, they completely cut contact with her after she began speaking out against Pewler. Part of the reason was anger and disappointment, while the other was fear that they would face repercussions from Pewler if they stuck by Carol's side.

    Now we're approaching the big confrontation of the season. I originally intended to make this season much longer, but ended up rushing things. I actually had originally planned to just have the girls get warped straight to America instead of London, but I felt it was the better choice narratively as the Fairy league will play a major role in the series. In fact, things will be shifting back to them for a bit to see how they're feeling about Mimoko and co essentially bailing on their game.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jul 01, 2024

    Author's Commentary #81:

    Time to talk about Chapter 81: Zuina's birthday.
    This time the focus is on Zuina and her past. I really wanted to do a chapter dedicated to her past growing up in England, and this chapter allowed me to do just that. I did include it in the original as a bonus chapter, but it was fully intended to be a remake exclusive chapter.

    First off, I'm not sure I mentioned this in an earlier commentary, but Rebelle's real name is actually Reina. 麗永 is how it is written in kanji and means "beautiful" and "eternity". Now let's talk about Zuina's parents.

    キャスパー・アドラー (Casper Adler) is how Casper's name is written in katakana. He's an Englishman that first met Miyoko at a fair after Miyoko decided to run away from home. The two quickly fell in love and began building a farm together. While they didn't have money, they had happiness. Though sadly, their financial state contributed to Rebelle's fall to evil.

    His birthday is July 1st, which is the same as Caspar von Bergliez from Fire Emblem Three Houses, whom Casper gets his namesake from.

    His favorite food is fish and chips

    Zuina's mother, Miyoko, actually hails from the Kirikawa clan. If you read the Escape Witch remake, you'll know that the Kirikawa clan is the very clan Fubuki Dakota hails from. This means that Zuina and Yuni are actually distant cousins as Zuina's mother is the daughter of one of Yuni's grandmother's sisters. The ninja genes are also why Rebelle is so good at getting blackmail material and is also skilled at combat.

    アドラー 美洋子 (Adler Miyoko) is how Miyoko's name would be spelled in Japanese. Her first name, 美洋子, means "beautiful", "east and west". and "young".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is October 5th. The reason for this is because both her and her mother were born quintuplets. She was born on the 5th of the month and 5 times 2 is 10, which is why I decided to make this date her birthday. Funnily enough, just like Fubuki, she herself didn't have multiple births at once as Rebelle and Zuina are three years apart from one another.

    Her favorite food is butternut squash. Casper actually was growing butternut squash and had entered it into a fair contest back before he met Miyoko. Miyoko saw the butternut squash, but refrained from eating it until after the judging had concluded. It was munching over the meal that she became close with Casper and eventually fell in love and married him. She didn't have the greatest relationship with her clan, which is why she decided to run away. She also didn't teach her daughters any ninja techniques, though Rebelle eventually learned of some of them thanks to Ookuma.

    One final thing I'll mention is that Rebelle met her lemur companion, Cyril, shortly after leaving Britain. He was given to her by Ookuma after she purchased him on the black market. Rebelle then raised and trained him, and thanks to that, he's highly intelligent and even capable of human speech, though he often chooses not to use it.

    I also forgot to mention his favorite food, but it's organic banana and papaya fruit salad.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jul 01, 2024

    Author's Commentary #129:

    Time to talk about Chapter 129: Collective responsibility.
    This chapter once again hammers home the point that Iori is an absolute psychopath. She not only took out Horner, but everyone that was a part of the mob, all by tricking them into saying that they were united with Horner as one, thus the DESPER registered that statement as them consenting to being part of the bet, and since Horner lost, they too lost. As for why Iori chose a tornado, she wanted to both make the deaths look somewhat natural, and she just wanted an up close view of someone getting killed by a tornado. It's also worth mentioning that Iori's rating has increased to 1344, which better reflects her true personality.

    As for the game, Iori goes for maximum disrespect by opening with the Van't Kruijs Bongcloud and once again, besting her opponent. In the original draft for the game, I actually had her capture all the pieces, but that game didn't have a Bongcloud in it. Thus, I decided to go with the Bongcloud game instead since I felt it handed Horner a more humiliating loss. And now that all threats are gone, Iori is safe, but still stranded in New York. I will confirm that she does have two DESPER keys on her. I suppose I should also confirm that there were initially 7 DESPER keys in the case Raymond gave her. She used up one against Horner, and she has 2 on her, meaning Mimoko should theoretically have 4 keys with her. However, it's possible that is not the case as a key could have secretly been used, and or stashed somewhere by Iori for safe-keeping. That means that Mimoko would hypothetically have 2 DESPER keys with her in the case.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 30, 2024

    Author's Commentary #128:

    Time to talk about Chapter 128: The sadism of humans.
    Obviously, the key part of this chapter is Iori's speech on sadism. It's actually something I've had cooking for a while, so I'm glad it's finally time to publish it. The speech perfectly showcases Iori's worldview, and shows how much she believes sadism is a biological human trait. I was honestly thinking of just having the chapter focus around the speech, but it would have been too short so I decided to include some more content.

    Speaking of which, Pewler's right hand man, Jacque Horner has made his debut. He's the chief editor of the accredited newspaper, The Blue Hornet. However, he's the complete opposite of journalistic integrity and frequently uses the paper's status as an "unbiased medium" to slander and demonize all who Pewler order him to.

    ジャック・ホーナー (Jacque Horner) is how his name is spelled in katakana. His name is obviously a pun on Jack Horner from the Little Jack Horner nursery rhyme, though he looks more like Bruno Bangnyfe from Burn the Witch.

    His birthday is November 3rd, which is the day the paper with the infamous "Dewey defeats Truman" headline was released. This is fitting considering the headline was incorrect, and Horner often writes incorrect articles.

    His favorite piece is the bishop, as he believes himself to be Pewler's bishop that spreads his gospel via the press.

    The next chapter will also be a big Iori chapter, further driving the point home that this season is all about Iori. Iori's got some pretty crazy matches coming up too, so look forward to her going full psychopath soon.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster