Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jun 29, 2024

    Author's Commentary #123:

    Time to talk about Chapter 123: Carol's past.
    There's a lot to talk about, mainly the dystopian novel being referenced. Glasstone is actually an original novel that I created for this story. While it's possible I might turn it into a short novel, for now it will primarily exist just in this story. One thing I will elaborate more on are the sheepblossom.

    The sheepblossom are humanoid sheep with hoofed feet and human hands. They are able to photosynthesize, have longer lifespans than humans, and tend to spend their days peacefully grazing around acting like sheep. However, there is a dark secret. Once someone is turned into a sheepblossom, they lose their personality and free will. the antagonist and his chosen elites, the shepherds, may take control of them at anytime and force them to do whatever they please. Stampede through town, destroy property and wildlife, and even killing are all on the table. The sheepblossom themselves can even be cooked and eaten by the shepherds.

    As for why Tombstone Arizona was turned into a skyscraper metropolis, the antagonist in the book hated the Wild west theme of the town, and sought to erase it and replace it with a city of glass. Thanks to the DESPER, Pewler has now managed to do just that in the real world. Now, Tombstone is known as Glasstone, and is quickly on pace to become the largest city in Arizona, and possibly the US as a whole.

    This chapter also doesn't fully explain all of Carol's past, but it does give a basic outline of it. Basically, she got swept up into politics in college, then found out the head of the party she supported, Pewler, was implementing all the policies she supported in the worst possible ways. She then tried to speak out against him, but was silenced and eventually forced into witness protection after a mob attacked her home and murdered her boyfriend. This all shows just how evil Pewler truly is as he was the ultimate mastermind behind the attack. Carol's backstory won't immediately be touched on again, in the next few chapters, but it will definitely become a major focus again.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 28, 2024

    Author's Commentary #126:

    Time to talk about Chapter 126: Learning the hard way.
    In case it wasn't obvious, Iori is more of an anti-hero than hero. Though while she is willing to do and say controversial things, she always calculates in her mind whether she can get away with it. While she might have stopped killing, her highly intelligent psychopathic mind remains intact. It's possible she might actually be one of the smartest characters in the series even. Now let's talk about some of the other SPCMs. First up is Clifford Glassblower.

    クリフォード・グラスブロワー (Clifford Glassblower) is how his name is spelled in katakana. He's actually based off of the character Juji Sazan from Sentai Daishikkaku.

    His birthday is January 11th. The reason for that is the date the chapter that saw Juji's debut was released.

    His favorite piece is the queen, mainly because he worships it as the most powerful piece on the board.

    シーラ・フリッシュ (Sheila Frisch) is how Sheila's name is spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is January 7th. I chose this date at random, so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    As for her favorite piece, she actually doesn't have one. The reason why will be explained later in the story. Though if she did have a favorite, it would likely be the pawn.

    Sheila is the granddaughter of Wiley and as such, has tried her best to distance herself from him, mainly to improve her own life. This is why she ended up getting a bunch of tattoos and picking up vaping. Her relationship with Wiley will be brought up again later, but for now the main focus will be on Sherbert and Katie.

    ミリラニ・"シャーバート"・パイナ (Mililani "Sherbert" Paina) is how Sherbert's name is spelled in katakana. She hails from Hawaii and has been making video content for a few years now. Her last name is actually Hawaiian for "pineapple". Sherbert is actually her stage name, and the reason she chose it was because she really likes eating rainbow sherbert ice cream.

    Her birthday is August 21st, which is the day Hawaii became a US state.

    Her favortie piece is the pawn, mainly because she views them as representations of her followers.

    While she claims to be a "wholesome" content creator, she does do extreme things like trekking up a volcano when it's erupting and doing other dumb stunts. More will be elaborated on her backstory as the story progresses.

    ケイティ・ノックス (Katie Knox) is how Katie's name is written in katakana. She was originally intended to just be a pure chatterbox, but at the last minute, I decided to make her more like Yosuke Hirata from Clasroom of the elite.

    Her birthday is September 1st which she shares with Yosuke Hirata from Classroom of the elite.

    Her favorite piece is the knight, mainly because she likes distracting her mind thinking about how many different places it can move to.

    Finally, there's Sandy Shores. サンディ・ショアズ (Sandy Shores) is how her name is spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is June 20th, which is one of the dates the summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere can fall on.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn, mainly because there's so many of them. Sandy is often the chill and cool member of the American SPCMs. She doesn't get mad a lot, though that doesn't mean she can't get mad. And with that, that's the bios for all the American SPCMs. They may not have as much of a focus as their Japanese counterparts, but they still will have certain roles in the story.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 27, 2024

    Author's Commentary #77:

    Time to talk about Chapter 77: Emeri the hacker.
    Emeri finally gets her chance to shine here. In Escape Witch, Emeri did do some hacking, however, the full extent of her abilities wasn't properly shown. Here, I can offer a bit more of a glimpse into how skilled at hacking she truly is.

    Like the other Escape Witch characters, I really enjoy writing her in more slice of life scenarios here in Spice of life, and like the other two main heroines, she'll quickly become a recurring character in the series. As for Serika, I promise she will have some amazing chapters, but sadly, those will be a ways off.

    As for Rebelle, she once again takes another loss, and assumes Mimi is her kryptonite. Rebelle losing her blackmail will also make things easier on Rika and Masaru, as now Rebelle and Ookuma, have lost the leverage they had over them, and had all their devices compromised. Emeri truly is a force to be reckoned with in the digital world. The physical world, not so much.

    One final thing I'll mention is that at this point in the timeline, Madoka and Emeri are unaware that they are actually biological cousins. Emeri also doesn't live in the Ginkawa mansion yet, though will once she eventually graduates high school. Gozaemon, however, does know that she is his granddaughter which is why he treats her like one. Harumi also knows, but keeps it secret from Madoka, though she does eventually tell her when Emeri moves into the mansion.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jun 27, 2024

    Author's Commentary #125:

    Time to talk about Chapter 125: A heartless woman.
    This one's a long one, and was originally going to be three separate chapters, however, I hate Imelda so much that I decided to combine everything so that she's only in the story for a single chapter.

    イメルダ・ベリンシュ (Imelda Berrinche) is how her name is spelled in katakana. Her last name, Berrinche, actually means "tantrum" in Spanish.

    Her birthday is March 13th. I chose this date at random so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday. Though I guess her birthday being on the 13th of a month was a bit intentional.

    Her favorite piece is the amazon, mainly because that's Pewler's favorite piece, and like him, the queen is her favorite normal chess piece.

    Like some of the other one-dimensional villains like Cypress, she was designed to be hated. The reason she smokes so much is mainly because it calms her down, however, after winning a DESPER match against a Desperado and making her prize immunity to nicotine, the cigarettes essentially lost their effect, allowing Imelda to smoke as much as she wants with no repercussions. Which makes it all the more weird that she suddenly died after the match.

    As for what happened to her sister, basically, Imelda ended up beating someone up at school, mainly because the student hailed from a country she believed was evil. In other words, she was racist. Her sister reprehended her, but Imelda aired her grievances to Pewler and wished her sister would be more in agreement with both of them. This resulted in her sister being forced into a DESPER match and turned into a sheepblossom as punishment for losing. I was originally going to have that backstory be it's own chapter, but decided to cut it, mainly because I didn't want Imelda to have anymore screen time.

    The chapter's title also has some double meaning. On one hand, it could refer to Imelda, who claims to be a beacon of compassion, but is anything but. But it is primarily referring to Iori.

    As for the game, it ended up being a great way to write in a proper castling checkmate. Funnily enough, it occurred 10 games after the Iori and Carol collusion castling checkmate back in Chapter 110. Now Mimoko can see that Iori truly was capable of pulling off the move, and now holds no resentment over the bet. One final thing I'll mention is that this chapter introduces all the other American SPCMs. I'll go over them more in future commentaries.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 26, 2024

    Author's Commentary #76:

    Time to talk about Chapter 76: Catering at the Ginkawa mansion.
    The Ginkawa mansion finally makes it's debut in the story. First off, the "mansion" more or less resembles the island that houses the advanced nurturing high school from Classroom of the elite, except the whole island is considered to be the mansion. In fact, the advanced nurturing high school was the biggest inspiration for the Ginkawa mansion. Now let's talk a bit about Gnoreville.

    Gnoreville actually originates from one of my Shiruka sensei short stories, Four very bloody sentences to be precise. He's actually based off of the Vinesauce character, Gnorts.

    ノールビル (Gnoreville) is how his name is spelled in katakana.

    His birthday is May 12th which is also Vinny Vinesauce's birthday.

    As for the Ginkawa milk, it is based off of the Chateau Romani milk from The Legend of Zelda Majora's mask. This was what actually led me to decide to make Gnoreville and his buddies servants working for the Ginkawa family, as I thought it would be a neat to have the aliens raising the cows unlike in the game where the aliens are trying to abduct the cows. Ginkawa milk is not commercially available like Chateau Romani is in in the game.

    I'm not sure if I mentioned this previously, but the Ginkawa mansion is located within the Tokyo bay and is so close to Ryokoma that it can be reached by boat. This means that Ryokoma borders the Tokyo bay and the story takes place in Tokyo. Bay-side seating at the restaurant is also planned, along with boat seating, meaning that there is a dock at Ryokoma. This means the Ginkawas can commute to and from the restaurant and their mansion via boat. Since Mimi is now going to be living at the mansion, she'll primarily be commuting to and from it and the mansion via boat.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jun 26, 2024

    Author's Commentary #124:

    Time to talk about Chapter 124: Street chess.
    Since the girls are in New York, I naturally had to include a chapter featuring Street chess. Union square is actually the place where most street chess players tend to congregate in New York.

    For the game, I decided to have Mimoko play a less common, but still effective opening, mainly to prove her skill. That opening being, the Hungarian or King's fianchetto opening. I debated having her open with the Bird opening, but ultimately went with the Hungarian, mainly because she's not the type to try out reckless openings when there's a mission at hand.

    Speaking of Prussian Tony, he's a homage to the street chess player, Russian Paul. プロイセンのトニー (Prussian Tony) is how his name is written in Japanese.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translation, feel free to correct me).

    His birthday is July 30th. I chose the date at random so there's no greater significance behind why this date is his birthday.

    His favorite piece is the rook, mainly because he's an end game player.

    As for the cabby, turns out he's actually an SPCM.
    マリアーノ・マリオ (Mariano Mario) is how his name is spelled in katakana. He's obviously a reference to Super Mario.

    His birthday is March 10th, since March 10th is Mario day.

    His favorite piece is the knight, mainly because it can jump over the other pieces, much like Mario jumps over enemies.

    As for the hotel, it is heavily based off the New York Marriott Marquis hotel in Times Square. For the cafe itself, I wanted to have it be more out in the open and work more like a members-only restaurant. This is why I had it be in plain sight, with the only requirement for entering it being that you have a WWCF card and rating.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster