Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jun 19, 2024

    Author's Commentary #117:

    Time to talk about Chapter 117: The power of the narrative.
    This is honestly a make or break chapter for me. This is obviously the part where Pewler shows his true manipulative nature and gives a grand villain speech while also being philosophical. I'm honestly not sure if I nailed that, but I hope I did. His value on controlling the narrative is a major part of his character and I hope to make him a hatable, but well-written villain.

    As for his speech regarding the king, it actually stems from him hating having to defend the king since in his mind, the king is dead weight and the other pieces could thrive without it. Of course, he believes that only he shouldn't have to defend a king while his opponent should. There is greater significance behind why this bit is in his speech, but revealing it now would spoil a major plot point in the arc.

    As for the political parties, the names are actually in Latin. Misericordia can translate to "compassion" or "mercy" while Ratiocinatio translates to "reasoning". Thus, the parties could be considered the Reasoning party and the Compassion party.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    There was also a reference to the infamous Ruchi Ookuma from Escape Witch and Spice of life who was the original evil politician character I created for my novels. I'd argue that Pewler is now worse and more manipulative than her, but only because he has the power of the DESPER. If he didn't have that, he'd still be pretty successful, but not emboldened to try and reconstruct the world in a dystopian utopia to rule over.

    As for his secretary, Lakisha Cobbler, she's fully aware of Pewler's true nature and has already lost a DESPER match to Pewler to ensure she remains loyal to him. Essentially, she's to Pewler what Ai was to Michiko, though Pewler has no intention of just tossing her to the side.

    ラキシャ・コブラー (Lakisha Cobbler) is how her name is spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is January 21st. I chose this date at random so there's no greater reasoning behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the queen, though mainly because Pewler told her that the queen is the best piece on the board when fairy chess pieces like the amazon aren't in play.

    Now that Pewler's villain speech is out of the way, things will shift back to Mimoko and co and get a bit more lighthearted for the time being.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 18, 2024

    Author's Commentary #68:

    Time to talk about Chapter 68: A Brazilian samba dance.
    In the original, this was actually the 69th chapter. Here it's just one shy of the magic number, but don't worry, the remake has something even better planed for that chapter.

    Funnily enough, the whole idea for the samba dance came about because it was the 69th chapter. I wanted to do something fanservicy to celebrate and since the Rio Olympic were about to take place in the story, I decided to have all the female employees of Ryokoma dress up in skimpy samba outfits and attempt a samba dance. The dance itself was awkward, but at least the patrons, Helga, and Masaru enjoyed it.

    Now let's talk a bit about Tetsuka, who makes her debut here. She was originally created to be a main character in a spin-off novel, however, I decided to change plans an rewrite said novel. Thus, she'll ultimately have a different role from what I originally planned out for her, though that mainly extends to the Escape Witch remake since she won't make too many appearances in Spice of life.

    銀川 鉄花 (Ginkawa Tetsuka) is how her name is written in kanji. 鉄花 means "iron" and "flower".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is October 16th. I chose the date at random so there isn't any greater significance behind why I made this day her birthday.

    Her favorite food is metal. To add some more context, Tetsuka is actually a human-dragon hybrid. She was also inspired by Gajeel Redfox from Fairy Tail which is why I decided to have her eat metal. She does eat normal food though, but prefers meals that are high in iron and zinc. Her birth is what led to Harumi developing heterochromia. This led to her being ostracized by the Ginkawa family and eventually deciding to leave the family and explore the world on her own at age 10. She's Harumi's third daughter and the only older sister Madoka gets along with.

    One thing I'll clarify is that Tetsuka likes giving nicknames to everyone. Harumi is Ka-chan, Madoka is Doka, Koki and Eika are Ji and Ba respectively, and Emeri is Meri. I might end up having her make another appearance in this story, but it likely wouldn't be until the end of the series. She will however have a major role in Season 2 of the Escape Witch remake so if you're reading that, look forward to her appearance there.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jun 17, 2024

    Author's Commentary #115:

    Time to talk about Chapter 115: Smothered mate.
    I was honestly debating whether to have this chapter take place after the next one, but ultimately decided to have this one occur first due to how stupid and cringe the Numakawa match was.

    Luckily, Utami won her match and did so by delivering a smothered mate to Maria. For those who don't know, a smothered mate occurs when you checkmate with just the knight. I definitely wanted to have a smothered mate in the series due to how satisfying it is to pull off. As for Maria, she's the only remaining member of the college girl group that hasn't got a bio yet so let's remedy that.

    マリア・ヴィクシュタウチュチー (Maria Wykształciuchy) is how her name is spelled in kanji. A fun fact is that all the college girls have surnames that are derivatives of "egghead" in other cultures.

    Her birthday is August 1st. I chose this date at random so there's no real significance behind why this date is her birthday, though it could be argued that since it is the first day of the month, it relates to Maria thinking she's the smartest in the world. Same for Mona and Abigail who have a birthday on the first day of the month.

    Her favorite piece is the queen, mainly because she views herself as a queen.

    At this point, the worst that could happen to the chess club is them drawing the team event and Yuusuke and Numakawa being subjected to the mini-punishments. If Numakawa wins, the group gets a free trip to London and can even skip the 12 hour flight. Of course, that's only if Numakawa can win.

    While I tend not to spoil future chapters, I'll do so here and reveal that the game in the next chapter will feature a Coca-Cola gambit. Yeah, it's going to be shit, and is already on my list for my top 5 least favorite games in the series.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 17, 2024

    Author's Commentary #67:

    Time to talk about Chapter 67: An Olympic dinner celebration.
    This chapter's main purpose is to introduce the other members of the Ginkawa family, notably Emeri, Madoka's cousin. While Emeri is currently unaware that she is a Ginakwa by blood in this series, she is nonetheless close with Madoka as her family tends to vist hers frequently. As for why she doesn't know she's a Ginkawa, her mother Eika, who's Harumi's sister and Gozaemon's daughter, left the family in order to make a name for herself without the family's influence looming over her. Speaking of which, let's give the bios for all the new characters starting with Emeri.

    倉守 英芽里 (Kuramori Emeri) is how her name is spalled in kanji. 英芽里 means "excellence", "sprout", and "village" , but can also mean "beautiful" which Emeri certainly is. 倉守 means "warehouse" and "protect".

    Her birthday is July 25th. I chose this date at random so there's no greater significance behind why I chose this date to be her birthday.

    Her favorite food is unadon. Like Madoka and Yuni, she is one of the main characters of Escape Witch. Now only Serika has yet to appear in Spice of life, and I can guarantee she will.

    倉守 功気 (Kuramori Koki) is how Koki's name is spelled in kanji. 功気 means "achievement" and "energy" which is fitting considering he's a massive jock.

    His birthday is April 6th which was the day of the opening of the first modern Olympic games which was held in Athens, Greece in 1896.

    His favorite food is protein shakes. He actually used to have red hair but lasered all of it off in order to improve his times. Emeri got both her hair and eyes from him.

    倉守 栄華 (Kuramori Eika) is how Eika's name is spelled in kanji. 栄華 means "glory" and "flower".

    Her birthday is December 22nd. This date was partially chosen at random, though I made sure that her birthday was during Winter. Since this won't even be brought up properly in Spice of life, I'll reveal that Eika's original name was Akina and spelled as 秋奈 in kanji.
    秋奈 means "Fall" and "fruit tree". All the children of Gozaemon are named after seasons though ironically were each born in the season following the one they were named after. Since she's a Ginkawa by blood, her hair is naturally silver, however, she dyes it red.

    Like Koki, her favorite food is protein shakes.

    倉守 惠利砂 (Kuramori Eriza) is how Eriza's name is spelled in kanji. 惠利砂 means "kindness", "advantage", and "sand".

    Her birthday is July 5th which was the day of the opening ceremony of the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, France.

    Her favorite food is kale protein smoothies. Despite her young age, she's brimming with talent and got all her parent's athletic genes and then some. Her hair is naturally red like her sister, however, she bares the Ginkawa's trademark lapis lazuli colored eyes.

    As for the twins, 銀川 織美亜 (Ginkawa Oribia) and
    銀川 織世 (Ginkawa Orise) are how their names are written in kanji. 織世 means "weave" and "generation" while 織美亜 means "weave", "beautiful", and "second".

    Their birthday is April 4th. The reason I chose the date was because 2 squared is 4, and because 4 is considered an unlucky number in Japanese culture. This is fitting since the twins tend to embody the dark side of the Ginkawa family. Orise is the older one and therefore would have been the one to be the next head of the family had Harumi not decided to make Madoka her successor.

    Their favorite food is caviar.

    Finally, there's the current head of the Ginkawa family, primarily in title only, Gozaemon Ginkawa. He used to be much stricter, but has mellowed out in recent years.

    銀川 五左衛門 (Ginkawa Gozaemon) is how Gozaemon's name is written in kanji. 五左衛門 means "five", "left", "protect", and "door".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    His birthday is May 5th. I chose this date for him mainly due to his affinity for the number 5. In fact, 5 is his lucky number.

    His favorite food is candied apples.

    While some characters like Gozaemon and the twins won't have many more appearances in the story, I at least wanted them to be prominently featured in at least one chapter.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jun 16, 2024

    Author's Commentary #114:

    Time to talk about Chapter 114: Farm fresh fried liver.
    For those who don't know, the Fried liver attack is one of the first things new chess players learn. It's a good move for beginners, but naturally it's not as viable at higher levels of play.

    I definitely wanted to include at least one game featuring it though which is why I had Rodeo play it in this game. Rodeo's a beginner so the move was perfect for someone like him to use, not to mention his opponent was a rookie too. Speaking of which, here's Abby's bio. I'll also do Mona's bio too since her match occurred off-screen.

    アビゲイル・ボフィン (Abigail Boffin) is how her name is spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is June 1st. I chose this day at random so there's no real significance behind why this day is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop because she thinks they're strong.

    モナ・アテル (Mona Atel) is how Mona's name is spelled in katakana.

    Her birthday is March 1st. I chose this date at random so there's no real significance behind why this day is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the rook, mainly due to it's endgame value.

    The Zago and Azenira matches being off-screened was mainly due to my "if this gets a video game adaptation, this will happen in it" mentality. A cool thing I want to be in the game is that the opponent would change depending on who the player chose. For example, Zago would play Olga while Azenira would play Mona. Whenever I go into video game adaptation mentality, I tend to think up some intriguing ideas for the series. The most recent one being the way to implement a certain character from one of my other works into the story. I won't reveal who that is, but when they make they're debut, I'll be sure to talk about it then.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster