Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Jun 24, 2024

    Author's Commentary #74:

    Time to talk about Chapter 74: Gaming with Masaru.
    This is a remake original chapter though I ended up including it in the original Spice of life as a bonus chapter. It's essentially a nice slice of life chapter featuring Masaru and Itsuki getting introduced to gaming

    Masaru naturally complains about the cooking game and believes it's an insult to cooking. Gorman Randy is obviously a parody of Gordan Ramsay. He actually appeared in the original and was originally the one to challenge Makihara to a funnel cake cook-off. Here, he makes a cameo as a game character, though he might make another cameo again in the series.

    ゴーマン・ランディ (Gorman Randy) is how his name is spelled in katakana. While he's obviously a Gordan Ramsay parody, he's also a reference to the Gorman brothers from The Legend of Zelda series.

    His birthday is November 8th, which he shares with Gordan Ramsay.

    His favorite food is Shepherd's pie.

    As for Itsuki, she had never played a video game before due to her sheltered life growing up. When she did play, she quickly became addicted and is surprisingly good at arcade shooters. She returns to normal after being separated from the arcade machine for 5 minutes, but her gamer persona returns the moment she sits back down at it. Once she's at the arcade, it's hard to get her away from it, meaning it usually falls on Rika to drag her away since she's physically the strongest of everyone at Ryokoma. Not to mention, she's fully to blame for unleashing gamer Itsuki upon the world.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jun 23, 2024

    Author's Commentary #121:

    Time to talk about Chapter 121: Sorcha's angst.
    I originally planned for this to simply be an intro chapter for Sir Grobhand, but decided to give a bit more character development to Sorcha. Then before I knew it, I was making a Life stream reference. I'll confirm that while Leona and Astrid's videos are viewable from this universe, they actually exist in a different universe. Muramasa Jouzu's the one who makes it possible for Leona and Astrid's videos to be viewable in other universes. Anyway, let's talk a bit more about Sir Grobhand and Muirchertach.

    ミュルヒェルタッハ・グラス (Muirchertach Glas) is how Muirchertach's name is spelled in katakana. He's currently the taoiseach of Ireland and has always had a large influence in Irish politics for years. He's a greedy man and also a Desperado.

    His birthday is July 14th. Like Sorcha, I wanted him to have a July birthday and the 14th of July worked well because 14 is 7 times 2.

    His favorite piece is the king. Mainly because he thinks the king is the most powerful piece on and off the board.

    グロブハンド卿 (Sir Grobhand) is how Sir Grobhand's name is written in Japanese. As per his name, his favorite move to play is the Grob opening. And if he's playing black, he'll always play the Borg defense unless he can play a Double Grob. I think we know who's going to face this idiot.

    His birthday is April 3rd, which is the day Monty Python and the Holy Grail was released. This is fitting since he's largely inspired by the film.

    His favorite piece is the knight, obviously since he himself is a knight.

    The next battle could allow Mimoko and co to return home, however, Muirchertach is a crafty man, and him showing up with Sir Grobhand does feel a bit too convenient.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 21, 2024

    Author's Commentary #119:

    Time to talk about Chapter 119: The Irish gambit.
    The game has started and feels like it was ripped straight out of a video game, especially with the tutorial grunt. Though the difficulty spikes as soon as Sorcha enters the fray. Before I do her bio, I first want to do Bette's and Vittoria's.

    ベティ・オラニエ (Bette Oranje) is how Bette's name is spelled in kanji. Her last name is actually Dutch for "orange", which is fitting considering orange is the national color of the Netherlands and Bette is Dutch.

    Her birthday is November 3rd. I chose this date at random so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop, simply because she prefers to control the diagonals above all else.

    ヴィットーリア・ジャッロ (Vittoria Giallo) is how Vittoria's name is spelled in katakana. Her surname is actually Italian for "yellow", and she's Italian.

    Her birthday is December 10th. I chose this date at random so there's no greater significance behind why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite piece is the bishop, mainly because she likes to fianchetto.

    ソルチャ・グラス (Sorcha Glas) is how Sorcha's name is spelled in katakana. Her surname is Irish for "green" and she hails from Ireland. Sorcha can essentially be summed up as Irish onee-san. She's also fluent in Irish as shown in the chapter. I'd argue that she's also inspired a bit by Mercedes von Martritz from Fire Emblem Three Houses, who also is an onee-san type character.

    Her birthday is July 7th, mainly because 7 is a lucky number. Her rating is also 777 in reference to the "luck of the Irish" saying.

    Her favorite piece is the pawn, mainly because she thinks they look cute.

    As for the game, the Irish gambit is not the greatest of gambits, at least not the one shown in this chapter. There is actually a second kind of Irish gambit, which will be showcased when Mimoko challenges Sorcha next chapter. Carol's rating did go up after beating Jekyll, but she's still a rookie-level player which is why she lost to Sorcha. Mimoko will probably beat Sorcha though.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Jun 21, 2024

    Author's Commentary #71:

    Time to talk about Chapter 71: The one Rika hates more than anyone.
    As stated in the previous commentary, this was originally meant to be the point in the story where Masaru would learn about Rika's past. However, I modified things in the remake, though despite him already knowing of Rika's past, the chapter is otherwise almost identical to the original.

    One major change though is the fact that Reika is physically present at the gathering. In the original, she was sent away overseas and had her assistant attend the meeting dressed as her. I decided to rewrite Reika's role in the remake though which is why she's introduced much later in the story compared to the original, though her initial interaction with Rika will be very similar to how it was in the original. Now let's talk about Reika as well as Zerin.

    湯詰 怜佳 (Yuzume Reika) is how her name is spelled in kanji. Her first name, 怜佳, means "wise" and "beautiful", which is fitting since she was one of the smartest characters in the series. Her surname, 湯詰, means "hot spring" and "investigate".

    Her birthday is January 5th which is also the date the first chapter of Detective Conan released.

    Her favorite food will be revealed in the upcoming chapters, however, if you read the Escape Witch remake, you'll know what her favorite food is. Rest assured, I'll properly reveal her favorite food when it's mentioned two chapters from now.

    中山 是林 (Nakayama Zerin) is how her name is spelled in kanji. 是林 means "correct" and "forest" while 中山 means "inside" and "mountain".
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    Her birthday is March 4th. I chose the date at random so there's no significance as to why this date is her birthday.

    Her favorite food is coffee.

    Zerin is easily one of my most hated characters. She's an Ookuma fanatic and seeks to reshape the country to match Ookuma's vision of it. Like Reika, she originates from Escape Witch.

    This chapter also gives a taste of how Ookuma truly works. She's a ruthless woman that will do whatever it takes to get her way. Though the next chapter will truly show how vile and irredeemable she can truly be.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Jun 20, 2024

    Author's Commentary #118:

    Time to talk about Chapter 118: The Fairy chess league.
    The focus is back on Mimoko and co, though the spotlight is quickly stolen from them by the Fairy chess league. The fairy chess league is a fairly large league that seeks to make fairy chess variants like Capablanca chess, the default version of chess. They are led by the infamous Heather Fairy.

    ヘザー・フェアリー (Heather Fairy) is how her name is spelled in kanji.

    Her birthday is March 12th which she shares with Rikuhachima Aru from Blue Archive. The reason for this is because her character was inspired by Aru.

    Her favorite piece is the empress, a fairy chess piece that moves like a rook and knight. Of the normal chess pieces though, her favorite would be the queen since she's queen of the fairies.

    While she is the leader and supposedly the strongest member in the Fairy league, she's an idiot. Not Numakawa level idiot, but still a lovable idiot. Her second in command, Scharlachrot tends to be the one who calls the shots. Schalachrot's been close with Heather for years, and tends to tease her a lot. Speaking of which, let's do her bio as well.

    シャルラッハロット・カルメジンロート (Scharlachrot Karmesinrot) is how Scharlachrot's name is spelled in katakana. Her name is actually German for Scarlet with her last name being German for Crimson. Thus, her name is essentially Scarlet Crimson. She hails from Germany and is the head of the Fairy league's grunt army. I feel her character came to be due to me watching Youjo Senki. Though funnily enough, she isn't directly inspired by any specific character from that series. In fact, she's more heavily inspired by Asagi Mutsuki from Blue Archive.

    Her birthday is July 29th which she shares with Asagi Mutsuki from Blue Archive.

    Her favorite piece is the amazon, a fairy chess piece that combines the movements of a knight and queen. In terms of regular chess pieces, her favorite would be the queen due to it's pow

    One thing I'll point out is that all the executives in the fairy league are themed after a specific color in the rainbow. This is made far more apparent by their character designs. The executives also hail from various European countries and as such, their names tend to be native names from their respective languages. Heather is the only one that doesn't have her name include a color, though her color theme is pink like the Fairy league foot soldiers. She also hails from England and is currently the Prime minister, though is likely being manipulated by someone in the shadows.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]