Steward McOy

Steward McOy

Hobbyist writer, attempting to improve. Criticism welcome.

registered at: Jun 26, 2021
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2022
    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Nov 06, 2023

    To:Pope Evaristus

    Glad to hear it. I was mainly worried that if I ended up extrapolating based on what you wrote, I could end up making comments that seemed more like a commentary on you, or things in your real life. Kinda like an unwelcome psychoanalysis over the internet.

    And yes, the feels ride was about Fran, mostly. I don't know if I can describe this well enough. In terms of appearance alone, Melissa looks like a healthier, more successful Lucille, right? On the surface, nbd. Fran has a type, this is just her finding someone else who fits the mold.

    But there's also another possibility, that she never quite got over whatever feelings she had for Lucille, even if it was just a small crush. I've suffered through enough lower-upper or upper-middle class dinner parties with new graduates to pick up on two distinct reasons for humbleness in a new career. Either they truly are humble, or they feel trapped on a trajectory, and that trajectory feels hollow.

    It's not too surprising. Sure, they had to study hard to get into a top university, but they had all the resources provided to them, especially if they were legacy admissions. They never got to choose their own path. It was cleared ahead of them by their parents. And now they're seeing the next part of the cycle. They'll work in a soulless job where they make more money and receive more accolades than they deserve, or at least more than people lower in the ladder. But the job doesn't bring them joy, it just brings them money and security, which they'll be expected to use to pave the path for the next generation, like their parents did for them. Even a lot of their interpersonal relationships feel fake, born of economic networking more than genuine feeling.

    And then Fran comes back to East Eden and sees Lucille. Maybe she's not really seeing the real Lucille, but the memory of that car ride where she truly felt alive for the first time, and she wants that feeling back. Maybe not enough to try to pressure Lucille into anything, but to realize she wants to break away from the life Melissa has envisioned for the two of them. And Melissa isn't dumb. She can put enough together to at least figure out that reconnecting with her high school friends/bullies probably played a part in this, especially since Lucille is also Fran's type.

    Just East of Eden Title Page
    Just East of Eden

    Nov 05, 2023

    Oh wow, it's getting very meta. To the point where I'm not even sure what to say about parts of it. How deep does the meta hole go? Are these your genuine feelings, or is there enough separation between you, the author of Letter from Yokohama, and Lucille, author of the fictional Letter of Yokohama starring Jess and Luigina? I don't want to attempt a literature analysis end end up analyzing your life instead.

    If you told me that this doesn't have much to do with how you really feel, and Lucille is a separate character, and this is all just for the story, I'd believe you. I have no doubt you could pull that off. And especially since you're publishing it publicly, I suspect it's not an issue, but not knowing for sure, and given the similarities, I'd rather be safe than risk saying something insensitive. Reading your writing has been a very positive experience for me. I hope writing it has been a net positive for you.

    But, well, the parts I do feel safe commenting on.

    I bet Lucille thought she was very clever renaming East Eden to Nod. Only about two billion people in the world would get that reference.

    The writing struggles were very relatable. That feeling when you keep trying to get the next line right, and nothing seems to work, and you keep deleting it and trying again, it's super frustrating! And, not to make this about me, but the line about not finishing the one-shot because she doesn't care for the genre, that almost felt like you were talking about me and Enchanted by a Witch.

    I thought I had made peace with it months ago when work forced me to finish it up early anyway, but if I'm being completely honest, the announcement of the finalists reminded me it exists, reminded me of how I felt while writing it, the discussions I had with people about it, etc., and it brought up some feelings I thought I was over.

    Anyway, the vision quest was very well-written. I chuckled at Lucille thinking it could be the melatonin of all things. I guess one of the side effects is strange dreams, but I mean, given recent history, it's probably a psychedelic flashback, right?

    Whatever the case, the two Lucilles being in sync was a nice, funny touch, but I was definitely right when I said I might be in for a bumpy feels ride, even if not for the reasons I guessed.

    Just East of Eden Title Page
    Just East of Eden