Mario Nakano 64

Mario Nakano 64

It's a me. I'm an aspiring light novel writer hoping to one day see my works in anime form. I hope that my works at least brighten up your day and give you something to look forward to.

registered at: Jun 30, 2023
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    Apr 14, 2024


    Thanks for checking this out.

    To answer your question, this was written back in early December. There were two reasons it came to be. The first, was that I decided to submit Spice of Life to a contest, and the second was that I didn't like the pacing of the original. However, it was so far along, that I decided that editing it all would be harder than just rewriting from scratch. Once I completed the remake in late January and submitted it, I was not allowed to post it as per contest rules, but since it didn't pass the 1st round of judging, I decided to post it. As such, the story is complete and I don't have to worry about writing new chapters.

    I guess that ties into how I can upload so much at a time. The main reason for that being my backlog. I tend to build up at least a few weeks of backlog so I can upload on a frequent basis without having to worry about writing new chapters constantly.

    Of course, I can only build up a backlog if I have the inspiration to write something, which isn't always present. Though now that I'm uploading all of this, I've got a large enough backlog to last a few months, and that's just counting this novel. I've already got a sizeable backlog for my other ongoing series, En Passant Grandmaster, as well as a fully written remake of one of my other novels that I'm sitting on.

    Funnily enough, one of the authors I take inspiration from is Hiro Mashima, who is known for churning out tons of works. I don't know his secret, so all I can say is build up a massive backlog, and then all you have to worry about is uploading everything.

    As for the author commentaries, it's something I've been wanting to do for a while. As such, I've also started doing it on En Passant Grandmaster, and funnily enough, find myself spending more time on them than on writing a new chapter. Good thing I've got a backlog.😅

    Once again, thanks for checking this story out. I hope you enjoy it.😁

    Spice of life [Remake] cover
    Spice of life [Remake]

    Apr 14, 2024

    Author's Commentary #11:

    Time to talk about Chapter 11: DESPER
    That means, we're discussing the DESPERs. There are still many mysteries surrounding them, so I won't divulge too much about them. Rather, I'll clarify some things about them.
    First, they can't be used against fellow Desperado league members or DESPER holders. A Desperado can however activate their DESPER in order to allow a lower-rated teammate to challenge someone.

    DESPER holders can also force people into matches they aren't participating in so long as they have the highest rating amongst everyone. However, the one that activated the DESPER will not be dragged into any wagers if they themselves aren't playing. If they try to, the DESPER will simply tell them the request is invalid.

    DESPERs can also force people with the exact same rating as the DESPER holder into a battle. Due to it being so structured around ratings, it is required to be a WWCF member and have a proper rating in order to wield one.

    One final thing I'll mention is that the DESPERs are surprisingly very fair. They completely prevent cheating which is why the WWCF allows the use of them. Had Cypress activated his DESPER after knocking out Iori, it wouldn't have triggered due to Cypress having an overwhelming advantage. However, it isn't perfect as Cypress was clearly able to find a loophole by activating the DESPER before he knocked out Iori.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Apr 14, 2024

    Author's Commentary #8:

    This time, we're discussing Chapter 8: Blitzkrieg.
    The first thing I want to address is the bit about the ratings. I actually added that part in because in real life, classic, rapid, and blitz are the three main ratings chess players can get. Each is at a different time control with classic being 90 minutes or more, rapid being anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes, and blitz being 10 minutes or less. There are faster forms of chess like bullet and Armageddon, but I don't think there are specific ratings for those two, at least not on as far as I'm aware.

    This is also the first time I'm attempting to have two games take place simultaneously. While I think it worked well for these two games, it's unlikely you'll see this format in the future

    Now onto Dr. Zanni. Obviously, he takes inspiration from Kira Yoshikage of Jojo's bizarre adventures. He stands at 213 cm, which is just under 7 ft. The mask he wears is known as a zanni mask, which is also where he gets his namesake from. This type of mask is worn by the zanni, a servant and trickster type character from Commedia dell'arte (Itallian comedy).
    He did once have a medical license, but it was revoked as soon as he started murdering people. After joining up with Gyro, he opened a pub which he primarily used as a means to hunt for targets to force into underground chess matches. Though despite that, he's actually a decent bartender. As for why he enjoys collecting skeleton arms, that will be explained later.

    His full name is actually Arlecchino Zanni with the katakana for his name being
    ドクター・ザンニ (アルレッキーノ・ザンニ) (Dr. Zanni (Arlecchino Zanni). Funnily enough, Arlecchino is Italian for Harlequin.

    He shares his birthday, January 30th, with Kira Yoshikage from Jojo's bizarre adventures.

    Finally, his favorite piece is the pawn. The reason for that is that he believes they are the most unified of all the pieces due to their strength in numbers.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Apr 12, 2024

    Author's Commentary #5:

    This time, we're discussing Chapter 5: Delusions of grandeur.
    This chapter primarily serves as an introduction to the main villain of season 1, Gyro (Gunther Gunnerson). He primarily came to be because I thought a villain that had toy gyroscopes spinning atop them would be cool.

    Originally, June 5th was his birthday, however, I changed it to March 11th, which is the birthday of Gunnar Gundersen, who was an Australian chess master as well as the one who played the game with the en passant checkmate that served as a reference point for the game in chapter 1. Gyro's name was undeniably inspired by Gundersen's which led me to change the birthday. Though that isn't the only thing that's changed about Gyro. His rating, which was initially 2459 was increased to 2559. The reason for that is because I wanted him to feel more like a threat as I felt his original rating was too low and too close to Okisato's rating of 2434.

    Since his name isn't Japanese, there is no kanji for it. However, I believe ジャイロ (ギュンター・ガナーソン) (Gyro (Gunther Gunnerson)) is how it would be spelled in katakana.

    As for his favorite piece on the board, it is none other than the bishop. Like Yuusuke, he believes it is one of the more versatile pieces on the board, though knights are a close second for him.

    Finally, let's discuss the game featured in this chapter. Like chapter 3's game, it was conceived by playing a bot on In short, the principal sucks, though to be fair, he made some decent moves, likely thanks to Gyro's teachings. Other than that, there really isn't much else to say about the game itself.
    One thing I will clarify is that DESPERs don't need to be out in the open when they activate, which was why Gyro was able to activate his from his pocket.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster

    Apr 12, 2024

    Author's Commentary #4:

    Time to discuss Chapter 4: Fool's mate.
    First off the fool's mate. Yeah, Iori totally did that for the lols. Speaking of which, Iori is a streamer with over 4 million subscribers on her channel. She tends to be very edgy and raunchy in terms of what she streams. Despite her solid streaming career, her financial situation isn't the most stable and she lives alone. She's been friends with Mimoko since middle school though but only picked up chess after becoming a streamer. Her rating however is just 500 which signifies she's a rookie when it comes to chess.

    As for Iori's name, the kanji is as follows, 石切所 依央莉 (Ishikiridokoro Iori).
    First off, her first name 依央莉, translates to "dependent", "center", and "jasmine". It can also mean "beauty" and Iori certainly is beautiful, but I actually chose it more due to it also meaning "to trust in".
    As for her last name, 石切所, I wanted it to be noteworthy primarily in how it sounded, since Iori's whole shtick is standing out. It translates to "stone", "cut", and "place". It can also mean "to be enthusiastic" which Iori certainly is, as well as "worthless" which is what her detractors think she is.
    (If I made any mistakes with the translations, feel free to correct me).

    To my knowledge, she doesn't share a birthday with any notable chess players, though her birthday is notable since it's April 1st, which is April fool's day.

    Finally, as stated in her character bio, her favorite piece is the knight. The reason for that is because she likes how chaotic the knight's movement is.

    That's all for this commentary. I hope you enjoyed it.

    En Passant Grandmaster Season 3 cover
    En Passant Grandmaster